
Today, there are several examples of cloud computing applications used by both businesses and individuals. One type of cloud service would be streaming platforms for audio or video, where the actual media files are stored remotely. Another would be data storage platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, or Box.

Anecdotal Evidence

What Is Anecdotal Evidence? Marketing Cheats That Tricks You!

Anecdotal evidence is evidence from anecdotes: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony. The term is sometimes used in a legal context to describe certain kinds of testimony which are uncorroborated by objective, independent evidence such as notarized documentation, photographs, audio-visual recordings, etc.
Read MoreWhat Is Anecdotal Evidence? Marketing Cheats That Tricks You!
How Pocket Works

How Pocket Works | The No #1 App To Save, Read & Grow

Pocket is a free service that makes it easy to discover great content that’s personalized to your interests. Allowing you to save this content so that you can return to it later – on any device, at any time. It’s your one-stop destination for reading engaging content, catching up on your favorite blogs and news sources, and watching videos that you discovered but weren’t in the right place to watch.
Read MoreHow Pocket Works | The No #1 App To Save, Read & Grow
The Power of Social Media Networks

How Social Media Power Works In Marketing & Best Tools

When it comes to marketing, the true Social Media Power as a tool is its influence. Social Media provides an avenue for companies to not only engage with their customers but also influence them. Particularly, with the right content that helps them make a decision. Unfortunately, many companies are not leveraging the power of social media to the best of their capabilities.
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What Are Cryptocurrencies?

How Cryptocurrencies Are Being Influenced By Social Media

Notably, social media and other media outlets can cause the price of Cryptocurrencies to fluctuate, for better or for worse. Bearing in mind, trending news about a large digital currency exchange hack can cause a significant drop in digital currency value. For example, when Hong Kong-based exchange Bitfinex was hacked, Bitcoin's value dropped 20 percent.
Read MoreHow Cryptocurrencies Are Being Influenced By Social Media