What Is World Wide Web (WWW)?

World Wide Web (WWW) | How The Internet Protocols Work

Typically, whenever most of us are talking about the "Internet Protocols ", we're simply talking about a very specific part of the Internet. And that's the World Wide Web (aka WWW, or simply, the Web). The World Wide Web (WWW), which is also known as a Web, is a collection of websites or web pages stored in web servers and connected to local computers through the internet.
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Alcohol Abuse Health Risk Factors

Alcohol Abuse | The Main Health Risks That You Should Know About

Alcohol Abuse is a major cause of preventable liver disease worldwide, and alcoholic liver disease is the main alcohol-related chronic medical illness. Whereby, millions of men and women of all ages, from adolescents to the elderly, engage in unhealthy drinking. Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) reportedly most often affects young men (aged 18–24 years) of lower socioeconomic status.
Read MoreAlcohol Abuse | The Main Health Risks That You Should Know About