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Web Query Parameter

Web Query Parameter | What Is The Destination Targeting?

As a definition, the web query parameter is a set of instructions that defines two substrings. For example, the “contains” and “does not contain” subject substring containment. Whereas the “contains” match the type – also known as a “substring match.” This allows you to target any occurrence of a substring with a longer string in regards to your website URLs.

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Beginners Guide

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tips For High SERPs Ranking

Search Engine Optimization (in short SEO) is a marketing discipline focused on growing organic site visibility in the search engine results page (in short SERPs). Unlike PPC marketing, this form of marketing does not incur any payments unless when consulting with an SEO expert. When it comes to the best SEO tactics, this is any activity that helps you improve your ranking on search engines such as Google, Bing, and others.

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Receding Gums

Receding Gums | Causes, Symptoms, Risks & Treatment Methods

Receding gums becomes a health concern when the roots of the teeth become exposed, leaving the teeth at risk of decay, infection, and loss. Whereby, gums become pushed back or wear away. Exposing the pink tissue that covers the roots of the teeth. Gums might also recede around a tooth if it is in an abnormal position. But if treatment is started at an early stage, it can stop or reverse the process of gum recession.

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