What is Menstruation? Period Facts You Should Know About

Menstruation is a normal process that females undergo hormonal changes. Whereas, their bodies prepare for a potential pregnancy. Not to mention, a woman would experience various symptoms as an indication of the start of her menstruation period/cycle.

Although everyone has gone through the process of puberty regardless of gender, the transition is different between girls and boys. In girls, entering puberty would mean having the monthly period wherein blood comes out through a girl’s vagina.

What Is Menstruation?

Menstruation — aka having your period — is when blood and tissue from your uterus come out of your vagina. It usually happens every month. Menstruation can be unpredictable which would lead to possible future frustrations.

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So, you should prepare yourself, through knowledge and the right menstrual utilities to avoid complications and problems. Your menstrual cycle helps your body prepare for pregnancy every month.

It also makes you have a period if you’re not pregnant. Your menstrual cycle and period are controlled by hormones like estrogen and progesteroneYou have 2 ovaries, and each one holds a bunch of eggs. And these eggs are super tiny — too small to see with the naked eye.

What Is The Menstruation Cycle? 

During your menstrual cycle, hormones make the eggs in your ovaries mature — when an egg is mature, that means it’s ready to be fertilized by a sperm cell. These hormones also make the lining of your uterus thick and spongy.

So, if your egg does get fertilized, it has a nice cushy place to land and start a pregnancy. This lining is made of tissue and blood, like almost everything else inside our bodies. It has lots of nutrients to help a pregnancy grow.

Notably, Menstruation Cycle can start as early as the age of 10 or as late as 16, and that is normal. During the time of puberty, a girl’s body begins to produce a new set of hormones that are responsible for sending signals out to her body to prepare for pregnancy every month.

During this period, your hormone levels will fluctuate. In particular, affecting your mood and energy level and symptoms will occur like mood swings, cravings, menstrual cramps, and other menstrual symptoms.

Period and PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

The length of a woman’s menstrual cycle is different from one woman to another, which can vary from 23 to 35 days. So, if your friend’s menstruation length is short and yours is longer, you should not worry about it since it is all normal.

Menstruation Exercises

Also, know that not all the menstrual cycle is regular. Thus, an irregular period is still normal, not unless there are symptoms that would show otherwise.

By doing these, you can rest assured that you will be able to alleviate the symptoms. If the symptoms persist, then maybe it is time to consult your doctor.

It’s important to realize, premenstrual syndrome is a symptom that a woman may have to deal with days before her actual period. Whereas, you may notice headaches, mood swings, bloating, cramps, tender breasts, and emotional changes during this time.

Related Topic: First Time Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know

In reality, there is about 85 percent of women experience premenstrual syndrome. And also, there are a few that have more severe symptoms to the point of work or personal relationship disruption.

Preferably, this is known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD. If you are wondering how you will deal with this, then here are some tips to help you alleviate the symptoms.

Some tips include:
  • Exercising
  • Small and frequent meals
  • Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and sweets
  • Calcium supplements
  • Stress management

Menstruation Periods Change throughout Your Life

The period in your 20s will not be the same as your period in the 30s and 40s. Maybe you have started to feel like you can now predict your period and its symptoms, but unfortunately, it does not remain the same throughout your life, what a bummer.

So why do these changes happen? Well, for once it is due to your age and hormone changes. Like the perimenopause that would occur during your mid to late ’40s wherein this phase indicates that you are nearing a closure with your menstruation.

Perimenopause happens years before menopause happens. During this period, your body starts to produce less estrogen and can make your period shorter or longer, and have heavier or lighter bleeding, talk about unpredictability at its best, right?

Your Menstrual Kit

Do you think that tampons and pads are your only choices? Think again. Widen up your knowledge because you have more options to help you manage your period. And as an example, it would be menstrual cups like the DaisyCup.

However, for starters, menstrual cups are those flexible cups that could fit inside your vagina. Generally speaking, collecting the blood during the period.

Your tampons or pads may make you feel uncomfortable, but with menstrual cups, you will feel like you are not wearing any menstrual tool at all. What’s more, is that this product is a cost-saver since it can be reused for 2-4 years or a max of 10 years


Your period will be present in your life until your late 40’s, which is why it is necessary for you to know a lot about the menstruation cycle.

Above all, so that you can cater to your needs and be prepared for any complications during this time. Remember, if you think that there’s something unusual with your period, do not delay your checkup and go to your doctor. All in all, below are more useful and related topic links.

Useful Links:
  1. Periodontitis Symptoms & Causes
  2. 6 Ways to Keep Your Gums Healthy
  3. Daisy Menstrual Cup: Your Period
  4. Hello Clue: The menstrual cycle: more than just your period
  5. Wiki How: How to Deal with a Period in Elementary School

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