How To

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MilesWeb Web Hosting Company

MilesWeb’s Reseller Hosting Review

MilesWeb is a comprehensive and dynamic web hosting company that was established in the year 2012. Founders Deepak Kori, Chetan Mahale & Chinmay Dingore had a clear aim — to deliver quality services round the clock at affordable prices. They have extensive experience and knowledge about the web hosting industry and are ready to set a dynamic tech revolution.

Read MoreMilesWeb’s Reseller Hosting Review
What Is Online Marketplace?

How Online Marketplace Works | 8 Top Marketer Strategies

According to Alibaba, an online marketplace is a website that brings together online sellers and buyers. Think, Walmart, Etsy, Amazon, eBay, or even Facebook. Online sellers can sign up to an online platform such as so easily. And then, set up a business account to create a virtual shop floor and list their entire product range online.

Read MoreHow Online Marketplace Works | 8 Top Marketer Strategies
How Brand Name Trademarking Is Done

Brand Name Trademarking | The Steps To Register Your Company

On the one hand, brand name trademarking protects certain kinds of intellectual properties. Whereas it can apply to any unique symbol, name, device or word that simply identifies a company or product. On the other hand, smart business people instinctively understand the benefit of finding a name for their business. Especially that which has the highest potential to develop into a brand name.

Read MoreBrand Name Trademarking | The Steps To Register Your Company