The Role of SEO Specialists

SEO Specialists | What A Web Content Auditing Job Entails

Technically, the main duty of SEO Specialists (aka Search Engine Optimization or SEO Webmasters) is to test, analyze, and make changes to any website — that of the clients or even their own. So that it's well optimized for search engines. And, more so, making sure that the website subsequently ranks higher in the major SERPs like Google and Bing.
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Website Design & Development

Website Design & Development | The Steps For Novice Webster

What is the difference between a web designer and a web developer? In the early days of the web, the answer to that question was simple: designers design and developers code. Today that question requires a little more nuance–you’d be hard-pressed to find a web designer who didn’t know at least a little HTML and CSS, and you won’t have to look far for a front-end web developer who can whip up a storyboard.
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CPU Processor

Central Processing Unit (CPU Processor) | The Best Hardware Types

A Central Processor, or CPU Processor, is arguably the most important component of any computing device. It handles basic instructions and allocates the more complicated tasks to other specific chips to get them to do what they do best. It’s the core of your PC, smartphone, or tablet. and it’s what makes the whole device run as it should.
Read MoreCentral Processing Unit (CPU Processor) | The Best Hardware Types