Lemonade Juice | Simple Steps To Make Homemade Recipes

Lemonade Juice
Lemon Juice is simply the juice of a lemon mixed with water. It can be served hot or cold and is generally not sweetened, it all depends on your own personal preferences. Consider lemonade juice more like a sugar-sweetened drink. Commercial “real old-fashioned” lemonade is typically only about 15 percent lemon juice, similar to fruit drinks that contain a little juice and a lot of sugar water.

Cervical Cancer | Early Signs, Symptoms & Precautions

How You Know If You Have Cervical Cancer
Cervical Cancer is a type of cancer that arises in the cervix of the uterus (womb). Most notably, since cervical cancer affects the entrance to the womb, it is highly preventable. Especially,  in most Western countries because screening tests and a vaccine to prevent HPV infections are available.