Tags & Categories

BlogEngine Is An Open-Source Blogging Platform With The ASP.NET Framework

BlogEngine | ASP.NET Framework Open-Source Blogging Platform

With massive discounts on their most popular themes, BlogEngine.NET is an innovative open-source blogging platform within the ASP.NET framework. Since its inception in 2007, the platform engineers have focused on developing a platform that is simple to use, easily extendable, and features cutting-edge custom design themes that take full advantage of the latest .NET features.
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How To Add New Articles In WordPress

Steps To Add New Articles In WordPress For Beginner Bloggers

Adding new Articles In WordPress is a dynamic and empowering process that can elevate your online presence and engage your audience. By understanding the critical components of the WordPress dashboard, utilizing the block editor's rich features, and optimizing your content for search engines, you can create informative, visually appealing articles that captivate your readers.
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Why WordPress Title Headings Are Essential In Content Auditing

How To Optimize WordPress Title Headings For More Readership

WordPress Title Headings are the framework of your content. A good heading should concisely describe the content that follows. The heading level is pretty essential. For instance, H1 (heading 1) is reserved for the post or page title. In most themes, H1 is the title you give a page or post. Use headings 2, 3, and 4 to divide your content into meaningful sections, like the index of a book.
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What Are SEO-Friendly URLs? How To Structure Your Permalinks

SEO-Friendly URLs are URLs that are designed to meet the needs of users and searchers. If the URL is confusing and not clear then people will not take any interest in the website and the bounce rate will be high. The website will not even rank high in the search engine because Google also takes the URL into consideration. Specifically, URLs optimized for SEO tend to be short and keyword-rich.
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How WordPress Remote Publishing Works Using XML-RPC Support

How WordPress Remote Publishing Works With XML-RPC Interface

WordPress Remote Publishing uses XML-RPC refers to the remote procedure call (RPC) protocol or generically the use of XML for remote procedure calls. Eventually, this is where the XML-RPC support tool converts the procedure call into an XML document, sends it to a remote server using HTTP, and gets back the response as XML. WordPress support XML-RPC.
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This Is The Website Meta Tags Role

This Is The Website Meta Tags Role That Most Webmasters Miss

A website meta tag is an attribute that is associated with a group of content. It describes the content it represents as in the case of a hashtag or SEO tags that provide an overview of what an image or text is about. Tags make it easier for web users to locate curated content and view the topics on a page at a glance. You can break down your content into categories.
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Competitor Keyword Analysis Tools

Competitor Keyword Analysis Tools | 10 Best For SEO Webmasters

Whether online or offline, free, freemium, or even paid for, competitor keyword analysis tools will help you track, analyze, and learn from your topmost competitors’ strategic plans. Then, thereafter, you can use that information to fire up your marketing campaigns and win big! Okay, we realize that there are hundreds of competitor keyword analysis tools to choose from.
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