
Technology is the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way. The word technology can also mean the products resulting from such efforts, including both tangible tools such as utensils or machines, and intangible ones such as software.

Outbound Links

Outbound Links | Why They Matter In SEO Plus Tracking Steps

Basically, Outbound Links are also known as External Links. And they are links that will send your readers from your website to other sites across the internet. Commonly, they are used to verify facts, backup sources, or simply point people toward resources. In layman's terms, if another website links to you, this is considered an external link to your site. Similarly, if you link out to another website, this is also considered an external link.

Read MoreOutbound Links | Why They Matter In SEO Plus Tracking Steps

Streaming Live | Top 10 Best Live Streaming Apps To Consider

Streaming live is the broadcasting of live video to an audience over the internet. It can also be a one-on-one live video chat. Unlike pre-recorded videos that can be cut and edited, live streaming is just that – live and uncensored. All you need to be able to live stream is an internet-enabled device, like a smartphone or tablet, and a platform (such as a website or app) to broadcast on.

Read MoreStreaming Live | Top 10 Best Live Streaming Apps To Consider
What Is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud Hosting | Top #5 Benefits Plus The Best Ways To Start

Cloud Hosting is the procurement of computing resources from a cloud computing provider or facility to host data, services, and/or solutions. It’s an Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) form of a delivery model — it provides a suite of remote/virtual services. As such, these forms of the IaaS delivery models are delivered on an on-demand basis.

Read MoreCloud Hosting | Top #5 Benefits Plus The Best Ways To Start
What is Tomoson?

Tomoson | The No #1 Web Platform For Influencer Marketing

Tomoson is a platform that connects you with influencers that specialize in your niche. By teaming up with Tomoson’s influencers, you’ll be able to reach the perfect target audience in a powerful way—with the voices of people who they already like and trust. I could simply say, Tomoson — is the #1 influencer marketing platform best for scoring links, mentions, and even reviews.

Read MoreTomoson | The No #1 Web Platform For Influencer Marketing
Website Design & Development

Website Design & Development | The Steps For Novice Webster

What is the difference between a web designer and a web developer? In the early days of the web, the answer to that question was simple: designers design and developers code. Today that question requires a little more nuance–you’d be hard-pressed to find a web designer who didn’t know at least a little HTML and CSS, and you won’t have to look far for a front-end web developer who can whip up a storyboard.

Read MoreWebsite Design & Development | The Steps For Novice Webster
CPU Processor

Central Processing Unit (CPU Processor) | The Best Hardware Types

A Central Processor, or CPU Processor, is arguably the most important component of any computing device. It handles basic instructions and allocates the more complicated tasks to other specific chips to get them to do what they do best. It’s the core of your PC, smartphone, or tablet. and it’s what makes the whole device run as it should.

Read MoreCentral Processing Unit (CPU Processor) | The Best Hardware Types