
Technology is the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way. The word technology can also mean the products resulting from such efforts, including both tangible tools such as utensils or machines, and intangible ones such as software.

web design

How To Track Someone WhatsApp With Spy App | Be Advantageous

WhatsApp spy app saves all the activities of the target employees and uploads them on the web portal. You can know who is in the frequent communication tabs and about all the groups joined by the target employees. Use OgyMogy to track someone's WhatsApp account and make sure a safe communication channel especially if you are a WhatsApp business user.

Read MoreHow To Track Someone WhatsApp With Spy App | Be Advantageous
What eCommerce APIs Are All About

What Are eCommerce APIs? The Main Models, Types Plus Benefits

By definition, eCommerce APIs are tools that help developers transfer information from one software to another and then use this data in a single user interface. These APIs work as an extensible platform that integrates with various solutions. So that companies can take advantage of their existing functionality without building features from scratch.

Read MoreWhat Are eCommerce APIs? The Main Models, Types Plus Benefits
What Honeypot Is All About

Honeypot Systems | The Top Best Tools In Cyber Attacks Protection

Honeypot is a network-attached system set up as a decoy to lure cyber attackers and detect, deflect and study hacking attempts to gain unauthorized access to information systems. Its key function is to represent itself on the internet as a potential target for attackers — usually, a server or other high-value asset — and to gather information.

Read MoreHoneypot Systems | The Top Best Tools In Cyber Attacks Protection
Brooklyn Internet Service Providers Topmost Best Picks By Ranking

Brooklyn Internet Service Providers | 10 Topmost Picks By Ranking

Brooklyn Internet Service Providers are a borough of New York. And, as you already know, New York is a place of endless eateries, streets, events, and beauty. But, like in all other cities, it is also hard to find reliable and fast Brooklyn Internet Service Providers. Being one of the most populated cities in the US, the people there require access to fast internet services.

Read MoreBrooklyn Internet Service Providers | 10 Topmost Picks By Ranking