
Technology is the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way. The word technology can also mean the products resulting from such efforts, including both tangible tools such as utensils or machines, and intangible ones such as software.

Best Apps That You Can Use To Add Music To Video

The Top 8 Best Apps To Add Music To Video That You Can Use

As a creator, there are numerous apps that you can use to add music to video in your content plan. With such tools, you can add local music like MP3 and M4A to video or choose licensed music from the app's library. After adding a tune, you can edit it by trimming it to fit the video's playback duration. You'll also add texts, emojis, cinematic filters, unique effects, etc.

Read MoreThe Top 8 Best Apps To Add Music To Video That You Can Use
What Is On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO | #10 Best Practices For Website Content Audit

On-Page SEO (aka On-Page Optimization or On-Site SEO) is the practice or rather the process of maximizing the results your web content achieves from search engines query. Including improvements in rankings, organic traffic, and conversions. These existing content optimization opportunities tend to come in two scenarios though. For instance, via Keyword Research before creating the content, or content SEO Audit afterward.

Read MoreOn-Page SEO | #10 Best Practices For Website Content Audit
Google Ad Exchange (AdX) Vs Google AdSense

Google Ad Exchange (AdX) Vs Google AdSense | Publisher Guide

Google Ad Exchange (AdX) (previously known as DoubleClick Ad Exchange) is an ad exchange network. This means that it is a programmatic advertising platform, offering real-time bidding (RTB) on ad spaces to ad networks, including AdSense, agencies, and demand-side platforms. Publishers working with Google AdX have access to a larger inventory.

Read MoreGoogle Ad Exchange (AdX) Vs Google AdSense | Publisher Guide
Unleash Your Inner Collector Getting Started With NFTs

Unleash Your Inner Collector Getting Started With NFTs

To enumerate, otherwise known as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), this is a unit of data that lives on a blockchain. Each NFT has a unique identification code that can't be replicated or copied and metadata that can be linked to a variety of things to provide immutable proof of ownership. For example, the metadata can be tied to digital images, songs, videos, or avatars.

Read MoreUnleash Your Inner Collector Getting Started With NFTs
What The Future-Ready Businesses (FRBs) Entail

How Future-Ready Businesses (FRBs) Are Building For Tomorrow

Notably, Future-Ready Businesses (FRBs) have a positive attitude to change, are open to new technology, and have clear steps towards business transformation and a detailed strategy. They are also up to date with trends, and uncertainties and are very adaptable. In addition, these organizations have different ways of approaching business challenges.

Read MoreHow Future-Ready Businesses (FRBs) Are Building For Tomorrow
Steps To Make Regular Exercise Part Of A Daily Routine

Regular Exercise Benefits Plus Best Physical Fitness Plan

The very first step to include in a regular exercise—as part of your daily routine—is to consider physical activities that are the easiest, but then, actively useful. Bearing in mind, even small changes can greatly help! For example, you can try to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Or rather, walk down the hall to a coworker's office instead of sending an email.

Read MoreRegular Exercise Benefits Plus Best Physical Fitness Plan