
Our website and blog Updates segment will often contain new features, fixes for bugs and performance improvements. They will often also contain security patches and new security features, both of which it’s important to install.

Cybercrime Cost Effects, Types & Preventive Measures

Cybercrime, or computer-oriented crime, is a crime that involves a computer and a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. In that case, Cybercrimes can be defined as offenses that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals. With a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm.
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MilesWeb Shared Hosting Plans

MilesWeb Review – Best Ever Offers on Shared Hosting Plans

If you’re scouring the web for the most reliable web-based Shared Hosting Plans for your website, this is something you should read! You can host your website with a 70% discount on all shared hosting plans. Aside from receiving a 70% discount on different web hosting plans, you will also receive an additional 10% discount and a free domain with the hosting plan you choose!
Read MoreMilesWeb Review – Best Ever Offers on Shared Hosting Plans
What Is Online Marketplace?

How Online Marketplace Works | 8 Top Marketer Strategies

According to Alibaba, an online marketplace is a website that brings together online sellers and buyers. Think Alibaba.com, Walmart, Etsy, Amazon, eBay, or even Facebook. Online sellers can sign up to an online platform such as Alibaba.com so easily. And then, set up a business account to create a virtual shop floor and list their entire product range online.
Read MoreHow Online Marketplace Works | 8 Top Marketer Strategies