Website Design & Development | The Steps For Novice Webster

Website Design & Development
What is the difference between a web designer and a web developer? In the early days of the web, the answer to that question was simple: designers design and developers code. Today that question requires a little more nuance–you’d be hard-pressed to find a web designer who didn’t know at least a little HTML and CSS, and you won’t have to look far for a front-end web developer who can whip up a storyboard.

BuiltWith | Find Out What Websites Are Built With For Free!

What Is BuiltWith?
Founded in 2007, BuiltWith® is a website profiler, lead generation, competitive analysis, and business intelligence tool providing technology adoption, ecommerce data, and usage analytics for the internet. Its technology tracking includes widgets, analytics, frameworks, content management systems, advertisers, content delivery networks, web standards, web servers, etc.

Brand Campaign Slogan | How Is It Best Utilized Online?

Brand Campaign Slogan
Sometimes, simply conveying how and why your product works are enough for consumers. Showing becomes more effective than telling. Just because your product does some pretty amazing things doesn’t mean its a go. And that you need to hit your audience over the head with it. Instead, explain your product’s benefits in a relatable way. This makes consumers able to see themselves using it.

Cybercrime Cost Effects, Types & Preventive Measures

Cybercrime, or computer-oriented crime, is a crime that involves a computer and a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. In that case, Cybercrimes can be defined as offenses that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals. With a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm.

CCPA & GDPR Compliance Consent | Why Does It Matter?

What Is CCPA & GDPR Compliance?
Talking about CCPA & GDPR Compliance, under the GDPR, you must have a legal basis (e.g. consent) for collecting personal data. Under the CCPA, you must enable users to opt out of your personal information collection practices. The CCPA & GDPR Compliance Consent Notice protects any individual located inside the EU, whereas the CCPA protects California residents.