When To See A Doctor Medically Plus The Health Professionals

Professionally, when should I see a doctor, or should I go to a doctor? These are among many questions that many people ask. Of course, Yes! In our case, we prefer saying “see a doctor” because it is faster to say, and rolls off the tongue in a more pleasant way than “go to a doctor”— but they essentially mean the same thing. Since they are referring to the same noun.

It should also be considered that “go to the doctor” is a very aged phrase — we mostly use the phrase when doctors were mainly in private practice exclusively. On one side, it either could be: Go to the doctor suggesting that you already know which doctor you will be seeing. While, on the other side, when you say I want to see a doctor is less subject-specific and precise.

That aside, depending on the way health care is managed in the country and what the situation demands, both may be acceptable. In some states, it’s a very common practice to have a family doctor who you regularly “see” for your medical needs. In that case, the phrase, “Please see your doctor for any questions regarding” is applicable — the common phrase.

With that in mind, despite what you may tell yourself, major symptoms and incidents aren’t the only reasons to go see the doctor. In fact, according to 2012 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a cough is the most common reason for illness-related visits. Whatever your situation, early detection of many conditions gives better outcomes.

Why You Should Medically See A Doctor

Our health is always at our fingertips, and it’s something that you should not take lightly. That’s why besides the normal hospital visits to see a doctor medically or a professional health specialist, it’s good that you book an appointment for a thorough clinical/medical check-up. Our body may look healthy/strong, but at times, there might be an underlying issue.

That’s why anytime you undergo a medical procedure or surgery, get an immunization, or start a new medication, you should ask your doctor in advance about the known symptoms. And then, make sure that you monitor these symptoms closely. So that if anything out of the ordinary occurs, you can call the doctor’s office to see if an appointment is readily available.

A generation ago, people never had time to see their doctor for regular check-ups — not unless/only when they were sickly or dying. Today, preventative health care is becoming commonplace as people become more educated and empowered about their own health. People are preemptively seeking medical advice on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Learn More: WIBA (Work Injury Benefits Act) | An Exclusive Health Enthusiasts Overview

They are looking to lower their risk of various conditions or diseases by maintaining a healthy diet, weight, and level of physical activity. Doctors are also requesting that patients get regular check-ups to help them stay on top of their health. They are highlighting the importance of prevention, as a means to reduce the number of patients requiring medical treatment or surgery.

Luckily, in this guide, you’ll now know some of the telltale signs to note. As well as the most common symptoms that indicate it’s time to go see a professional doctor — including when your cough is bad enough to merit a visit. Keep in mind, that this list is by no means exhaustive; above all, go with your gut — if instinct tells you otherwise, it’s a good idea to seek help.

The benefits of regular check-ups include:
  • Detect potentially life-threatening health conditions or diseases early
  • Limit the risk of complications by closely monitoring existing conditions
  • Reduce your risk of getting sick, increase chances for treatment and cure
  • Reduce healthcare costs over time by avoiding costly medical services
  • Form a good partnership with the doctor so treatment can be more efficient
  • Get updated on new medical information or technologies that are available
  • Increase lifespan and improve health

In general, regular check-ups can help find potential health issues before they become a problem. When you see your doctor regularly, they are able to detect health conditions or diseases early. Early detection gives you the best chance of a cure.

While, at the same time, getting the right treatment quickly and avoiding any unforeseen medical complications. By getting the correct health services, screenings, and treatment you are taking important steps toward living a longer, healthier life.

When Should You See A Doctor Professionally?

When it comes to overall fitness health and wellness awareness, it’s a very solid topic even online to tackle blindfolded. Of course, it’s worth talking about medical issues online or with friends who can provide emotional support, yes. But, it’s also worth remembering that some are not qualified healthcare professionals and cannot always give reliable medical advice.

Someone may share the same medical issue as you, but they will have a different medical history. They will have different needs, so their medical treatment may not be the same as yours. Chatting with friends on social media sites like Facebook is no substitute for proper medical advice. Discuss any medical treatment (word of mouth) suggestions with your doctor first.

In nutshell, always make sure that you ask a doctor, pharmacist, or community health center if you have specific health or medical questions. Medical telephone helplines including the after-hours GP helpline or NURSE-ON-CALL can also be a quick way to kickstart. You’ll find reliable medical information or discuss your health issues with qualified healthcare experts.

You should clearly be able to know the difference between medical information and advertisements. Bear in mind, that some health brochures and websites are written by pharmaceutical companies or other businesses looking to sell a product or service. Thus, they may only talk about the aspects of the condition. In that case, below are a few reasons to see a doctor.

1. Persistent Cold 

To begin with, it’s not always easy to know when to go to the doctor for a cold; if yours doesn’t pass or even worsens, seek professional help. Specifically, watch for the following: A severe cough that lingers for more than two weeks may indicate whooping cough, while sustained congestion can lead to a sinus infection if left untreated.

If you have a fever, muscle aches, or other flu-like symptoms, you may in fact have the flu. In these cases, it’s best to see the doctor for a Tamiflu prescription. Seniors, expecting mothers, and persons with heart disease should exercise extra caution, as they are more likely to develop complications from the flu.

Usually, when and if you should see a doctor for fevers may be entirely dependent on your age, so let’s go over each stage of life. For example, a fever in an infant should be treated more seriously than one in an adult. According to the Mayo Clinic, if an infant is younger than three months with a rectal temperature greater than 100.4 F, they should make a visit to the doctor.

A baby that’s three to six months with a 102 F or higher temp should be taken in (especially if they seem lethargic and irritable). See a doctor if a 6 – 24-month infant with a temperature higher than 102 lasts longer than a day with other symptoms.

2. High Fever

With the emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic came a newfound fear of high body temperatures. A fever is one of the main signs that there’s something off in your body. Our immune systems create it in order to fight infections. Some fevers are only mild while others may be a cause for concern.

At times, a high fever is one way your body naturally fights infection. However, if you have a fever above 103˚ Fahrenheit (39.4˚ Celsius) or a fever that lasts more than three days, you should call your doctor. A more serious infection could be at play. When it comes to children, a child may have a fever but remains responsive and is acting somewhat normally.

Oftentimes, this should not be cause for alarm. On the other hand, if your child is acting listless, has poor eye contact, or is experiencing vomiting, headaches, or stomachaches, you should call your doctor. In adults, if your temperature exceeds 103 F, with symptoms like headaches, rashes, sensitivity, confusion, vomiting, and abdominal or chest pain, get help.

In such a case, you should seek medical attention, and therefore, it would be wise to make an appointment with your physician immediately. Generally, a low-grade fever is between 100.4 and 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit. While a low-grade fever does not need to be treated with medication. Unless it’s taking place in an infant and if other symptoms are accompanying it.

2. Sudden Weight Loss/Gain

First of all, it’s important to realize, that high altitude, strenuous exercise, obesity, and extreme temperature are all normal causes of shortness of breath. If none of these are causing your breathlessness, ask your doctor about the possibility of asthma, bronchitis, or another condition — especially if symptoms come on sudden and strong.

Several factors can play a role in gaining and retaining excess weight. These include diet, lack of exercise, environmental factors, and genetics. If the factors that inhibit weight gain are not common to you, you’ll need to seek advice. A calorie deficit means that you consume fewer calories from food and drink than your body uses to keep you alive and active.

This makes sense because it’s a fundamental law of thermodynamics: If we add more energy than we expend, we gain weight. If we add less energy than we expend, we lose weight. The metabolic process of ‘burning fat’ (lipolysis) is much harder for a dehydrated body. In addition, dehydration puts extra strain on the kidneys, which means it’s harder for them to do their job.

Essentially, their main job is to eliminate waste (too much leads to weight loss). An unexplained drop in weight could indicate overactive thyroid, diabetes, depression, or liver disease, among other things. As a general rule of thumb, if you’ve lost more than 10% of your body weight in the last six months (and you’re not obese), make an appointment with your doctor.

3. Frequent/Unfamiliar Body Pains

Abnormal, intense, and sustained pain in the chest, abdomen, or pelvis can indicate an underlying issue that demands a doctor’s attention. Some examples include heart attack when the pain is in the chest, gallstones when in the abdomen (especially if accompanied by nausea and vomiting), and appendicitis or kidney infection when in the pelvis.

If you suffer from migraines, you may sometimes experience bright flashes or spots in your vision. Outside of these cases, sudden bright flashes might be a sign of retinal detachment, a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss. Extremely difficult swallowing, chest pain, and shortness of breath are not normal cold signs.

And such symptoms may indicate a more serious condition. If you can’t keep anything down, you may need an IV to get fluids to help your body function. Also, Healthy Eyesight is the basic requirement of every humankind second to Dental Hygiene, etc. This means, that if you experience constant pain or uncontrolled irritation you should see a doctor for more help.

4. Irregular Bowel Movement 

A sudden change in bowel habits is often harmless, but it can indicate an underlying health condition too. Such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). For some people, having one bowel movement a day is normal. For others, having several bowel movements a day or one every 2 days is normal.

Keep in mind, that bowel movement and urination can vary from person to person. So, the most important thing to look for is a sudden change in your own pattern, whether that’s bloody or black stools, diarrhea or constipation, or excessive urination. When these crop up, it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor.

Realistically, urine color chart indications may vary from time to time. And, also, from each daily intake and overall health. The eyes may be a window into the soul, but the toilet bowl is a window into the body. Turns out, you can learn a lot about what’s going on inside by examining what comes out. You should see a doctor in case you see irregularity in your stool or urine.

Body Hydration is the replacement of bodily fluids lost through sweating, exhaling, and eliminating waste. On average, the body loses and needs to replace about 2-3 quarts of water daily. Luckily, the composition of many foods that we eat is mostly water. To avoid doctors, in terms of body hydration, foods with high water content include greens and most fruits and vegetables.

5. Concussion/Confusion/Mood Change

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance, and coordination. Concussions are usually caused by a blow to the head. If you’ve fallen on your head or suffered a blow to it, monitor for the symptoms of concussion.

These can include difficulty concentrating, headache, irritability, and change in sleep pattern; if any of these developments, see your doctor. Confusion is the inability to think as clearly or quickly as you normally do. You may feel disoriented and have difficulty paying attention, remembering, and making decisions. You should see a doctor in order to establish the cause.

Changes in mood and sudden confusion can occur with mental health issues as well as physical conditions, such as an infection or drug interaction. Watch out for trouble thinking or focusing irregular sleeping patterns, and feelings of anxiety or depression. Some expectant or pregnant mothers may also experience a variety of mood swings but prenatal care helps.

6. Referral Health Case

You’ve noticed the symptoms for a while now. Maybe you’ve had them since childhood, and doctor after doctor was mystified. Or maybe the symptoms started in your adult life, gradually becoming more noticeable. You’ve gone to your doctor but they aren’t sure what to do. You have an undiagnosed disease — maybe even a rare one.

But, where do you go for help? And how do you get a diagnosis? If you think you have an underlying disease that hasn’t been diagnosed, you can ask your primary care provider for a referral to a specialist. And, if you or your doctor suspect the disease could be genetic, you can always make an appointment at a medical genetics clinic. Or even seek more help and support.

Bear in mind, that there are various worldwide/nationwide programs led by the NIH and other partners. Specifically, geared toward helping people with undiagnosed conditions get answers easily and quickly. As well as to further scientific understanding of the disease and it’s main causes. Or even identify the key genetic abnormalities that might have caused it.

Beyond standard genetic and medical tests for rare diseases, some programs offer patients research-based testing. Eventually, some of them involve not just matching symptoms with rare medical conditions that are already identified but also looking for entirely new conditions.

7. Medication Reactions

It is possible for medicines to interact, causing unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side effects. Your doctor needs to know about ALL of the medicines you take, including over-the-counter (nonprescription) drugs and herbal remedies or dietary supplements. Make a list or bring everything with you to your visit—don’t forget about eye drops, vitamins, and laxatives.

Tell the doctor how often you take each. Describe any drug allergies or reactions you have had. Say which medications work best for you. Be sure your doctor has the phone number of the pharmacy you use. The Medications worksheet can help. Make a list or bring everything with you to your visit— don’t forget about eye drops, vitamins, and laxatives.

Tell the doctor how often you take each. Describe any drug allergies or reactions you have had, as well as state which medications work best for you. To know the origin of reactions, doctors and researchers can take a detailed look at someone’s unique biochemistry. Including their genetic makeup, both DNA and RNA, and things like proteins.

8. Undiagnosed/Rare Disease

Undiagnosed disease is one or more medical problems that doctors haven’t been able to identify a cause for. Often, this means the underlying disease is rare — which is why no one was able to identify it. Other times, it’s simply an uncommon group of symptoms for a more common disease. Or a group of problems that actually belong to two or three different diseases.

Furthermore, sometimes you can explain parts of someone’s condition and not other parts. On the other hand, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), if fewer than 200,000 people are affected by a disease, it is considered rare. However, since there are at least 7,000 identified rare diseases, having a rare disease, in general, isn’t actually that, er, rare.

The NIH estimates that up to 30 million Americans have a rare disease. Rare conditions can involve a wide range of symptoms and affect many different parts of the body. They can include things like autoimmune diseases; rare blood disorders; diseases that affect specific body parts, like the eyes or heart; or even diseases that affect multiple body parts in some cases.

As well as diseases caused by a parasite or viruses. It could be caused by genes, the environment, or some interaction between the two. Whereby, the diseases can be of any organ system. Sometimes, getting a diagnosis is only possible because of advances in medical knowledge and technology.

9. Advance Care Planning

You may have some concerns or wishes about your care if you become seriously ill. If you have questions about what choices you have, ask your doctor. You can specify your desires through legal documents called advance directives. In general, the best time to talk with your doctor about these issues is while you are still relatively healthy.

Medicare and other private health insurance may cover these discussions with your doctor. One way to bring up the subject is to say: “I’m worried about what would happen in the hospital if I were very sick and not likely to get better. Can you tell me what generally happens in that case? Or rather, can you get someone to help me find an assisted living facility?”

Another hard decision that many older people face is whether or not to move to (long-term care) a place where they can have more help — often an assisted living facility. If you are considering such a move, your doctor can help you weigh the pros and cons based on your health and other circumstances. He or she may be able to refer you to a social worker/local agency.

10. Circumstantial Lifetime Changes

Your health has a big impact on other parts of your life. Your doctor may ask you how your life is going. This isn’t being impolite or nosy. Information about what’s happening in your life may be useful medically. Let the doctor know about any major changes or stresses in your life, such as a divorce or the death of a loved one. You don’t have to go into detail.

Instead, you may want to say something like: “It might be helpful for you to know that my sister passed away since my last visit with you.” Or rather, “I recently had to sell my home and move in with my daughter.” The Coronavirus Pandemic and physical distancing requirements can also bring about feelings of loneliness and social isolation.

In reality, these feelings are associated with a higher risk for depression, anxiety, and heart disease. It’s, therefore, important to let your doctor know when these feelings occur and how often.

What Do I Need To Tell The Doctor?

Talking about your health means sharing information about how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. Knowing how to describe your symptoms and bring up other concerns will help you become a partner in your health care. Use these worksheets to organize your questions and information when talking with your doctor.

A symptom is evidence of a disease or disorder in the body. Examples of symptoms include pain, fever, a lump or bump, unexplained weight loss or gain, or having a hard time sleeping. Be clear and concise when describing your symptoms. Your description helps the doctor identify the problem. A physical exam and medical tests provide you with all the valuable info.

But, your symptoms point the doctor in the right direction. Your doctor will ask when your symptoms started, what time of day they happen, how long they last (seconds? or days?), how often they occur, if they seem to be getting worse or better and if they keep you from going out or doing your usual activities.

Some questions to ask yourself or a doctor:
  • What exactly are my notable signs and symptoms?
  • Are the symptoms constant? If not, when do I experience them?
  • Does anything I do make the symptoms better? Or worse?
  • Do the symptoms affect my daily activities? Which ones? How?
  • See questions to ask your doctor about a new medication

To provide the best care, your doctor must understand you as a person and know what your life is like. The doctor may ask about where you live, what you eat, how you sleep, what you do each day, what activities you enjoy, what your sex life is like, and if you smoke or drink. Be open and honest with your doctor. It will help him or her to understand a few health facts.

Such as your medical conditions fully in order to recommend the best treatment choices for you. For this reason, it’s important that you take all the time to make some notes about your symptoms before you call or visit the doctor. Furthermore, just worrying about your symptoms is not a sign of any disease or weakness at all. Be honest about what you are experiencing.

Suffice it to say, that this honesty doesn’t necessarily mean that you are complaining, otherwise, the doctor just needs to know.

Regular Exercise Plus Physical Activities = Better Fitness Health

Today, there is also a range of fitness health classes available that many people don’t know where to start and what each one entails. It’s good to understand what each class offers and how it will benefit us. This is yet another key component if you want to avoid frequent doctor visits. But, as you consider formulating a fitness regime plan — you must remember one thing.

That it’s very easy to get stuck in a class that’s not suitable for your goals. By all means, regular exercise improves both our Health & Fitness Wellness. In general, regular exercise improves both our health & fitness. For example, walking, lifting weights, doing chores – it’s all good. Regardless of what you do, regular exercise and physical activity lead to better health & fitness.

Learn More: What Is Fitness Health? 10 Simple Tips For Overall Body Wellness

Just squeeze a session into your daily routine. The word health (source) refers to a state of complete emotional and physical well-being. Healthcare exists to help people maintain this optimal state of health. Good health is central to handling stress and living a longer, more active life. In this article, you’ll see the full health needs/types, and some tips on how to stay in shape.

A common body fitness definition is this: To be physically fit or rather getting fit means to be in a state of overall body health and well-being. Physically, fitness is defined as the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively — both in a working environment and in terms of leisure activities — to be healthy, resist disease, and react to emergency situations.

Other More Resource Topics: 
  1. Health Insurance Benefits | The Simple Steps To Do It Right
  2. Routine Exercise | A Guide To Start Your Home Workouts
  3. Healthy Eating Top Secrets To Keep Up With Your Busy Life
  4. What To Do If You Have Mysterious Symptoms — But No Diagnosis
  5. What Is High Blood Pressure? Simple Steps To Fight Hypertension
  6. 10-Day Detox Program | A Step-By-Step Guide By Jane Mukami
  7. How Clean Eating Benefits Health Wellness | 5 Best Ways
  8. How To Impress Your Staff Doctors In Clinic

That is it! Everything to know about when to see a doctor. So, do you think that there is something else that we can add to this guide? Well, you can share with us. As well as any other relevant contribution questions (for FAQ Answers), suggestions, thoughts, opinions, and much more in our comments section. You can also Consult Us if you’ll need more help.

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