Website Conversion Rate | Best Tools For Online Marketers

As I will explain to you, a good website conversion rate matters a lot to all webmasters out there nowadays. And there are a number of site optimization tools that are the fuel that keeps the topmost and profitable websites alive business-wise. For one thing, every site conversion represents either a direct revenue or future revenue leads.

In general, the higher your website conversion rate, the more money you stand to make. And on that note, trying to understand your Web visitors can be a bit, well, confusing. Simply, because each individual visitor brings his own set of data that has to be collected, measured, analyzed, and reported.

If you don’t know what you’re looking at, it can feel a bit like being handed a Rubik’s Cube. Luckily, there are plenty of tools out there that can turn all of that collected information into an easy-to-understand report that. While giving you the much-needed insight into your unique website visitors.

When you are armed with this knowledge, you get to see how effective your website is. To an extent of what changes you need to take into consideration in order to make it even better.

What does Website Conversion Rate entail?

Basically, the website conversion rate is a key element in your paid search strategy. After all, if you’re not actually turning lookers into buyers at a high rate, what are you advertising for?

Your website conversion rate optimization enables you to maximize every cent of your PPC Marketing expenditure. It allows you to find that sweet spot that convinces the maximum percentage of your prospects to take action.

If you’re already achieving 3%, 5% or even 10% conversion rates, is that as high as you’re going to go? But, what is a good conversion rate? Across industries, the average landing page conversion rate was 2.35%.

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Yet the top 25% are converting at 5.31% or higher. Ideally, you want to break into the top 10% — these are the landing pages with conversion rates of 11.45% or higher.

Through our analysis of the massive amounts of data on landing pages and conversion rates, we were able to identify some common traits of the top converting landing pages. What do they have that you don’t?

Believe it or not, there isn’t much standing between you and conversion rates. You can double or triple what you’re seeing today. But, the way you’re going to get there is totally counter to typical conversion rate optimization wisdom.

Website Analytics, Organization & Efficiency Tools

When it comes to landing page optimization, you can stay really busy doing small things that have little impact. It’s like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. We need to move past this mentality to the big tactics and optimization tools that will dramatically change your performance and fortune.

You can measure the Lifetime Value (LTV) for users acquired through your different analytics channels. Whereas, the Lifetime Value Report lets you understand how valuable different users are to your business based on lifetime performance.

Basically, an efficiency tool like Google Sheets allows you to create and collaborate on central spreadsheets and documents with your team— all for free. While at the same time, Asana is a productivity and time tracking tool. It helps your entire team stay focused on their highest priorities.

More analytics tools to use include;
  1. Google Analytics offers pretty much every piece of information you’d ever need on your web visitors. And best of all, it’s completely free.
  2. RJMetrics is a basic analytics platform and business intelligence tool that’s specifically created for SaaS and ecommerce industry sites. If that’s your niche, it should be a good fit.
  3. Pocket tools can help you organize your research and material. It’s especially great when you’re doing research and trying to remain efficient.
  4. Evernote can help you keep everything organized. Conversion optimization demands attention to a number of different areas at once, so this is a great tool for staying on top of it all.
  5. Matomo is completely free and open-source, giving you the power of customizability. You can create, tweak, and own your reports, and even contribute to the software as a part of the community.

Website Research Tools

Conventional wisdom says that a good conversion rate is somewhere around 2% to 5%. If you’re sitting at 2%, an improvement to 4% seems like a massive jump. You doubled your conversion rate! Well, congratulations, but you’re still stuck in the average performance bucket.

As an example, when we talk of research tools, a tool like UsabilityHub offers a number of different tests you can utilize. Especially in your pursuit of higher website conversion rates. Including question tests (like surveys), 5-second tests, click tests, and navigation tests.

On the other hand, Clicktale is a user behavior app that helps you identify customer behavior. As well as their needs, and intent throughout the engagement process. And with this in mind, below are the rest of the 10 most research tools you’ll need for your site;

Website Research Tools Include;
  1. SimilarWeb is a tool that can help you to research your competition. Take a peek at your competitors’ sites and best performing strategies, and learn how to improve your own.
  2. Compete is a tool that evolved specifically to address competitor and demographic concerns—it’s great when you’re doing initial behavioral and market research.
  3. Popupsmart is a better popup builder tool. It is the easiest and most powerful way to generate leads and increase conversion rates.
  4. Owler allows you to see all the details on your competitors. This app digs deep into competitor clients, and even offline data.
  5. Alexa is a business intelligence platform that helps you make better marketing decisions and interpret your traffic across multiple platforms.
  6. Woopra tracks both anonymous and identifiable customers as they explore and engage with your site, giving you unprecedented access to the psychology of your users.
  7. AB Tasty, as the name suggests, is one of the most comprehensive AB testing and multivariate testing apps you’re going to find.
  8. User Testing offers a suite of different services to test your site and user behavior and monitor differences that emerge.
  9. CrazyEgg is ideal for mapping out the general actions and attention of your users, making it a great AB testing tool. It’s also one of the best-known heat map tools available on the web.
  10. MouseFlow is a tool similar to CrazyEgg, recording user sessions with heatmaps, funnels, and other forms of analytics.

Website Conversion Rate By Industry

You may be thinking, “But conversion rates are low in my industry.” That’s entirely possible. We segmented website conversion rate data by industry.

From legal conversion rate, eCommerce conversion rate, etc. To see whether these insights held true for all marketers. Here’s what we found in an analysis of four major industries:

website conversion rate by industries

There’s a lot of flux there; e-commerce conversion rates are much lower, especially compared to finance. However, check out the Top 10% Conversion Rates. They’re 3 to 5 times higher than the average for each industry. So, we can see that the rule holds across the board, regardless of industry.

The flip side, of course, is that if you’re in a high-performer industry like finance, 5% really isn’t a fantastic conversion rate. If you’re comparing yourself to the average across all industries, you’re really deluding yourself into thinking you’re doing better than you are.

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In truth, the top 10% are doing almost five times better. Even if the average conversion rates are lower in your industry, the top advertisers are outperforming you by 3-5x or more.

Converting on Display is another animal entirely; typically, conversion rates will be lower. If you’re advertising on the display network, you can use a tool like the Smart Ads Creator. To create designer-quality that will help you generate clicks and conversions at a higher rate.

PPC Marketing

Well, through ad programs, such as Google Ads, marketers can specify how much they are willing to pay through the PPC Marketing Programs. Especially, for a user who clicks through to their website landing page. As it is an auction-based system, the advertiser who bids more for a certain keyword gets the most exposure.

And while many ads campaign has a set start and end date, some campaigns eventually become evergreen. For those campaigns, there are things you can do to keep the momentum going.

8 Ways to Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates

For example, a digital registration page (like that of jmexclusives) will be active for the life of the promotion, receiving the email, social, and paid traffic. But, when the event is over, replacing the web registration form with gated access to all the recordings allows you to keep pulling in conversions.

So that in the end, organic traffic becomes a source of leads now that it’s in its evergreen state. And because your online promotion efforts are over, this is when you might want to consider a Social Share Plugin as the primary continuance action. You can read and learn more about What is PPC Marketing?


So what have you taken away from this? I hope you can get the following to stick and use these tips to guide a more holistic, effective conversion rate optimization strategy – the kind that will boost your conversions, but bring better lead quality, as well.

But, if you’ll need more help or support, please feel free to Contact Us. You can also share your thoughts and contributions in the comments section.

Most landing page optimizations are like moving around the deck chairs on the Titanic. Small changes = small gains. Insanely focused and strategic landing page optimization brings 3-5x the conversions AND improves lead quality.

In some industries, even 5% conversion rates aren’t that impressive. If you’re stuck in the 2-5% conversion rate bucket, you have a ton of room to grow. Get creative with your offers and test multiple different offers.

Then, find the one that resonates best with your audience. If you want to get really crazy (you know you do), find different offers that can help you get qualified leads.

Landing Page | A Beginner’s Guide for SEO Webmasters

Identify the obstacles keeping prospects from converting and get those roadblocks out of the way by changing the flow. Test different variations to find out exactly which path to conversion works best for your audience.

Use remarketing to recapture people who showed intent but didn’t convert. Also, test smarter, not more often. You need to test 10 unique landing page variations to find 1 top performer. But, this goes far beyond changing a font color and calling it a landing page variation.

Trim the fat in your account and ditch your lowest performers. Focus your energies on the top 10% of landing pages that earn 80% of traffic. Always, always keep your eye on the prize, which is making more sales or generating leads most likely to convert to sales.

Don’t let high conversion rates take precedence over lead quality or you’re going to spend more qualifying leads. You need to find the sweet spot where everything works like a well-oiled machine.

More related topic links;
  1. YouTube Advertising | 5 Benefits of Using Video Ads
  2. Marketing Leads | How Do You Generate Conversions
  3. Page CTR | How to Increase your AdSense Click Rates
  4. Display Ads | How to Increase your Website Ads Revenue
  5. Search Engine Optimization | A Step-by-step Starter Guide
  6. Google Optimize | Conversion Rate Optimization Guidelines
  7. Lead Generation | How Do I Increase Online Conversions?
  8. Google Chrome Browser | 9 Steps to Fix its Common Errors

Here is an important note; Are you thinking of building an AMP ready site? And also, a responsive website for SEO friendly enough to all the search engines?

Whether you are just getting started with a new website or are a webmaster pro like us, this article has the best guidelines that are suitable to all.

Your Website for SEO? | Step-by-step Beginners Design Guides. But, for beginners, you can simply learn more about Website Development | 7 Principles of a User-friendly Site.

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