Red Wine | The General Health Benefits You Should Know About

As an illustration, red wine has been attracting attention lately as a salubrious product. Moreover, moderate consumption of red wine is linked to a lesser risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Exemplary, it is a phenomenon known as the French paradox — they are surrounded by diets with a high content of butter, cheese, and other rich fats.

However, the level of diseases in the heart and vessels is considerably low. Surprisingly, it has to do with the habit of drinking red wine during meals and ceremonies. Like gravity, microwaves, and Westworldred wine is something that most people enjoy, even if they don’t really understand it. Red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of as heart-healthy.

Obviously, this is because the alcohol and certain substances in red wine called antioxidants may help prevent coronary artery disease — the condition that leads to heart attacks. However, up to date, any links between red wine and fewer heart attacks aren’t completely understood. But, we are going to have a look at other main benefits of red wine in general.

One thing is for sure, it’s very easy to drink red wine (obviously), but — even if you are embarrassed to admit it — there’s a contingency of wine drinkers. Of course, the ones who wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between either a Merlot or even a Malbec. That said, before selecting any red wine from your marketplace, it’s good to know a few things first.

What Red Wine Is All About Plus How It Is Made

For your information, red wine is made by crushing and fermenting dark-colored, whole grapes — may it be homemade or even industrialized — they all share the same processing methods. Perse, there are many types of red wine, which vary in taste and color. And, as such, the most common varieties include Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot noir, and Zinfandel.

Generally speaking, red wine has been part of social, religious, and cultural events for centuries. In the past, people have theorized (trusted source) that red wine benefits health, particularly alongside a balanced diet. In recent years, science has indicated that there could be truth in these claims — although there are no official beneficial recommendations yet.

But, there are some facts or an inner truth that surrounds the benefits of consuming red wine at large. Specifically, a 2018 study (trusted source) notes that drinking red wine in moderation has many positive links to health.

Such as in fighting:

Markedly, the alcohol content usually ranges from 12–15% of alcohol content level. The alcohol in both white wine and red wine is also believed to contribute to some of the benefits of moderate wine consumption. It’s true that some wines taste better when well-aged. But, when it comes to the health aspects of wine, old wine isn’t as good!

Young red wines contain greater tannin levels than any other type of wine. Exclusively, not all red wines are made the same. Who said your red wine consumption had to be limited to the glass? You can include the drink in your dinner, either as a sauce (in which case we suggest our yummy DIY red wine sauce). Or even, a complimentary ingredient, and still reap its benefits.

Did You Know That Tanin Is The Key Element In Red Wine?

Pretty much everything in wine that’s no alcohol or water is a type of polyphenol. Whereas Polyphenols include tannin, color pigment, wine aromas, resveratrol, and about 5,000 other plant compounds. The color in wine comes from a plant pigment called anthocyanin, which is found in the skins of red grapes — the color becomes less intense as the wine ages.

On the contrary, very old wines are pale and translucent in color. Of these polyphenols, the most abundant in wine for health reasons are Procyanidins, especially, which are a type of condensed tannin also found in green tea and dark chocolate. As a matter of fact, this compound is specifically associated with inhibiting cholesterol plaque in blood vessels.

Usually, something which is highly beneficial to heart health and longevity. Be that as it may, that’s why consuming moderate amounts of red wine has been shown to have health benefits. This is mainly due to its high content of powerful antioxidants. In fact, some wines have significantly higher levels of “good for you stuff” than others (condensed tannins–see above).

For example, Cabernet Sauvignon has more condensed tannins than Pinot Noir, but both wines have much less than Tannat, Petite Sirah, or Sagrantino if we may add. But, while it’s rather difficult to determine which wines are best (exactly), there are some clues that you can care about when making your red wine choice.

Consider the following quick facts:
  1. Dry red wines are better than sweet wines
  2. Red wines with lower alcohol (preferably below 13% ABV) are better than high-alcohol wines
  3. Red wines with higher tannins (those that are more astringent) are better than low-tannin wines

According to healthline, the health benefits of red wine have been debated for some time. Many believe that a glass each day is a valuable part of a healthy diet, while others think wine is somewhat overrated. As we aforementioned, studies have repeatedly shown that moderate red wine consumption seems to lower the risk of several diseases, including heart disease.

However, there is a fine line between moderate and excessive intake. That said, hereinafter, we shall have a look at the other benefits that makes it such a healthy drink — a drink that is preferred by many.

The General Red Wine Marketplace Varieties

White wine is primarily made with white grapes, and the skins are separated from the juice before the fermentation process. Red wine is made with darker red or black grapes, and the skins remain on the grapes during the fermentation process. To enumerate, Syrah, Cabernet, Zinfandel, and Pinot Noir are Red Grape under the group of Vitis Vinifera variety.

If only one variety (Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon) is mentioned on the label, then the wine is called a varietal. And also, it is named after the grape with a capital initial (Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon). Varietal wines primarily show the fruit: how the wine tastes depends on the grape variety.

Resource Reference: Every Major Type Of Red Wine Explained To You In Detail 

Generally speaking, there are certainly other species used for wine (there are some 65-70 Vitis species). But, they are rarely used especially for winemaking purposes. Having said that, you can see the full list of types of red wines (in the French Scout website article) that has more details.

Matching the weight of the wine with the richness of the food leads to successful and harmonious pairings. The old adage, “what grows together, goes together” holds true as well. For example, traditional tomato sauce Italian dishes pair well with the high-acid red wines of Chianti. In general, a region’s wine will pair well with the food and lifestyle of the area.

The Best Red Wine Storage (Stack) Duration

As can be seen, Red wine is heralded for its ageability. However, it’s optimal for wine to age to its full potential. Remarkably, for red wine storage, there are a variety of factors to consider. Including, temperature, light, and humidity. In general, red wines should be stored at about 55° Fahrenheit. Of course, which is 10° Fahrenheit below the ideal serving temperature.

In particular, wines stored too warm will accelerate the aging process. While wines stored in hot temperatures, above 75° Fahrenheit can be “cooked.” Of course, making the fruit flavors’ characteristics turn mushy and baked. On one hand, a red wine stored too cold can also damage the wine. But is generally not as dangerous as overheating the wine.

On the other hand, low temperatures slow down the aging process. However, if your wine doesn’t freeze, there likely won’t be any extensive damage.

Shop for a Red Wine pack online - Image by Pexels from Pixabay

What about the red wine and food pairings? For instance, Red wine’s diverse styles and structure make it the ideal choice for the dinner table. Red wine has a firmer structure than typical white and rosé wines. Whilst, supporting it when coming up against strong flavors.

Ultimately, one fact is that Steak and Cabernet is the tried and true pairing by many. In the same fashion, some mixologists suggest that fuller-bodied red wines in general pair well with denser, heavier foods. While lighter-bodied reds with high acidity pair well with lighter fare, like roasted chicken and vegetable dishes.

Colder temperatures, like a 40° Fahrenheit refrigerator, are fine for short-term storage. Wines that freeze pose their own problems. As the liquid freezes, it expands and can push the cork out, compromising the wine, or worse, cracking the bottle. Also, while small changes in temperature are safe, it’s important to keep your wines at the most consistent temperature possible.

The Best Red Wine Packaging Practices To Note

Ultimately, red wines are bottled in green or brown-tinted bottles to protect them from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Meaning, that light-bodied wines are at a greater risk of being spoiled by light than full-bodied wines. But it’s best to avoid any long-term exposure to light, both natural and artificial.

Notably, the ultraviolet rays can break down compounds in the wine causing it to age more rapidly. Important to realize, light carries damaging heat as well. A delicate balance of humidity is also vital to red wine storage. Wines kept in a dry environment put the cork at risk. Whereas if the cork dries out it can shrink and allow oxygen to seep into the bottle of wine to leak out.

Doré warns against using resveratrol additives that are available as those of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, one will be better off with a moderate intake of natural red wine and red grapes.

Some Quick Links:

On top of lowering bad cholesterol, polyphenols, the antioxidants in red wine can help keep blood vessels flexible. And also help them reduce the risk of unwanted clotting, says John Folts, Ph.D. Who is a professor of cardiovascular medicine and nutrition at the University of Wisconsin–Madison thus this is something to reckon with.

The skin of red grapes—a rich source of red wine’s natural compound resveratrol—may actually help diabetics regulate their blood sugar. According to the findings of recent research published in the journal Nutrition. Clearly, resveratrol is a bit of a limelight hog when it comes to the healthful compounds in vino.

But research in the Journal of Biological Chemistry suggests piceatannol, the chemical compound our bodies convert from resveratrol, deserves some credit. Why? Researchers say that piceatannol binds to the insulin receptors of fat cells. Essentially blocking the pathways necessary for immature fat cells to mature and grow.

What About Adding Red Wine As An Anti-Detox?

Well, if you hate getting sick (and who doesn’t?), the antioxidants in red wine may help keep you healthy. Moreover, a 2010 study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that the common cold is uncommon to those taking more than 14 glasses of wine in a week. Whereas 4,000 faculty members at five Spanish universities were the test subjects.

To clarify, those who drank more than 14 weekly glasses of wine for a year were 40% less likely to come down with a common cold. Why? According to the National Institutes of Health, antioxidants are believed to fight infection. And also, protect cells against the effects of free radicals, which may play a role in cancer and other diseases.

Not only can you use it in your detox solution program, but also slowing down the aging process of the brain, lowering brain inflammation in those with dementia, and staving off cancer-causing cells are some of the other alleged health benefits of the substance found in red wine.

What Research Says About Consuming Grapes

To begin with, as per medicalnewstoday, previous studies have suggested that resveratrol — the chemical compound found in grapes and red wine — may have anticancer properties. But now, a new study shows how the compound can stop a mutated protein, which is present in more than half of all breast cancer cases, from aggregating.

Namely, this is all due to Resveratrol — a bioactive compound that can be found in the skin of grapes, red wine, peanuts, blueberries, and cranberries, among others. Recently, research has been paying increasing attention to this fascinating compound, as its unexpected health benefits are becoming evident.

In another example, researchers from Johns Hopkins University report one more good quality. They discovered a way to protect the brain from after-stroke damage through red wine. Sylvain Doré, Ph.D. (an associate anesthesiology, critical care medicine, pharmacology, and molecular sciences professor) research reveals that wine is salubrious for the brain.

This is, particularly, true because Resveratrol found in the skin and seeds of red grapes helps increase the level of the heme oxygenase enzyme. Suffice it to say, this enzyme protects the nerve cells of the brain from stroke damage and prevents neurons from dying. But, Resveratrol doesn’t function directly — it cannot protect the brain cells from free radicals.

Resource Reference: How Modafinil Treats Narcolepsy (Obstructive Sleep Apnea)

However, it’s uniqueness is that it helps stimulate the body cells into protecting themselves from any foreign invasion. Furthermore, a new study shows how the compound can stop a mutated protein, which is present in more than half of all breast cancer cases, from aggregating. Bear in mind, Resveratrol is a bioactive compound — it’s worth it in the diet.

Fortunately, it can be found in many food forms such as in the skin of grapes, red wine, peanuts, blueberries, and cranberries, among others. There’s, even more, when it comes to resveratrol’s anticancer properties. Whereas, previous studies have pointed to a link with a protein called p53. Mutant aggregates of this protein are found in over 50 percent of cancer tumors.

But until now, no study had yet shown that resveratrol actively stops mutant versions of this protein from aggregating, or that it stops cancer cells from multiplying and migrating to other parts of the body. However, researchers at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the State University of Rio de Janeiro, both in Brazil, have been able to demonstrate the above.

More so, for the first time in the laboratory. Chiefly, Danielly C. Ferraz da Costa is the first author of this paper, which has now been published in the journal Oncotarget.

Summing Up:

Before we summarize, it’s also, important to realize, that acute smoking significantly impairs vessels’ natural ability to relax, or vasodilate. However, red wine, with or without alcohol, decreases the harmful effect of smoking on the endothelium — a layer of cells that provide a friction-reducing lining in lymph vessels, blood vessels, and the heart.

In conclusion, it might come as a surprise, but several human trial studies have shown moderate red wine consumption to be better for you than not drinking at all. Why? Well, simply because the antioxidants found in red wine lower incidences of cardiovascular disease, mortality, and type-2 diabetes. So, do yourself a favor, and drink red wine in moderation at any time.

Other More Related Resource References:
  1. Anti Aging Fruits » Some Most Naturally Health Benefits
  2. 10 Healthiest Fruits Benefit | Why Should You Care? Guide
  3. Flu Prevention | #5 Practical Remedies To Manage A Common Cold
  4. How A Kitchen Garden (Potager) Can Save You Money | Starter Guide
  5. Pregnancy Guide | #6 Ways To Stay Fit Before And After Delivering

That’s it! A few chops to know about red wine plus all its eloquent benefits to our overall body health and wellness. Do you think that there is something else — additional thoughts, opinions, suggestions, recommendations, or even contribution questions (for FAQ Answers) in general — that we missed out on? Kindly let us know in our comments section.

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