Decluttering Tips | Revamp Your Attic And Basement For Good!

With spring arriving, there’s never been a better time to shake off the winter blues and reset your space with good Decluttering techniques. Notwithstanding, keeping control of clutter can feel like a big task—especially in busy rooms like hallways and kitchens — but approaching bite-sized chunks can have significant results. Think of Decluttering as a steady and sometimes even slow process.

Rather than a quick blitz of your home followed immediately by the inevitable acquisition of more items. Realistically, it’s all about creating lasting change and scheduling regular little and often decluttering sessions. As a result, this will reduce the risk of feeling overwhelmed—and increase the likelihood of completing tasks. Fortunately, you can declutter your home in one weekend (or less).

Planning pronto will help you identify the critical parts of your home and living space. This will make you feel refreshed once you give them some TLC. So, are you tired of the clutter in your attic and basement? Or do you dream of transforming these spaces into a treasure trove of cash? Look no further than the NJ Estate Sale! These events can turn unwanted items into extra money.

By following some essential tips, you’ll declutter your home and be well on your way to hosting a successful estate sale that can turn clutter into cash! This blog guideline will explore how estate sales work, give tips for a successful sale and offer a few alternatives. So please grab a cup of coffee, put on some music, and get ready to transform those attics and basements into an extra income stream!

Understanding How Decluttering Can Transform Your Attic And Basement For Good

Whether downsizing or just trying to simplify your lifestyle, figuring out how to declutter your home is a big job. The best way to start decluttering when overwhelmed is to do it in stages. Make a “declutter your home checklist” to prioritize clutter areas. Focus on one room or zone within a room (e.g., kitchen cabinets) at a time. After that, complete each job fully before moving on to the next space.

For beginners, decluttering is a job that should be done regularly — but, of course, most of us don’t have the time to rationalize and reorganize our drawers, cluttered corners, and over-stuffed rooms that often. In fact, for many of us, it’s a once-a-year, post-Christmas event. Decluttering a whole house so you can implement your home-organizing ideas can seem overwhelming.

However, if you approach it a little at a time and bit by bit and invest in the best storage ideas, it immediately becomes more manageable. The process isn’t just about clearing your home of clutter, period. For many of us, decluttering can positively impact mental health. Furthermore, a cluttered house will make your house look cheap. Naturally, tidy people get stressed by untidy homes.

Please don’t pull out all your stuff without a sorting plan. If you do that, you’ll likely waste time wading through your disorganized items. Start by cleaning before you declutter so your everyday items are tidy and out of the way. Start in a space with only a small amount of clutter to get it done quickly and feel like you’re progressing on your overall decluttering timeline to stay motivated.

The Rules:
  • 20/20 Rule: Get rid of items you can replace for $20 and under 20 minutes.
  • 80/20 Rule: Per this rule, we use 20% of our belongings 80% of the time. Either eliminate or store the 80% you don’t use regularly.
  • Five-Second Rule: Sorting through items, note the last time the item was used. If you can’t within five seconds, you can eliminate it.
  • 90/90 Rule: The Minimalist rule lets you ask if you’ve used the item in the last 90 days and if you will use it in the 90 days to come.

For example, if you don’t have a lot of stuff, you may be able to declutter your house in a day, a weekend, or a longer 30-day timeline. Always keep your goals realistic and attainable to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Break down the spaces you need to declutter and estimate how long each will take, giving yourself buffer time in case something doesn’t go as planned. Then you can get started!

Simple Steps For Decluttering And Transforming Your Attic Plus Basement 

When Decluttering, the first step is to list what needs organizing. Focus on contained spaces such as a drawer, cupboard, nook, or shelf rather than whole rooms. List all the areas you want to clear out and refresh, paying extra attention to the areas that may have been neglected during those winter months. To be on the safe side, visualize the rooms you are planning to declutter with photos.

In layman’s language, doing so will change your perspective when viewing the room through a screen. Likewise, this may also hold you accountable and provide a satisfying feel before and after. Jump-start your decluttering process by mapping out a detailed step-by-step plan, targeting areas left unloved. We suggest writing specific times for each task while jotting down things you plan to tackle.

The Steps For Decluttering And Transforming Your Attic Plus Basement 

Sometimes, start by allocating some time each day that works within your daily schedule—it could be five, 10, or 30 minutes. Establish a plan that you will stick to. Sit down and think about how you will tackle your home organization; think about the day and time you want to complete this. Adding achievable and realistic goals would also be ideal—schedule 20-30 minutes per task.

Focus on one room or specific zones within a room (e.g., kitchen cabinets) at a time, and complete each job fully before moving on to the next space. Remember, everything that did not have a home can be quickly sorted into the bins you have staged for the purpose. It’s also important to realize that before you declutter your home, have containers defined for various purposes to sort items.

  • Reviving: Items that need something before being put away, such as a shirt with a missing button.
  • Recycling: Items that consist of recyclable materials.
  • Trashing: These are the items to throw away in the household trash.
  • Donating: Unwanted items still in good condition can be donated to a charitable organization or another person.
  • Decluttering: Items that have crept out of their designated storage spaces.

In most cases, looking at one freshly cleaned-out space might inspire you to declutter the rest of your home, too. With that in mind, you can keep the momentum going by decluttering deeply in small areas instead of decluttering a little at a time all across your home — because at the latter’s end, you have an entire bag of donations but no specific peacefully decluttered space to point to.

    Walk through your house slowly with a notebook in hand, identifying the strengths and problematic areas that you want to improve in each room. Take notice of bookcases that are overflowing or wardrobes that are bursting at the seams. You may want to start by decluttering a kitchen drawer before moving to your wardrobe in the afternoon. Below are a few more essential steps to note.

    Step #1: Lay Down Your Plan And Declutter In Bite-Sizes

    Of course, you can declutter your home pretty effectively. To do so, plan the weekend in detail, including specific times for each task, and ensure they are all done on time. This will help you stay on track and have enough time to complete everything you want. Once you have decided where to start, sort items into three piles: keep, donate/sell, and discard (such as expired products).

    You may also find items that can be repurposed into something new, but save that DIY project for another weekend. Do you have numerous pieces of clothing in your wardrobe that you never wear, or are you struggling for room on your shelves due to the amount of candles and ornaments you have accumulated over the years? In this case, look for a few ways to get a grip on your hoarding.

    As such, you first need to ask yourself which things you need and which ones are taking up unnecessary space. Start with an area that will give you a quick win, such as a small closet or drawer. This will help you build momentum and keep you motivated to continue decluttering. Letting go of things, even if you no longer need or use them, can be challenging.

    Step #2: Decide What To Keep And Create A Strategic Flow

    Decluttering isn’t just about throwing items away — it’s about looking for opportunities to organize everything to be kept. As you work through each room, think about practical things that bring you joy and spark happy memories. For instance, if you’re struggling to decide what items should stay or go, consider whether they bring you joy or create a happy memory.

    If the answer is no, then it needs to go. Once you’ve decided what items to keep, you must find a place to put them on the Saturday. Bedside tables and kitchen worktops can frequently get cluttered, so everything must have a home (or you find everything a home). Use a decorative bowl to access accessories like keys and phone chargers quickly.

    And then place all your toiletries in a drawer box once you have finished using them so they don’t crowd your surfaces. Clearing the clutter is good, but don’t let sorted items pile up again. Once you’ve organized, use Sunday to pop items back, drop things off at recycling centers, or advertise anything you sell online. As a rule of thumb, don’t put this off.

    Otherwise, you might find belongings migrating back into those tidy drawers. Innovative packaging and storage doesn’t mean everything has to be hidden away. To maintain a clean look, utilize stackable drawers, beautiful baskets, and pretty boxes around the home. Amp up storage wherever you can and use every nook and cranny. You’ll likely find underutilized space all over.

    Step #3: Create A Sorting System To Help Get Organized 

    Of course, many of us fall prey to hanging on to items that have outgrown their utility, especially more sentimental belongings. You don’t have to part with everything: create a box of ‘memories’ with your favorite things and donate other items. On that note, all family members can be helpful around the home, which extends to decluttering and tidying shared spaces.

    As mentioned, you’ll likely find underutilized space under the sink, stairs, beds, and kitchen or bathroom cupboards. To implement a strategic assortment system plan, utilize the built-in storage that can be fitted precisely into alcoves, under eaves, or stairs to use every inch. Create a new decluttering routine, making these tasks part of everyday life.

    Sorting through items and creating an organization system for them is vital as you sort them out. Use labels or color-coded and tailor-made boxes to help you remember what’s inside each container. Do a bit of weekly decluttering in layman’s language to help you stay on top. Even a bathroom cupboard, box of belongings, or children’s toy box is a task ticked off.

    Step #4: The Attic And Basement Are Possible Treasure Troves

    Your attic and basement may be filled with items you haven’t seen or used in years. But before you start throwing everything away, take a closer look! These spaces can hold hidden treasures that are worth a lot. From vintage furniture to old family heirlooms, there’s no telling what you might find. Remember, just because an item has sentimental value doesn’t mean it’s worth it.

    Be sure to do your research on any potentially valuable items before deciding whether to sell them or not. It’s also important to consider the condition of your items. Antique furniture or collectibles may be worth more if they’re in good shape, while damaged pieces may not fetch as much. Don’t overlook smaller items like jewelry and artwork while decluttering your space.

    These can often be sold for a considerable amount at estate sales or other selling events. So take some time to explore your attic and basement — who knows what treasures you might uncover! Go through each room to decide what can be stored away. This may include garments, books, electronics, magazines, clothes, shoes, toiletries, bedding sheets/covers, towels, and toys. 

    Step #5: Real Estate Sales Can Turn Your Clutter Into Money

    Are you tired of the clutter in your attic or basement? Do you have items just collecting dust and taking up valuable space? It’s time to turn that clutter into cash through estate sales. Estate sales can be a great way to eliminate unwanted items while making extra money. Start by reviewing all the items you no longer want/need. This includes old furniture, antiques, collectibles, clothes, etc.

    Once you’ve gathered everything together, it’s time to price them accordingly. Research similar items online or consult an estate sale company for pricing advice. Next up is advertising your sale. You can promote through social media platforms like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist and put up flyers around town. It’s essential to ensure your advertisements emphasize unique pieces.

    Eventually, this will help you draw potential buyers in. During the sale, ensure everything is well-organized and easily accessible for customers. Various payment options, such as credit card readers or accepting Venmo payments, can also help increase sales. Estate sales are an excellent option for anyone looking to declutter their home and earn extra cash simultaneously!

    Step #6: Engage Customers With Tips For A Great Estate Sale

    Hosting an estate sale can be daunting, but proper preparation and organization can also be profitable. Some tips for having a successful estate sale can help. For example, ensure you have enough time to prepare for the sale. It is recommended to start planning at least six weeks.  This will give you ample time to review your items, sort them into categories, and price them accordingly.

    Next, advertise your sale extensively. Utilize social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to promote the event. It would help if you also considered placing ads in local newspapers or online classified websites. Make sure everything is marked with prices on the day of the sale. Group similar items together so shoppers can easily find what they want from your collections.

    On the one hand, be prepared to negotiate prices with customers. It’s essential to have plenty of supplies, such as bags or boxes for customers’ purchases and wrapping paper or bubble wrap for fragile items. On the other hand, be willing to donate any unsold items after the sale has ended. Consider donating these items to local charities or thrift stores rather than throwing them away.

    Step #7: Outsource Experts And Find A Suitable Estate Seller

    When hosting an estate sale, finding the right company is essential. A reputable estate sale company can help you get the most money for your items while handling all the logistics involved in planning and executing a successful sale. To find an estate sale company near you, start by doing some research online. You may check out websites like or for more guidelines.

    As a result, they’ll help you see which companies operate in your area. In addition, you can also search on Google using keywords like “Estate Sales New Jersey” or “Estate liquidators near me.” Once you’ve found a few potential companies, take some time to read reviews from previous clients. This will give you a sense of their professionalism level and how well they handle different sales.

    Before signing any contracts, asking about their fees and commission structure upfront is crucial. Some companies charge a flat fee, while others take a percentage of the sale proceeds. Don’t be afraid to ask for references from past clients so you can speak directly with someone who has worked with them. You’ll get more profits with due diligence and choosing the right estate sale company!

    Step #8: Find Other Options And Alternatives To Estate Sellers

    While estate sales are a popular option for decluttering and making some extra cash, they may not fit everyone. Luckily, there are various alternative methods and options to consider. One alternative is to sell items online through platforms like Facebook Marketplace or eBay. This can be a great way to reach a wider audience and potentially get higher prices for your items.

    However, it requires more effort on the seller’s part to take photos, write descriptions, and ship out sold items. Another option is consignment shops. These stores will take your items and sell them on your behalf, taking a percentage of the sale as a commission. While this may result in lower profit margins than selling directly to buyers, it requires less work on the seller’s end.

    So much clutter comes from holding on to things that need action. Keeping the “touch it once” principle at the forefront of your mind will help you build intelligent practices. For example, standing by the recycling bin with your handful of mail as you sort it and signing those permission slips as soon as they come. This cuts down drastically on paper clutter, take-it-upstairs clutter, and more.

    Donating unwanted items to charities or non-profit organizations can also be a great way to clear out space while doing some good in the world. Ensure any donations are in good condition and follow the charity’s acceptance guidelines. Whether you choose an estate sale or one of these alternatives, clearing out clutter from your attic or basement can help bring new life into your home.

    Step #9: Be Smart And Don’t Treat Your Home Like A Storage Unit

    Keeping something because you might need it someday is like paying a mortgage to a storage company — and it comes at the expense of living in an empty, breathable space. So think twice about hanging on to the curtain rods or the six old cell phones. You’re often tempted to hang on to things because you feel like it’s a waste of money if you should ever have to repurchase them.

    But there’s a cost to keeping something. It would be best to think about where to store it, give up the storage space, or take up precious space. Then you’ll need to spend time organizing it, remembering where you put it if and when you need it, and then organizing it away, organizing it again when it gets messy, and well …. you get the picture. Is that specific item worth the time?

    Or is it worth the effort it will take to keep it? Technically, the decluttering mantra, coined by Emily Ley, helps you narrow your possessions to the cream of the crop. For instance, if you’re looking at an overly large collection of mixing bowls, narrow it down to the best ones. A kitchen towel collection can be whittled down by keeping only the favorites.

    Marie Kondo has become a cultural standard-bearer of a movement to declutter and minimize our household belongings. Her famous shtick is having people ask themselves if every single belonging in their possession sparks joy. It works for some (including me); if it works for you, it’s a galvanizing way to let go of many things.

    Step #10: Permit, Congratulate Yourself, Buy Again, And Celebrate 

    Since having to part with money down the road is painful, you may choose to keep many things that you may not otherwise. But the simple but powerful conscious act of permitting yourself to buy again down the road (with the knowledge that you’re gaining so much now by letting go) will help you get many more things out of your home. On that note, the 90/90 rule can apply in this case.

    The actual 90 days is pretty flexible. This is because you can adjust it to whatever suits your lifestyle, but the framework helps you decide whether an item is as necessary as you think. For instance, you could decide to declutter — all the way — the junk drawer or a particular cabinet in the kitchen. On the other hand, an empty garbage bag or donation box might spring you into action.

    Asking yourself, “If I were shopping now, would I buy this?” is valuable. Eventually, it will help you cull your collection of things down to only what’s serving you in your present life. The question will help you shed clothing that’s no longer “you” and no longer fits you. Or “useful” items that are not part of your current life and broken things that — be honest — you are never going to fix.

    Finally, it’s time to celebrate your progress with a well-earned glass of bubbly. At the end of the weekend, take a moment to celebrate your progress and accomplishments. Enjoy your newfound space and appreciate the benefits of a decluttered home. Do a little decluttering each week to help you stay on top. Everything matters, even if it’s a bathroom cupboard, belongings, or toy boxes.

    In Conclusion;

    Of course, Decluttering your attic and basement doesn’t have to be a daunting task. One thing is sure: With the help of a real estate sales agency, you can quickly transform your clutter into cash. Likewise, by following our topmost guidelines and tips for having a successful estate sale and finding the right company near you, you’ll be able to make the most out of selling unwanted items.

    Equally important, if an estate sale isn’t for you, there are still plenty of other options, such as yard sales or an online marketplace like eBay or Facebook Marketplace. The important thing is to take action and start decluttering today! Remember, attics to basements and basements hold hidden treasures that could bring in some extra money. Don’t let them go undiscovered any longer!

    Resource Reference: 8 Reasons To Hire Top Real Estate Agents When Selling A Home

    Start sorting through those boxes and see what gems you may find. Whether it’s an estate sale or another method of selling your belongings, transforming clutter into cash is easier than ever. All it takes is some organization, determination, and a little research on estate sale companies near me or alternatives available in my area, like Estate Sales NJ, that provide excellent service delivery.

    This will ultimately lead to success for anyone looking to turn their attic or basement into something more valuable than just storage space! At the same time, it can help you put some extra money back into your pocket. But all in all, declutter in bite-size chunks of 30 minutes and a couple of hours. And don’t forget to pencil in much-needed coffee breaks. We wish you all the best of luck!

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