Today, there are several examples of cloud computing applications used by both businesses and individuals. One type of cloud service would be streaming platforms for audio or video, where the actual media files are stored remotely. Another would be data storage platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, or Box.
Social Media Management is the act of tracking and engaging in conversations across social platforms. The easiest way to view it. At least consider it includes three major disciplines: social listening, social analytics, and engagement.
There are Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications for fundamental business technologies. Such as email, sales management, customer relationship management (CRM), financial management, human resource management (HRM), billing and collaboration.
PaaS, or Platform-as-a-Service, is a cloud computing model that provides customers a complete platform—hardware, software, and infrastructure. Basically, for developing, running, and managing applications without the cost, complexity, and inflexibility. Especially, of building and maintaining that platform on-premises.
Divi is no longer just a Page Builder. For one thing, you'll enjoy complete control over your entire website with this Theme Builder. The Divi Builder comes in two forms: The standard “Back-end Builder” and the front-end “Visual Builder.” Both interfaces allow you to build exactly the same types of websites with the same content elements and design settings.
InnovateMR is a web platform that connects organizations with market research audiences around the world. As they help and support them make informed data-driven strategies, and identify growth opportunities. With Real People, Quality Data, Faster Answers!
WordFence Security is a very powerful plugin and comes with an extensive set of features and options. But first, you'll get to set up the basic plugin options. Which includes enabling or disabling the core plugin features and providing an additional email address for alerts.
KMSPico (KMS) is a web tool used to validate the pirated version of Microsoft Windows and MS Offices. It's part of tailormade software technologies which doesn’t violate the Microsoft end product rules. It’s just like a local server that lets every machine use KMS Technology!
Unlike getting website updates or ezines by email, an RSS Feed gives you absolute, 100% complete control over the situation. You don’t have to reveal your email address. If you want to stop receiving content, you don’t have to request to be “taken off the list.”
When building a website, it is important to build it with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind. By doing this from the start of your planning, it will help to ensure less work needs to be done in the future. To have to go back and rebuild a website for SEO will take a lot more time and energy than just doing it right from the start.
A Spyware is an unwanted software that infiltrates your computing device, stealing your internet usage data and sensitive information. Spyware is classified as a type of malware — malicious software designed to gain access to or damage your computer, often without your knowledge. Spyware gathers your personal information and relays it to advertisers, data firms, or external users.
Flippa was founded by Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz as the SitePoint Marketplace. And was spun off as a separate website in June 2009. By 2015, it had traded more than $140 million in websites, domains, and mobile apps. Half of the Flippa's revenue comes from selling the websites. While the sales of domain names contribute to about 30% of the deals.
Alternatively referred to as Foo Files, Temporary Files or Temp Files are files created to hold information while a file's being created or modified. After the program is closed, the temporary file is deleted. In general, they store and move data, manage settings, help recover lost data, and manage multiple users.
Google Analytics Annotations are a simple yet powerful and often forgotten feature that will save you lots of time when you try to remember why there was an abrupt change in your reports.
Business blogging is a marketing tactic that uses blogging to get your business more online visibility. A business blog is a marketing channel (just like social media, direct mail, email marketing, etc.) that helps support business growth. Often, business blogging entails the process of creating relevant contextual and well-written articles and blog posts.
Podcasts are an exemplary on-demand online internet radio. And with new technology advancement, their elements have even been further simplified. Especially, now that through blubrry you’ll be able to integrate them into your website. Allowing your subscribers to listen to you live, download, and even share the ones they love.
According to Mozilla Firefox, a Web Browser takes you anywhere on the Internet. A Web Browser is typically a software application that is used to access the internet. Eventually, a Web Browser lets you visit websites and do activities within them like login. In addition, it allows its users to view multimedia, link from one site to another, visit one page from another, print, send, and receive an email, among many other activities.
The Dark Mode is a multi-browser addon that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. The toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which enables you to easily and quickly turn the extension ON or OFF.
Shopify is a subscription to a software service that allows you to create a general website store. While using its shopping cart solution to sell, ship, and manage your online business products.
WhatsApp is a text and voice messaging app that launched in 2009. It’s become incredibly popular since then, in no small thanks to its features and flexibility. As a free service, WhatsApp allows for messages and calls on both desktop and mobile devices. Part of what makes this app appealing is that it works on various phone and computer operating systems, helping with messaging.
The EU GDPR Compliance is an ambitious and pioneering attempt. To create a comprehensive, unified standard for digital privacy and data protection. The problems it addresses are complex, and as an enforcement mechanism, it will continue to mature over time. That's where the WP AutoTerms plugin kicks in!
Online Brands Profiling and Product Reviews by the jmexclusives team are limitless. Including, improving your brand and products online search results, reputation awareness as well as online presence representation. On the other hand, leveraging your online brands' profiling and product reviews creates a general outlook of online business presence.