
Content Development is the process of researching, writing, gathering, organizing, and editing information for publication. Content development is the process of originating (creating), editing, manipulating, and maintaining the content in order to provide knowledgeable fillings to the users.

What Is Highlight This?

Highlight This | The No #1 Extension To Find And Mark Words

Highlight This is a browser extension for the Chrome and Firefox browser which highlights words you select, on web pages that you visit. You can set up different lists of words, assign them a color, and even specify on which pages you want the words to be highlighted. Not to mention, you can easily find it on both the Chrome Store and on the Mozilla (Firefox) add-ons page too.

Read MoreHighlight This | The No #1 Extension To Find And Mark Words
What Is On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO | #10 Best Practices For Website Content Audit

On-Page SEO (aka On-Page Optimization or On-Site SEO) is the practice or rather the process of maximizing the results your web content achieves from search engines query. Including improvements in rankings, organic traffic, and conversions. These existing content optimization opportunities tend to come in two scenarios though. For instance, via Keyword Research before creating the content, or content SEO Audit afterward.

Read MoreOn-Page SEO | #10 Best Practices For Website Content Audit
Google Ad Exchange (AdX) Vs Google AdSense

Google Ad Exchange (AdX) Vs Google AdSense | Publisher Guide

Google Ad Exchange (AdX) (previously known as DoubleClick Ad Exchange) is an ad exchange network. This means that it is a programmatic advertising platform, offering real-time bidding (RTB) on ad spaces to ad networks, including AdSense, agencies, and demand-side platforms. Publishers working with Google AdX have access to a larger inventory.

Read MoreGoogle Ad Exchange (AdX) Vs Google AdSense | Publisher Guide
What The Future-Ready Businesses (FRBs) Entail

How Future-Ready Businesses (FRBs) Are Building For Tomorrow

Notably, Future-Ready Businesses (FRBs) have a positive attitude to change, are open to new technology, and have clear steps towards business transformation and a detailed strategy. They are also up to date with trends, and uncertainties and are very adaptable. In addition, these organizations have different ways of approaching business challenges.

Read MoreHow Future-Ready Businesses (FRBs) Are Building For Tomorrow
Why You Should Use FotoJet For Editing Photos

FotoJet | The No #1 Free All-In-One Graphics Design Toolkit

Thanks to FotoJet, everyone can become a professional designer delivering impressive results with this powerful graphic design tool! And whenever you feel inspired, you can always create awesome designs using their extensive number of templates. As well as, crafting jaw-dropping posters, flyers, cards, invitations, social media graphics, banners, and much more.

Read MoreFotoJet | The No #1 Free All-In-One Graphics Design Toolkit
Next.js Client Side Authentication Steps Using The NextAuth.js Framework

Next.js Client-Side Authentication Steps Using NextAuth.js

Next.js Client-Side Authentication is a critical aspect of web apps with key perspectives being: client-side, server-side, and API route authentication. And, as such, you would want to set up client-side authentication, Sign Out, and Sign In functionality, and prevent unauthorized users keep from accessing protected routes on the client side with the NextAuth.js framework.

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How To Choose The Best Website Builder For A Webdev Project

How To Choose The Best Website Builder For A Webdev Project

As a rule of thumb, before comparing the best website builder with the other, we recommend that you write down what you want to do with your website. Actualize your ultimate goals and the intended features that you would like to see on both your back-end and front-end website design. For one thing, this will easily guide you through the selection process.

Read MoreHow To Choose The Best Website Builder For A Webdev Project
OCR Technology Role In Text Creation Efficiency And Accuracy

OCR Technology Role In Text Creation Efficiency And Accuracy

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process that converts an image of text into a machine-readable text format. For example, if you scan a receipt, your computer saves the scan as an image file. You cannot use a text editor to edit, search, or count the words in the image file. However, you can use OCR to convert the image into a text document.

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Speech-To-Text Apps To Aid Web Accessibility For Deaf Users

Speech-To-Text Apps To Aid Web Accessibility For Deaf Users 

Speech-to-text is used for speech recognition and translating spoken words into text through a computer or app. Speech-to-text is also referred to as computer speech recognition or speech recognition. Additionally, its best uses are saving notes on your phone through dictation, media subtitling, clinical documentation, call analytics, and media content search.

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