Website Development | The 7 User-Friendly Website Principles

Website Development is the coding or programming that enables website functionality, per the owner’s requirements. It mainly deals with the non-design aspect of building websites, which includes coding and writing markup. In general, website development can be split into two categories — front-end and back-end design and development stages.

On one hand, the front-end or client side of an application is the code responsible for determining how the website will actually display the designs. And that’s mocked up by a designer. On the other hand, the back-end or server side of an application is responsible for managing data within the database. Hence, serving the data to the front end for display.

And of course, you’ll need to choose a platform known as the content management system. Generally, a great Content Management System (CMS) will provide you with wide design customization options and tools you can use to give your website a one-of-a-kind design. In reality, WordPress is one of the best-preferred website development CMS Platforms.

Understanding What A Website Development Process Entails For Webmasters

To enumerate, website development broadly refers to the tasks associated with developing websites for hosting through the Intranet or the Internet. The web development process includes website layout design, creative content writing, business blogging, client-side/server-side scripting, and network security configuration, among other tasks. Management is also a vital website element.

In other words, web development is a process that ranges from creating plain text pages to complex web-based applications, social network applications, and electronic business applications. Notwithstanding, learning the basics of HTML from scratch can take 6+ months, let alone CSS and PHP. Thus, having a basic knowledge of HTML can help you gauge things more quickly.

But, if you want to create a business website within a day or two, learning HTML isn’t a viable option. Considerably, for instance, WordPress Website Builders are expensive and often very limited. On the one hand, they are often suitable for one-page websites, but not more. On the other hand, Drupal is a very powerful platform that is popular with web developers and experienced coders.

Related Resource Reference: How To Hire A Full-stack Developer

Moving on, we’d like to clearly understand the main difference between website development vs website design. Although not much different, however, the line between a web designer and a web developer is often blurred because there is a lot of overlap. Simply put, a web designer’s focus is the look and feel of a website.

Whereas, a web developer focuses on the technical side of things. And on the contrary, a developer who does client-side programming will have a direct impact. Such as on the overall outlook, layout, and feel of a website. But, both website designers and website developers often know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and it’s in their professional portfolios.

Eventually, for larger-scale website projects, an agency such as jmexclusives is equipped with qualified Digital Online Web Experts and webdev gurus. That said, the principle distinction is often much more defined as follows:

Website Designer

A web designer uses graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. As a result, to create the logos, graphics, and layout that determine the look and feel of a website.

Website Developer

The web developer still has to understand the aesthetics and art direction of the web designer. For instance, if they are handling client-side scripts. Thou, their concern is with functionality and features, like the shopping cart on an e-commerce website.

Front-End Developer

Remarkably, front-end developer skills take care of layout, design, and interactivity using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They take an idea from the drawing board and turn it into reality. What you see and what you use, such as the visual aspect of the website, the drop-down menus, and the text.

They are all brought together by the front-end dev, who writes a series of programs. Thereby, binding and structuring these web elements and making them look good, and adding interactivity. These programs operate through a browser.

Back-End Developer

By the same token, back-end developer skills call for developer engineers who know what is going on behind the scenes. Not forgetting, this is where you store the data, and without this data, there is no front end. The backend of the web consists of the server that hosts the website.

Certainly, an application for running it and a database to contain the data. The backend dev uses computer programs to ensure that the server, the application, and the database run smoothly together. They need to analyze what a company’s needs are.

Also, to provide effective programming solutions. To do all this amazing stuff they use a variety of server-side languages, like PHP, Ruby, Python, and Java.

Full-Stack Developer

Above all, if no decision has been made, consider becoming a guru in website design & development using full-stack developer skills as well. A Full-Stack Web Developer (Staker) takes care of both the front end and the back end.

Graphic Designer

But, are there any required skills for a good website graphic designer & developer? Of course, Yes! For sure, you need both basic skill sets in design and development in order to build a proper website. Even though, a designer may not even have to write the code.

In this case, a graphic designer will create a visual representation of the website’s layout. While the web developer will use code to make the layout a reality. Still, other web professionals have honed their skills in both disciplines:

  • For a website designer, knowing how to code can help them communicate better with the web development team.
  • For a website developer, understanding the art direction of a website can help them write better code.

Notably, both Website Design and Website Development involve either website styling or structuring. And it’s also a good choice to learn a general introduction to coding since it’s super easy to get started. Whether you’re looking for a career or just want to learn how to code, learning how to develop a web is simply for you.

However, if you’re strictly speaking about the general concepts of website design & development the distinction is a little clear. All in all, these two roles play a major part in building the websites and apps we know. In other words, it’s the front-end developer’s job to share the most overlap with the web designer.

Front-end web developers don’t usually create mock-ups, select typography, or pick color palettes. Rather the designer provides them. It’s the developer’s job to bring those mock-ups to life. That said, understanding what the designer wants requires some knowledge of best practices in UI/UX design.

This is to enable the developer to choose the right technology to deliver the desired look and feel and experience in the final product. There are various skills and tools traditionally viewed as unique to the front-end developer.

They include:
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • CSS preprocessors (i.e., LESS or Sass)
  • Frameworks (i.e., AngularJS, ReactJS, Ember)
  • Libraries (i.e., jQuery)
  • Git and GitHub

While launching a new website might not be quite as complex as flying a plane, there are enough variables to warrant a thorough checklist with each launch. As an example, the Wright Brothers, when they first invented the airplane and were testing it for military use, found that there were too many crashes. Especially, to find airplanes as reliable as military machines.

In fact, something like 1 in 5 flights ended up failing due to some type of human error. To solve this problem, they came up with the pre-flight checklist and reduced the number of crashes to less than 1%. Similarly, it’s easier to look at a web developer’s description. Thereby, splitting the skills into the three areas that we are going to mention them down below.

Consider the following:
  1. client-side languages,
  2. server-side languages, and
  3. database technologies.
1. Client-side Languages

Client-side scripting refers to the creation of web applications that execute themselves within the browser of a user’s computer. For instance, storing user data in cookies, simple flash games, or other forms of interactive web applications. This also includes using languages like HTML, CSS, or JavaScript to build the layout, look, and feel of a website.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Flash
  • JQuery
  • Microsoft Silverlight
2. Server-side Languages

Server-side scripting is a technique that website developers use to build the backend of a website. Why is that so critical for your new site? The end user’s computer (i.e. the person using the website) limits a web browser’s storage. Thus, the websites need to host the files and images that make the site work in a database on a web server.

Server-side scripting involves constructing the framework. This allows the database on the webserver to communicate with the web browser of the end user’s computer. To make it work, the developer embeds scripts on your website so that, when someone using your site takes a particular action. The server can display a set of images or information.

The server-side code is also inherently more secure. Make sure the person using your website has no direct access to the source code, proprietary databases, or data beyond what’s specifically shown to them.

  • C
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
3. Database Technologies

The final set of skills to look for in a web developer is the database technologies they are familiar with. In order to work properly, every website needs a database to store its code, images, files, and other data. These relational database management systems (RDBMS) are the most popular web-based applications.

  • Oracle
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • IBM DB2
  • Apache

A Full Stack Web Developer is someone who is able to work on both the front-end and back-end portions of an application. In general, the front end refers to the portion of an application the user will see or interact with. And the back end is the part of the application that handles the logic, database interactions, user authentication, server configuration, etc.

Being a full-stack web developer doesn’t mean that you have necessarily mastered everything required to work with the front-end or back-end. But it means that you are able to work on both sides and understand what is going on when building an application.

How To Become A Full Stack Website Development Expert

Simply put, front end and back end are terms used by programmers and computer professionals such as jmexclusives to describe the layers that make up hardware, a computer program, or a website. So to say, which are delineated based on how accessible they are to a user. In this context, the user refers to an entity that could be human or digital.

An article on Medium has discussed the full stack designer getting both praise and blame. Whereby, some people think that the full stack web developer is just a title. Arguably, what he/she should focus on is real personal ability and technology.

The Basic Principles Of A Friendly Website Development Process

Many businesses make the mistake of neglecting usability. Usability is critical for the success of any webpage and you should never overlook it. Good usability can improve the performance of your website and increase your chances of success. It can also boost sales and revenue for your business.

For your site to be successful, it should not only look good but also provide a seamless user experience for visitors. This is why good usability is important. It will set your web apart from your competition. Not forgetting, a website is a public application that usually targets any number of users. You want to make sure you build something that is likable and usable.

As an example, Google yourself or use any other dedicated browser and search for yourself. What do you see? Are you all there? Are you well-represented? Probably not. Or even you no longer exist. Within time, technology lapses are like a heartbeat. You skip one or miss one rate and you die. The same is happening online. Below are the principles of great website development:

1. Custom Search Results

In website development, good website usability is about making it easy for visitors to find the information they need quickly and easily. There are many ways to improve the usability of your website. These simple usability recommendations can make your website more appealing to customers and improve your chances of success online.

Yes, you may be famous, well-established, and occupied at the moment as a brand. Perhaps you even consider online reputation as a waste of time and or it is meant for idlers. Well, for now, it might be so but not for our future lifestyle.

2. Brand Reputation Awareness

Having a good website improves your online brand presence and availability to the world-spread population. However, disappointments come when you entrust your reputation to a team that has no idea of your futuristic interests or any idea of progress.

Such includes people without profound information and ideas about what you really want in your website. However, as jmexclusives, not only do we deliver our projects, but, we guide you through the whole process. Especially, having a simple, responsive, and creative website targeting your audience and world readers.

3. User Functionality Ease

A site serves the purpose of solving a problem. For example, a job board has a purpose where employers can post jobs, and job seekers can find and apply for jobs. Once applied, there should be a way for candidates and employers to communicate and keep up to date with a job application. If you build a job board and it only lets you post jobs, that’s not enough.

Also, you do not need a website you only see the normal operations of any website by Tom and Harry. A website should be easy to use and navigate. When users visit your site, do they find the information they are looking for, without struggling? Does your website provide easy navigation to jump from one page to another and go back?

4. Modern Relevant Content

You want to make sure your website is using current trends and technologies. One that supports today’s needs. For example, responsiveness and fluid web designs are the key requirements for modern sites. You do not want to create fixed page layouts that don’t support mobile readability.

Again, you do not want to put content on a website that is not relevant to the users. You do not want to put car details on a job board. If your site is a job board, it should have content and tips related to being a good candidate such as how to create a professional resume and how to behave in an interview. You do not want to post about cars or sports on a job board.

5. Optimized AMP Responsive

Your website and its content should be optimized for different devices, browsers, data speed, Search Engines, and users. If it’s not optimized for mobile data users and their download speed, they may leave the site. Then, if your website does not support common modern browsers. Or, popular for smartphones and their sizes you may be missing out on some users.

Responsive website development is a modern need. It changes the layout and options to fit the device and browser size. For instance, a website may provide more options on a large PC monitor compared to a mobile phone.

6. Reliable Performance Speed

Is your site reliable? If I apply for a job, does your site send me on-time notifications and messages to keep me posted with the updates? Can I access your website whenever and wherever? Is your website up and running 24/7?

Does your website load fast enough to show visitors what they are looking for? Your website can’t be slow when presenting content to its visitors. If your site takes more than two seconds to load, it is probably too slow.

7. Scalable SSL Secure

Do you have sufficient infrastructure to support your site and its visitors? A site should be able to scale to a number of potential visitors. Not only should the site’s user interface be scalable but the back-end database, APIs, and services too should be able to scale.

Security is a major concern for today’s web visitors. You need to make sure that your site follows industry standards and guidelines. For example, if you have a user registration feature, you want to make sure that you encrypt and do not display in text user passwords.

You also want to ensure that the site is secure and uses SSL encryption. If you forget a password feature. Then, you do not want to provide a reset password feature without asking the security questions to the user.

Takeaway Notes:

Someone who has mastered both website development & design makes an excellent project manager. In the end, offering a perfect mix of form and function to a web project. Above all, make sure that you have a full understanding of other skills in elements such as; Front-EndBack-End, and even Full-Stack as well.

Surprisingly, I used to think that you were either a web designer or a web developer a while back. Or maybe you were one of those rare unicorns who did both. But either way, you either worked on the design of the site, or the code that made it work. In order to know how the web works on all levels, you need to determine how the client — the server sides will relate.

Naturally, working up to this level of expertise will take longer than you think, as there is more to learn.

Other More Related Topics:
  1. #5 Topmost Full Stack Web Developer Essential Starter Skills
  2. 13 Simple Steps To Improve Your WordPress Website Performance
  3. Google Search Console | Improve Your Rankings & CTR
  4. Yoast SEO Plugin | Turn Your Site Into an SEO Powerhouse
  5. 8 Social Media Tips That Your Business Website Design Needs

Finally, we hope the above website development blueprints will greatly help your online presence journey. But if you need further intervention, please feel free to Contact Us or even share your thoughts in the comments box below this post. Still, if you are looking for website designers and developers, website customizers, or even a website manager, please feel free to Get In Touch and let us know.

Whereby, you can send us an email at [email protected] or even share your thoughts and questions in the comments section. You can also read and learn more about Web Designers vs. Web Developers: What is the difference and which do you need to hire? Likewise, you can also Donate to support our efforts and motivate our webmasters for their great work.

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