The New COVID-19 Pandemic Public Guide Plus Protective Kits

Realistically, the COVID-19 Pandemic threat is still real and around. Many countries around the world have successfully managed and slowed outbreaks of the Coronavirus and the illness it causes, yes, but the fact is we are not out of the woods yet and we need to play as safe as we can (together) in order to fight and win the COVID-19 Pandemic at large.

Perse, this emerging virus is still impacting countries and communities in an unpredictable way as infections continue spreading. For your information, the aka Coronavirus is a family of viruses that include the common cold, and other viruses such as SARS, MERS, and the like. Eventually, this new virus was temporarily named “2019-nCoV” just to be clear.

On that note, we are now and then often reminded to stay aware by regularly checking updates from WHO and national or local public health authorities. But, COVID-19 Pandemic is just a tiny little pickle among the many viruses that threaten humanity. So, with that in mind, let’s try to define and elaborate more on the workings of a virus inside the body.

How A Virus Works Inside The Human Body

To begin with, according to NCBI, there is a close connection between microbes and humans. In fact, experts believe about half of all human DNA originated from viruses that infected and embedded their nucleic acid in our ancestors’ egg and sperm cells. Microbes occupy all of our body surfaces, including the skin, gut, and mucous membranes.

As a matter of fact, our bodies contain at least 10 times more bacterial cells than human ones, blurring the line between where microbes end and humans begin. Microbes in the human gastrointestinal tract alone comprise at least 10 trillion organisms — representing more than 1,000 species — which are thought to prevent the gut from attacks.

They are also useful tools in preventing the gut from being colonized by disease-causing organisms. Among their other beneficial roles, microbes synthesize vitamins, break down food into absorbable nutrients, and stimulate our immune systems. The vast majority of microbes establish themselves as persistent “colonists,” who take over the good cells.

Whilst, thriving in complex communities within and on our bodies. In many cases, the microbes derive benefits without harming us; in other cases, both the host and microbe benefit. Surprisingly, even though some microbes make us sick and even kill us, in the long run, they have a shared interest in our survival. For these tiny invaders, a dead host is a dead end.

Why Is It So Hard To Just Flog Them Out?

Well, the success of microorganisms is due to their remarkable adaptability. And, as a rule of thumb, through natural selection, organisms that are genetically better suited to their surroundings have more offspring and transmit their desirable traits to future generations. Overall, this process operates far more efficiently in the microbial world than in people.

Bear in mind, humans produce a new generation every 20 years or so; bacteria do it every 20 to 30 minutes, and viruses do even faster. Because they reproduce so quickly, microorganisms can assemble in enormous numbers with great variety in their communities. If their environment suddenly changes, the community’s genetic variations are more adaptable.

Meaning, that it will make it more likely that some will survive. This gives microbes a huge advantage over humans when it comes to adapting for survival. Be that as it may, there are five major categories of infectious agents. They include viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths. For the sake of this guide, we’ll dwell much on viruses (and the rest later on).

By definition, according to Wikipedia, a virus is a small infectious agent that eventually takes over the cells. And as such, it replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. Equally important, most viruses such as the COVID-19 Virus can infect all types of life forms — animals and plants alike — even microorganisms like bacteria and archaea.

This Is How They Invade And Attack The Healthy Body Cells

In the first place, it’s worth reminding you that viruses are just tiny, but very deadly microbes. Suffice it to say, ranging in size from about 20 to 400 nanometers in diameter (see page 9). Billions can fit on the head of a pin. Some are rod-shaped; others are round and 20-sided; and yet others have fanciful forms, with multisided “heads” and cylindrical “tails.”

Simply put, viruses are simply packets of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protein shell and sometimes fatty materials called lipids. Outside a living cell, a virus is a dormant particle, lacking the raw materials for reproduction. Only when it enters a host cell does it prompt into action. Whilst, hijacking the overall cell’s metabolic machinery.

Obviously, it does all this in order to produce copies of itself that may burst out of infected cells or simply bud off a cell membrane. This lack of self-sufficiency means that viruses cannot be cultured in artificial media for scientific research or vaccine development; they can be grown only in living cells, fertilized eggs, tissue cultures, or bacteria.

Specifically, a special hormone called interferon is produced by the body when viruses are present. And this stops the viruses from reproducing by killing the infected cell and its close neighbors.

What A COVID-19 Pandemic Is All About

Take, for example, the case of this COVID-19 Pandemic and its actively evolving virus type. Inside cells, there are enzymes that destroy the RNA of viruses. Some blood cells engulf and destroy other virus-infected cells and this, as a result, adds to the pain. Approaches in place plus continued research to treat/prevent viral infections exist, but not to cure.

The bad news is that an existing infection of this type means permanently altering the viral DNA. With this in mind, it’s more essential than ever to take action to protect yourself. While heeding the most up-to-date warnings from trustworthy groups. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) can help you.

In addition to regularly checking for updates from those organizations above, follow the recommended guidelines below. Especially, if you want to continue protecting yourself during this COVID-19 Pandemic period. You are also welcome to Donate in support of our ground team and their ongoing campaign against the likes of CoronavirusClimate Change, and more…

The Fight Against The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Still Stiff

Coronavirus, also known globally as the COVID-19 Pandemic is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Not forgetting, a viral infection is the proliferation of a harmful virus within the body. Symptoms of the viral illness are due to tissue damage and the associated immune response of the host, especially, if respiratory viral infections.

Generally, respiratory viral infections affect the nose, lungs, and airway. Most people who fall sick with it experience mild to moderate symptoms. And while at the same time, recovering without special treatment.

According to WHO, by definition, the new Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus (more specifically, a coronavirus) identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness. Particularly, first detected in Wuhan, China.

Read Also: Coronavirus | Main Causes, Symptoms, Risks & Treatment

Early on, many of the patients in the outbreak in Wuhan, China reportedly had some link to a large seafood and animal market. Suggesting animal-to-person spread. However, a growing number of patients reportedly have not had exposure to animal markets. Indicating person-to-person spread is occurring.

Taking a few key steps and following some simple guidelines can help you limit your exposure to the virus. It’s important to remember, recommendations can change frequently and new information can emerge quickly.

Below are the topmost guidelines to follow and stay safe:
  • Remain alert and proactive about your health. While older people and people with preexisting medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable, anyone can be impacted by the virus. The best way to keep yourself from getting sick is to avoid exposure in whatever way you can.
  • Maintain social distancing. When you’re in public spaces, stay at least 6 feet away from other people who aren’t members of your household.
  • Wear a cloth face mask covering when you’re around others in public or people who aren’t members of your household. This should cover your mouth and nose. Children under age 2 and anyone who is unable to remove a face covering without assistance should not wear one but should still practice social distancing.
  • If possible, plan to work from home. Avoid large social gatherings and follow your state’s restrictions about maximum gathering sizes if they exist.
  • Avoid touching your face, as your hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose, and mouth.
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  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds every time. If you don’t have immediate access to soap and water, clean your hands using a coin-sized amount of hand sanitizer that’s at least 60% alcohol.
  • Sneeze and cough into your elbow to avoid spreading germs into your hands. Immediately wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. If you cough or sneeze into a tissue, throw it away immediately.
  • If you notice respiratory problems or are experiencing a fever, seek medical attention immediately.
  • Follow all current state and local directives regarding the pandemic, such as wearing a mask in public and practicing social distancing. You may face legal consequences — and expose yourself to the virus — if you neglect to do so.

By all means, check with the CDC and WHO periodically to receive updates to guidelines and find out the latest details. So, what do you do if you think you are sick? It’s important to realize, that both bacteria and viruses are almost unimaginably small. Bacteria are usually measured in microns (abbreviated “μm,” 1 micron equals 1 one-millionth of a meter).

While, on the other side, viruses are measured in the even more minuscule unit of nanometers (abbreviated “nm,” 1 nanometer equals 1 one-billionth of a meter or 1 one-thousandth of a micron). To give a sense of these measures, consider that the period at the end of this sentence is about 350 microns, or 350,000 nanometers, in diameter.

If we magnify the period to one thousand times its actual size (see far left), a nearby Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the bacterium that causes hospital-acquired pneumonia and bloodstream infections, becomes visible. If, in turn, we magnify Pseudomonas 75 more times, or to 75,000 times its actual size, an adjacent influenza virus particle also becomes visible.

How COVID-19 Pandemic And Other Pathogens Make Us Sick

Infection does not necessarily lead to disease. Infection occurs when viruses, bacteria, or other microbes enter your body and begin to multiply. Disease, which typically happens in a small proportion of infected people, occurs when the cells in your body are damaged as a result of infection, and signs and symptoms of an illness appear.

In response to infection, your immune system springs into action. White blood cells, antibodies, and other mechanisms go to work to rid of any foreign invader. Indeed, many of the symptoms that make a person suffer during an infection — fever, malaise, headache, rash — result from the activities of the immune system trying to eliminate the infection from the body.

Pathogenic microbes challenge the immune system in many ways. Viruses make us sick by killing cells or disrupting cell function. Our bodies often respond with fever (heat inactivates many viruses), the secretion of a chemical called interferon (which blocks viruses from reproducing), or by marshaling the antibodies and other cells to target the invader.

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Many bacteria make us sick the same way, but they also have other strategies at their disposal. Sometimes they multiply so rapidly that they crowd out host tissues and disrupt normal function. Sometimes they kill cells and tissues outright or make toxins that can paralyze, destroy cells’ metabolic machinery, or precipitate a massive immune reaction that is itself toxic.

If you currently think you are a victim of the COVID-19 Pandemic or are experiencing Coronavirus Symptoms, the CDC suggests the following. These steps will help you to take care of yourself. And also limit the spread of the virus to others in your household and your community.

Below are the topmost steps to follow and stay safe:
  • Stay at home unless you need to receive medical care. This means not leaving your house.
  • Stay out of public areas as much as possible when you do need to leave. Don’t use public transportation such as buses and subways. Also, avoid taxis and rideshare vehicles.
  • If possible, sequester yourself in a specific room in your home away from other people and pets, and use a separate bathroom.
  • Whenever you’re around other people in your home or in public, wear a cloth face covering.
  • Monitor your symptoms and contact your doctor immediately if they worsen.
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  • Seek emergency medical attention if you experience emergency warning signs of COVID-19. These include trouble breathing, a blue tint to your lips or face, lasting pain or pressure in your chest, and trouble walking or staying awake.
  • When seeking medical care, whether from your primary provider or emergency services, notify them ahead of time that you have COVID-19 or believe you might. This helps them better prepare for your visit and protect their staff members.
  • Disinfect high-touch surfaces in your personal room and bathroom daily. These include phones, keyboards, remote controls, counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, and bedside tables.
  • Someone in your home who isn’t sick should disinfect high-touch surfaces in common areas of your home daily.
  • Continue to cover your coughs and sneezes and wash your hands frequently or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer to clean your hands.


As one deadly disease spreads throughout the world, immunization efforts must continue to prevent outbreaks of other diseases. You can read and learn more about how WHO is preventing outbreaks of other diseases.

And as COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, people in all countries are being encouraged to take precautions to prevent transmission. Including in many countries by staying at home and physical distancing. But a pandemic does not erase other diseases and their impact.

While many services, including some health services, are being scaled back, the risk of further outbreaks of infectious diseases grows. The healthcare disruptions caused by COVID-19 could have a devastating impact on child mortality.

Related Topics:
  1. Hand Sanitizer | Best Practices For Personal Hygiene
  2. Handwashing | Life is Better with Clean Hands – Campaign
  3. Where to buy hand sanitizer | These retailers still have stock
  4. WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard Data

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