Coronavirus Symptoms | Top 5 Self Isolation Best Practices

Contact your doctor right away if you have any susceptible Coronavirus Symptoms. Or rather, if you’ve possibly been exposed to the new COVID-19 virus. Also, tell your doctor if you’ve recently traveled internationally. At the same time, call your doctor ahead to tell him or her about your symptoms and recent travels. As well as other possible exposure before you go to your appointment.

Important to realize, it’s unclear exactly how contagious the new coronavirus is. Since it appears to be spreading from person to person among those in close contact. It may be spread by respiratory droplets released when someone with the virus coughs or sneezes. By definition, the New Novel Coronavirus is a family of viruses that can cause various illnesses.

Such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In 2019, a new coronavirus was identified as the cause of a disease outbreak in China. The virus is now known as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). And the disease it causes is called Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

What are Coronavirus Symptoms?

The COVID-19 situation is constantly evolving, and these decisions are made with the best interest of patients, staff, and community in mind. In general, at its earlier stage, Coronavirus Symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure. Notably, Coronavirus Symptoms can include a heightened fever, dry cough or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing).

The severity of COVID-19 symptoms can range from very mild to severe. People who are older or have existing medical conditions, such as heart disease, may be at higher risk of serious illness. This is similar to what is seen with other respiratory illnesses, such as influenza. If you do not have the symptoms for COVID-19, (fever, cough, shortness of breath), a test will not be performed at this time.

On the other hand, the understanding of transmission patterns, severity, clinical features, and risk factors for COVID-19 Coronavirus is currently limited. Especially among the general population, among health care workers, in households and in other “closed” settings. You can read and learn more about What is Coronavirus?

What is Self Quarantine?

Self Quarantine or Self Isolation means staying home and not leaving to go anywhere unless you need medical care. Many COVID-19 patients are advised to self-isolate at home while they recover.

Whereby, the Practice of Self Quarantine, as we know it, began during the 14th century in an effort to protect coastal cities from plague epidemics.

For instance, ships arriving in Venice from infected ports were required to sit at anchor for 40 days before landing. This practice, called quarantine, was derived from the Italian words Quaranta giorni which means 40 days.

Under its delegated authority, any National Quarantine Division is empowered to carry on with the best isolation methods. Like to detain, medically examine, or conditionally release individuals and wildlife suspected of carrying a communicable disease.

Read more about the History of Quarantine

In general, under individual levels, Self Isolation and Self Quarantine help protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease.

  • Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.
  • Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.

As an example, the list of quarantinable diseases is contained in an Executive Order of the President.

It includes cholera, diphtheria, infectious tuberculosis, plague, smallpox, yellow fever, severe acute respiratory syndromes, and viral hemorrhagic fevers. The viral hemorrhagic fevers include Marburg, Ebola, and Congo-Crimean.

Read Also: Ebola Virus | Everything you Should know about It

Many other illnesses of public health significance, such as measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox, are not contained in the list of quarantinable illnesses. But, continue to pose a health risk to the public.

Quarantine Station personnel respond to reports of ill travelers aboard airplanes, ships, and land border crossings. Particularly, to make an assessment of the public health risk and initiate an appropriate response.

Some tips for Self-quarantining at home include:
  • While at home stay away from others. If possible, you should stay in a specific room and use a separate bathroom.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  • Avoid sharing personal household items. After using personal items, such as silverware, dishes, towels, sheets and more, wash thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough and sneeze and then throw it into the trash.
  • Postpone all non-essential appointments until you are out of isolation.

How do I Prepare for a Self Isolation?

So, you’ve stocked up on tinned beans and toilet paper but what on earth will you do with yourself? Provided your Coronavirus Symptoms are not too severe, of course – while holed up at home in Nairobi for days on end, what’s next?

Basically, our social lives are shrinking by the day. First, with the banning of events for more than 1000 people or so. And then this week’s Kenyan government decision to extend the ban to events of more than 100. Gyms, schools, and offices are bracing themselves for a full shutdown.

But, whether you’re ill or not, it appears most of us will have to spend more time at home in the coming weeks. With this in mind, I’ve compiled a list of things to do at home in case you have to self-quarantine. So, let’s start with the obvious!

1. Go Shopping

Most supermarkets, including Quickmart and Carrefour Kenya, do offer delivery options. But, choose your slots early to ensure you get your groceries at your desired time.

I recently tested Epepea – Kenya’s premium online grocery shopping network. And what’s more, they take your recyclables away and dispose of them for you at the same time!

You can also checkout on E-mart or simply see an additional List of Supermarket Chains in Kenya.

2. Order In

Whether you need comfort food like pizza or pasta or crave a healthy poké bowl or sushi, you can order any type of food from many of Kenya restaurants.

Of course, Yes! By using a variety of delivery services. Including Glovo, Jumia Food, Uber Eats,, and more.

3. Stay Entertained

Are you worried about children off school? And going stir crazy at home? Pre-order some boxed activities. Eventually, to pull out when tempers fray and tantrums threaten.

DoItBox offers a subscription to a Creative Box for children from 3 to 8 years old who like to tinker while having fun. Every month you will receive a box at home containing 5 activities. And even based on a theme, with all the necessary material (scissors not included) and instructions to guide you.

4. Read Books

If you’re like me, reading has become a guilty pleasure you never have time for! However, this is the time to rediscover reading. If any, some city libraries offer a digital library, including 650 English books, as well as audiobooks.

When Amazon created its line of Kindle e-readers, one of its advantages was Amazon’s online presence and store. Amazon Kindle leveraged this advantage by providing an always-on 3G connection called “Whispernet” to its early Kindle models.

An option still available on the latest offerings in the Kindle line. You can learn more about Amazon Kindle | Now with a Built-in Adjustable Front Light.

5. Keep Fit

This seems to be the ideal time to reflect on your life or to clear your head and calm your thoughts. Especially, with guided meditations aimed at tackling problems like anxiety and sleeplessness. I personally like Headspace App where the foundation pack is free.

In addition, we often do yoga online and there are some excellent free classes on YouTube as well. So, if you’re prepared to pay a monthly prescription of around CHF15 for professional classes, I do recommend Myyogaworks and Poweryoga.


During the Social Distancing Period, it’s a good opportunity to boost your French using the excellent online French classes offered by Prêt a Parler. I love their focused approach and the fact that you can take your lessons whenever and wherever you want.

If you’re not in official self-quarantine but forced to stay home because your company or university has shut down, taking a walk in the fresh air is always a good idea. For example, take a leisurely stroll along the lake, neighborhood, or a hike through other unfamiliar landscapes.

According to the official guidelines by NPR on Self Quarantine – you’re to stay at home. For example, if you’ve been in contact with someone who is ill or you’ve traveled to an affected country.

Also, I can’t think of a better way to distress and cope with mass panic, than chilling with a nice glass of wine. Order wine to your home from some of the local wineries or even from Dial a Drink Kenya.

Trying to stay positive and pro-active appears to be all we can do at the moment. Above all, make the best of your time at home!


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Read more about What is COVID-19 Coronavirus? and 10 ways to stay sane and active while social distancing.

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