Kiwi Fruit (Kiwifruit) | Top 10 Benefits, Recipes Plus Risks

The Kiwi Fruit – shortened as Kiwi from its full name, the Kiwifruit – is actually a large berry that grows on a species of woody vine in the genus Actinidia. Kiwis have been famously cultivated in New Zealand, but this bold berry actually originated in eastern China. Typically, the Kiwi Fruit Plant often grows in the shape of an oval — around the size of a chicken egg.

Its skin is camel-colored, fibrous, and coated in a light fuzz. Despite its fuzzy covering, the kiwi’s skin is edible and tart. The kiwi’s flesh is bright green with a unique but pleasing texture and rows of distinctive tiny black seeds, which can also be eaten. Kiwis have a sweet, tart, and bold taste — making them a popular addition to a healthy breakfast or lunch.

Kiwis are high in Vitamins like C and dietary fiber and provide a variety of health benefits. This tart fruit can support heart health, digestive health, and immunity. Thus, Kiwi is a healthy choice of fruit and is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Its tart flavor, pleasing texture, and low-calorie count make it a delicious and healthy option for snacking, sides, or a unique dessert.

According to history, the Kiwifruit, or Chinese Gooseberry, originally grew wild in China. Kiwis are a nutrient-dense food — they are rich in nutrients and low in calories. Realistically, it’s known that a schoolteacher introduced the Kiwi fruit to New Zealand in 1904, upon returning from China with seeds. The New Zealanders called it “kiwi” after their national bird.

Just as we aforementioned, Kiwi Fruit (Kiwifruit) is a delicious and healthy snack, but, like all fruits, it still contains naturally occurring sugar. Because of this, you should try to consider consuming them in moderation. On that note, limiting your intake of Kiwi Fruit to 140 grams or less is highly recommended — it is essential to maintain a balanced diet.

Kiwis are a nutrient-dense food — they are rich in nutrients and low in calories. Given words from many health enthusiasts, Kiwi has a reputation as a healthy food because of its high Vitamin C content, but the fruit is also rich in other nutrients. These nutrient-rich elements may help reduce blood pressure, boost wound healing, help maintain bowel health, and more.

By all means, Kiwis are an excellent source of various beneficial compounds and elements to our overall body health and wellness. Not to mention, just a 140-gram serving of kiwi contains a variety of almost the basic bodybuilders that we need. That said, let’s now have an overall outlook of what these fruits contain in terms of per serving and nutrition.

  • Calories: 90
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fat: 1 gram
  • Carbohydrates: 21 grams
  • Fiber: 5 grams
  • Sugar: 15 grams

Our lifestyles enthusiasts approve of Kiwifruit as a superfood. For one thing, looks can be deceiving, yes, – this fuzzy little fruit is a nutritional heavyweight packed with health benefits. With their jade-green flesh, tiny black seeds, and naturally sweet taste — there’s plenty to love about the kiwi fruit. It’s also one of the topmost healthiest fruits we’ve got around.

More so, with some of its key nutritional benefits ranging from improved sleep to better skin. But, can you eat the skin? Is Kiwi good for the skin? Why is Kiwi a ‘superfood’? Well, to help answer that and many other related questions, we’ll take a look at the nutritional value of this underrated fruit — as well as well-proven facts and the lowdown on Kiwi nutrition.


Moving on, it’s important to mention that Kiwi and other fruits provide a range of health benefits due to their nutritional contents. For example, the Kiwi’s flesh is rich in vitamins that stimulate immunity and reduce the risk of disease.

It’s, important to realize, that the Health Benefits of Kiwi are quite many — we can not list them all here, yes, but we’ll try to list the topmost among the many for you. Vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants can provide essential health benefits. The soluble dietary fiber found in Kiwi fruits can help stimulate regular and healthy digestion and control bowel movement.

Kiwis are a good source of vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber. Antioxidants — including vitamin C, choline, lutein, and zeaxanthin — help remove free radicals from the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that the body produces during metabolism and other processes. If too many free radicals build up, they can cause oxidative stress, which can result in cell damage.

This damage may lead to issues such as heart disease or cancer. Antioxidants can help protect the body by removing free radicals. Be that as it may, Kiwis can also provide other significant health and wellness benefits as follows:

1. Smooth Skin Agent 

One of the better-known Kiwifruit health benefits is that it can give you the best smooth skin ever! Bearing in mind, Kiwis are rich in the antioxidants like Vitamin E — these antioxidants are known for promoting skin elasticity and can help protect against the premature aging of the skin. Suffice it to say, you can also use it topically as an inexpensive skincare hack.

Essentially, by rubbing it onto your skin. The natural fruit enzymes in Kiwi will help exfoliate the skin. Whilst, removing all the dead skin cells, so as to help leave your complexion brighter. This can increase photosensitivity, so remember your SPF afterward. So, after you’ve finished your Kiwi snack, pop the used skins in the fridge to use before bed.

Still, Vitamin C contributes to the production of collagen in Kiwi — a key component in cells and organs throughout the body, including the skin. The Vitamin also boosts the body’s ability to heal wounds. A credible review of studies dating back to 2019 found that taking oral collagen supplements may help boost skin elasticity and hydration and reduce wrinkles.

2. Strong Bones Budider

Kiwifruit contains vitamin K, which helps prevent osteoporosis (weak bones) and improves the mineral density of your bones. Further, vitamin K deficiency is associated with an increased risk of hip fractures. Meaning, that keeping your levels of Vitamin K topped up with foods like kiwi is a great way to protect yourself against bone degeneration, especially, as you get older.

Likewise, if you may recall, one Kiwi Fruit contains 31% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin K. Make sure to eat leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and green lettuce (also excellent sources of vitamin K) during another meal that day and you’ll be well on your way to getting the vitamin K you need for bone health throughout life.

Kiwis also provide Vitamin E or tocopherol. The antioxidant properties of vitamin E and its ability to help protect the skin from sun damage may help prevent skin disorders. Kiwi contains vitamin K and traces of calcium and phosphorus, all of which contribute to bone health. This means, to increase the strength of your bones, you should consider antioxidant food sources.

3. Heart Health Booster

Kiwis contain fiber, potassium, and antioxidants, all of which may help fight and control heart disease for optimal heartbeat health. Simply, this is because the Kiwifruit possesses properties that lower blood pressure. By helping to maintain healthy blood pressure and providing a boost of Vitamin C, it can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.

The American Heart Association (AHA) encourages people to increase their potassium intake while reducing their consumption of added salt, or sodium. Potassium relaxes the blood vessels, which helps manage blood pressure, and people with low blood pressure tend to be less likely to develop cardiovascular disease. One Kiwi contains about 215 mg of potassium, right?

Of course, that’s nearly 5% of an adult’s daily requirement per serving. Kiwi’s fiber content may also benefit cardiovascular health. A study review published in 2017 found that people who consume high amounts of fiber have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. They also tend to have less low-density lipoprotein, or “bad,” cholesterol to be precise.

4. Body Immunity Blocks

Although oranges are most people’s go-to for a quick hit of vitamin C, the kiwi fruit actually contains more. This is what gives Kiwi its ‘superfood’ reputation. One thing is for sure, it contains abundant amounts of Vitamin C, which stimulates the body’s immune response. In fact, the Kiwifruit contains roughly 230% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C.

This bold fruit provides a burst of immune-boosting nutrients in every bite. And now, just as we aforementioned, Kiwis are quite rich in antioxidants. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight oxidative damage from free radicals. Free radicals are found in toxins such as cigarette smoke and pollution. Even in an ultra-healthy lifestyle, free radicals are still there.

Dietary Supplements are not the same as Vitamin C in Kiwis, but eating Kiwi may still help maintain the skin. One Kiwi weighing 69 grams (g) provides 64 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C — 71–85% daily vitamin C requirement per adult serving.

5. Digestive System Health 

Talking about digestive health, both in its tough skin and flesh, the Kiwifruit contains high amounts of dietary fiber. This fiber can help reduce constipation and a variety of other gastrointestinal issues and discomfort. Certain study research dating back to 2019 concluded that when healthy people eat kiwis, their small intestines are better able to retain water.

Whilst, leading to greater stool frequency and softer stool consistency. The study authors suggested that Kiwifruit could be among the foods that help with constipation — a natural alternative to medical laxatives for people with mild constipation. Similarly, the Office of Dietary Supplements notes that a high potassium intake may also prevent kidney stones from forming.

Mind you, did you know that caffeine in drinks like coffee or tea can block your body’s absorption of vitamin C? In that case, you should try to hold off on that coffee until after you’ve finished your Kiwi to reap the full benefits. Studies show that kiwi fruit contains a digestive enzyme that helps digest other proteins. Such as those found in yogurt, cheese, fish, and raw eggs.

6. Asthma & Inflammation Control

The abundance of Vitamin C in Kiwis has been linked to the reduction of wheezing symptoms in some asthma patients. This is especially true of children, who seem to benefit the most from the consumption of kiwis. When it comes to anti-inflammatory effects, Kiwellin and Kissper are proteins in Kiwifruit that may have properties to help control inflammation.

According to a trusted source, some laboratory findings have indicated that Kissper may help manage body inflammation, especially, in the human intestines. Given the dynamic of what you can get from the online marketplace, Kiwis are available fresh, dried, or as juice. Furthermore, various Kiwi products are readily available on the likes of Amazon Store for you.

Bear in mind, that fiber can reduce risk factors for heart disease by lowering LDL or bad cholesterol. But, for sure, a surplus of cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, which is a hardening of the arteries within the heart. Equally important, having a Kiwi after dinner, especially, when you’ve eaten something protein-rich, could help beat indigestion and bloating.

7. Complimenting Beauty Sleep

A 2011 study looked at the effects of Kiwifruit on sleep quality in adults with sleep problems. The researchers found that eating Kiwis improved sleep, according to self-reported measures. The scientists suggested that Kiwifruit offers sleep support. Whereby, this benefit may stem from the presence of organic antioxidant and serotonin contents in Kiwifruits.

The same study found that eating Kiwifruit seemed to improve sleep quality in its 24 participants. After 4 weeks of Kiwi consumption, their sleep onset (the time it took them to fall asleep), duration of sleep, and efficiency of sleep had all improved. Still, in this study, the participants ate 2 Kiwifruits an hour before bedtime every day for 4 weeks and got better sleep.

Therefore, if you’re experiencing any sleep issues, Kiwifruit is a drug-free (and delicious) remedy to try. Of course, you can eat them as they come – in their raw form. And yes, you can eat the skin! In fact, kiwi skin has a higher concentration of antioxidants, so you get even more goodness with every bite. Just be sure to give it a wash first and bite directly into it.

8. Supplementing Ocular & Pregnancy

When consumed with other healthy vitamin and mineral-rich fruits and vegetables, the high levels of antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids found in the Kiwifruit may aid in preventing eye disease and promote overall ocular health. Remember, Kiwifruit contains Folate, which is essential for cell division. During pregnancy, doctors advise women to take additional folate.

For one thing, it may protect the fetus from developmental problems, such as neural tube abnormalities. One kiwi provides around 17.2 micrograms (mcg) of folate or just over 4% (see full guidelines) of an adult’s daily requirement. Some people may experience allergic reactions to Kiwi. Anyone who develops hives, a rash, or swelling should seek medical attention.

Don’t forget, one kiwi provides around 2 g of fiber or 6–9% of an adult’s daily requirement per serving. On one hand, an adequate intake of vitamin K may help prevent osteoporosis and other related diseases. On the other hand, Vitamin K also plays an important role in blood clotting. One kiwi provides 23–30% of an adult’s daily requirement of the vitamin.

9. Deadly Cancer Prevention

The National Cancer Institute notes that high levels of free radicals in the body can cause damage to DNA that can result in various types of cancer. Kiwis provide a range of antioxidants that help remove free radicals from the body — one way the fruit may help prevent cancer. Kiwifruit is also quite suitable for a person with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

In general, according to a certain research study, people with GERD are encouraged to consume more fruits and foods rich in vitamin C and fiber. In addition, a certain research study has shown that people who eat plenty of fiber — especially fiber from fruits and cereals — are less likely to develop colorectal cancer than those who eat little fiber.

Free radicals are made by the body throughout daily life. You need 40mg of Vitamin C every day, which can be met by eating just 1 kiwi! Antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals within the body while helping reduce oxidative stress in the process. Ultimately, this may protect the body from inflammation and disease. Beyond this, it also contains a high level of dietary fiber.

Typically, DNA Oxidation is a potential cause of cancer in humans. It is well known that fruits and vegetables protect against cancer, and this may be in part because they contain antioxidants, which decrease the level of oxidation of DNA. However, there are other possible mechanisms, such as an enhancement of cellular repair of this damage as mentioned below.

10. DNA Damage Management

A randomized cross-over study was carried out on healthy human subjects — who were given Kiwifruit as a supplement to their normal diet. Chiefly, for 3-week periods at different ‘doses’, with 2-week washout periods between doses. In that case, the Endogenous Oxidation of bases in lymphocyte DNA, and the resistance of the DNA to oxidation ex vivo, were assessed.

According to Oxford Academic, using single-cell gel electrophoresis, the capacity to repair DNA base oxidation was measured — using an in vitro test. And then, the levels of expression of repair-related genes OGG1 and APE1 were assessed — with semi-quantitative RT–PCR serving as the reference point. Concentrations of dietary antioxidants were measured in plasma.

The antioxidant status of plasma and of lymphocytes was increased by the consumption of Kiwifruit. Levels of endogenous oxidation of pyrimidines and purines in DNA were markedly decreased. While DNA repair measured on a substrate containing 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine was substantially increased — without change in levels of OGG1 or APE1 mRNA.

In the end, the magnitude of these effects was generally not related to the number of Kiwifruits consumed per day. Kiwifruit provides dual protection against oxidative DNA damage. Whilst, enhancing antioxidant levels and stimulating DNA repair. It is probable that together these effects would decrease the risk of mutagenic changes leading to cancer.

Because of their distinct tartness, kiwis add a bold flavor to anything they are paired with. To maintain this unique flavor and retain the kiwi’s beneficial vitamin C content, kiwis are best served raw. Kiwis can be served as a supplemental powder, but most prefer to consume kiwis raw. In that case, to fulfill your desires, there are a few ways to include Kiwifruit in your diet.

Key Methods:
  • Raw:– Slice them in half and eat the contents with a teaspoon – discard the empty skin if you don’t want to eat it. This works best with ripe or slightly over-ripe Kiwis — the tangy flesh comes away from the skin easier if it isn’t underripe (less fibrous).
  • Juiced: – Sip your way to better skin with a kiwi skin Kiwis are easily blended up in a juicer and their intense sweetness makes them a perfect way to make a green juice involving more bitter ingredients (such as kale, spinach, or spirulina) more palatable without making the smoothie go an unappetizing brown color. The black seeds will prettify your smoothie too, perfect if you like photographing your healthy concoctions.
  • Salad:– Kiwis make a lovely addition to a rainbow fruit salad. Pair them with orange segments, banana slices, pomegranate seeds, blueberries, and mango slices for a beautiful salad that helps you hit your 5 a day. Kids tend to like kiwi fruit as they’re so naturally sweet – and thanks to its impressive vitamin C content it’s great for developing immune systems.
  • Granola:– Pair small slices of kiwi fruit with crunchy granola and smooth yogurt for a delicious parfait which is perfect for a quick breakfast. Make one the night before for each family member – no more excuses for skipping breakfast!
  • Iceed: – this deceptively simple idea really adds the wow factor to cold drinks like sparking water, lemonade juice, or your favorite clear tipple. Puree a few kiwi fruits in a blender or juicer, before pouring the smooth mixture into ice cube trays and popping in the freezer for the next time you fancy a cold beverage.

Markedly, a great idea for a healthy snack or meal, a homemade Kiwifruit smoothie has less than 5 easy to find, main ingredients. Basically, rich in vitamin C and fiber, it only takes around 5 minutes to make. Take this healthy drink on the go or make it for breakfast or a snack. Keep in mind, you’ll start noticing some positive results almost immediately (after a month).

How to quickly incorporate them into your diet:
  • Create Kiwi cups by cutting a ripe kiwi in half, leaving the skin on, and eating each half with a spoon
  • Make a fruit cocktail with kiwi, pineapple, mango, and strawberry chunks
  • Try to make green smoothies or vegan juices with kiwi, spinach, apple, and pear
  • Freeze slices of kiwi and eat them as a snack or dessert on a hot day
  • Add diced kiwi to a salad of spinach, walnuts, dried cranberries, diced apple, feta cheese, and a light vinaigrette dressing.

Overall, Kiwi is a Vitamin C and fiber-rich fruit, usually the size of a large egg. It has a soft texture and a smooth and unique flavor. Kiwifruit pairs well with apples, bananas, berries, cherries, citrus, coconuts, mangos, and any other tropical fruit. If you are interested, to learn how you can grow, prune, and even harvest your very own Kiwis, watch this tutorial video:

In a nutshell, the best thing is that Kiwis are found all year round in the marketplace — since each country produces in different periods. Just try as many recipes using different ingredients until you arrive at the perfect match for your recipe. You’ll need a powerful blender or food processor for this smoothie, so it can blend the ingredients very well for the best results.

Whilst, allowing you to turn the mixture of Kiwifruit and your other ingredients into a smooth and creamy drink. For homemade recipes, just make sure that you blend everything together until smooth. And then, serve immediately!

A Simple Kiwifruit Homemade Recipe:
  • Slice fresh, room-temperature kiwis for a delightful side to your breakfast
  • Blend Kiwi into a Kiwi Smoothie using another fruit like strawberry
  • Serve sliced kiwis in a bold kiwi-and-banana fruit salad
  • Pair with Greek yogurt for a light and refreshing dessert

You can add extra superfoods or nut butter to the smoothie if you’d like to: A tablespoon of almond butter or peanut butter will bring extra flavor and creaminess. Adding hemp seeds, chia seeds, collagen powder or flax meal is optional.

Markedly, Kiwis are a delightful fruit, but many people are affected by their allergies — symptoms can range in severity from very mild to more severe. Mild symptoms might include visible skin rash, itching, or discomfort of the tongue, lips, and mouth after eating Kiwi. Make sure that you contact your doctor or any emergency services if you’ll show any of these symptoms.

The most common symptoms are:
  • Swelling of throat, lips, or mouth
  • Difficulty breathing or any other asthmatic signs
  • A severe reaction occurrence may often lead to anaphylaxis as well, which can be life-threatening
  • Uncontrolled abdominal pain or vomiting
  • A sudden feeling of dizziness
  • Plus other common Kiwifruit allergies

Generally speaking, it’s good to note that consuming too much potassium can also be harmful to people with kidney issues. If the kidneys are unable to remove excess potassium from the blood, life-threatening complications can arise.

Additionally, it’s also important to note that some nutrients in Kiwis may also interact with medications or cause other adverse effects. For instance, Beta-Blockers can cause potassium levels to rise in the blood, so people taking this type of medication should monitor their intake of potassium. Doctors often prescribe these medications for people with heart disease.

Takeaway Notes:

Our Government’s most important responsibility is to protect the health of the public. Today, about half of all adults in Kenya — roughly 57 million people — have one or more preventable, chronic diseases. Notably, many of these are related to poor-quality eating patterns and physical inactivity. Overall, the rates of these chronic, diet-related diseases continue to rise.

And, as such, they come not only with increased health risks but also at high cost. In 2008, the medical costs linked to obesity were estimated to be $11 billion. In 2012, the total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes was $24 billion, including $17 billion in direct medical costs and $6 billion in decreased productivity. The Dietary Guidelines For Americans is an essential resource.

Especially, for health professionals and policymakers to borrow some ideas — as they design and implement food and nutrition programs that feed the people and provide better healthcare awareness. Clearly, a large body of evidence now shows that healthy eating patterns and regular physical activity can help people achieve and maintain good health at any age.

This also helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer throughout all stages of the lifespan. Both young and older people as well as their families alike should strive to consume a healthy, nutritionally adequate diet. Must be remembered, your overall health and wellness journey begins with you — taking care of yourself at all times. Kiwifruit is a great start!

Other More Related Resource Reference Topics:

  1. Fruits And Vegetables That You Should Be Eating Everyday
  2. #22 Topmost Healthiest Fruits | How They Benefit Our Health
  3. Carbohydrates | Main Types, Health Wellness Benefits & Risks
  4. Smoothie Ingredients | The #10 Topmost Best Homemade Recipes
  5. Antioxidants Food Sources | Plus How They Benefit Our Body Health
  6. What Is A Gluten-Free Diet & Who Should Consider Taking It?

That’s it! A round-up of what Kiwi Fruit (Kiwifruit) can do to your body’s health and wellness. So, do you think that there is something else that we can add to this guide? Kindly let us know. That said, you can share your additional thoughts, opinions, suggestions, recommendations, or even contribution questions for Free FAQs & Answers in our comments section below.

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