GDPR Cookies Policy | Cookiebots Plugin Installation Steps

It is mandatory for businesses and website owners to comply and adhere to the new GDPR Cookies Policy. Perhaps the most noticeable sign of privacy practices changing, though, has been the treatment of cookies. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into full force in May of 2018. Businesses have been scrambling to comply – rewriting their Privacy Policies.

Not to mention, deleting all traces of unnecessary personal data. And emailing their existing customers to refresh marketing consent. The GDPR Cookies Policy contains over 50,000 words, and only one of them is “cookie.” Despite this, the GDPR has significant implications for your website’s Cookies Policy. But, it’s very easy to get everything wrong while working with them.

The law isn’t spelled out in simple terms, and many websites remain non-compliant. But, when you understand the law, it’s not that hard to get it right, and we’re here to help with that. For many webmasters, if you mention “cookies,” most people expect a chocolate chip treat to appear. When talking about computer cookies they aren’t on the drop-down menu.

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In fact, they’re not even physical objects. Yet, they do a great deal of work that makes it more convenient for you to browse the Internet. Even thou, they can be troublesome if you don’t know how to clear or delete cookies. A computer “cookie” is formally known as an HTTP cookie, a web cookie, an Internet cookie, or a browser cookie.

What Is GDPR Cookies Policy?

The name is a shorter version of a “magic cookie,” which is a term for a packet of data that a computer receives. Then, sends back without changing or altering it. Therefore, a computer cookie consists of information. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer.

Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser. (To help you find it, this file is known as “Cookies.”) There are different explanations for where cookies got their name. Some people believe that cookies got their name from “magic cookies” which are part of UNIX, an operating system.

Many people believe that the name originates from the story of Hansel and Gretel. They were able to mark their trail through a dark forest by dropping cookie crumbs behind them. So, the question that ringers next in your mind is, does EU Privacy Law Apply to You?

Of course, you may be reading this from outside the EU and wondering why you should care about complying with foreign law. Well, whether you’re physically present in the EU or not, the GDPR applies to everyone who involves in collecting personal data information in one way or another.

It applies if you’re:
  • Offering goods and services to people in the EU, or
  • “Profiling” people in the EU (monitoring their behavior).

“Profiling” means collecting information about people’s activities and characteristics in order to predict their behavior. This is a lot less sinister than it might sound – now that many website admins want to know what sorts of people are visiting their website. More so, so that they can target their ads towards a particular group of consumers.

These are exactly the sorts of things that cookies can help you to do. It doesn’t matter if you’re a multi-million dollar transnational corporation or a local charity that runs analytics or ads on its website – if you want people to visit your website from inside the EU, you need to obey EU privacy law.

How GDPR Cookies Policy is Implemented

A GDPR Cookies Policy, Privacy Policy or Both

A Privacy Policy is mandatory under EU law if you’re processing the personal data of anyone in the EU. This includes using cookies.

Under Article 12 of the GDPR, you’re required to provide information about all the personal data you process “in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language.

Whilst this does mean you need to provide information about cookies, you don’t necessarily need a separate Cookies Policy for this. You could just include the information about cookies as a section in your main Privacy Policy.

Many companies do choose to present cookies information in a separate Cookies Policy, and this is a good solution.

Just make sure you include a reference to this separate policy wherever you need to – most importantly, within your main Privacy Policy.

How do you Create your GDPR Cookies Policy?

Your Cookies Policy will need to comply both with the GDPR and another EU law, the ePrivacy Directive. These two laws work in tandem to create some quite demanding conditions around cookies.

Your Cookies Policy should be tailored to your website. Some websites use only very basic session cookies that perform essential functions. Some websites have sophisticated marketing cookies that allow them to target their users with ads.

However you use cookies, you need to let your users know exactly how you do it.

Below are some sections you should include in your Cookies Policy in a video tutorial format.

WP GDPR Cookies Policy Notice & Compliance Plugins

In the first place, for site users, it is now easy to implement your site cookie notice through WP GDPR Plugin. For your information, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive(ePR) affect how your WordPress site may use cookies.

Especially, in order to track visitors from the European Union Nations.

In that case, a WordPress Plugin with WP GDPR Features is part of your website’s cookiebot solution. Notably, there is a variety of WP GDPR Cookie Notice Plugins at your disposal. In particular, for your WordPress built-in website.

Such as the WP GDPR Cookie Compliance and the WP GDPR Cookie Notice Plugins. Follow links on plugins to learn how you’ll implement the WP GDPR Compliance Notice on your Website.

Why GDPR Cookies Policy Notice Compliance Matters

The EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) regulates data protection law across all 28 EU countries. Whereby, it imposes strict new rules on controlling and processing personally identifiable information (PII).

It also extends the protection of personal data and data protection rights by giving control back to EU residents.

In general, the EU GDPR replaced the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive and went into force on May 25, 2018. Additionally, it also replaced the 1998 UK Data Protection Act. However, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates data protection law across all 28 EU countries.

Here: Learn more about the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

According to the main Europa Website, stronger rules on data protection mean people have more control. Especially, over their personal data and businesses benefit from a level playing field. For example, organizations and institutions such as;

  1. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council,
  2. the European Union’s (‘EU’) new,
  3. General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’),

Equally monitors and regulates the processing by an individual, a company or an organization of personal data. In that case, relating to individuals in the European Union. However, this doesn’t apply to the processing of personal data of deceased persons or of legal persons.

Examples of When the Regulation Occurs

The rules don’t apply to data processed by an individual for purely personal reasons or for activities carried out in one’s home, provided there is no connection to a professional or commercial activity.

When an individual uses personal data outside the personal sphere, for socio-cultural or financial activities, for example, then the data protection law has to be respected.

Below are the main examples of the EU data regulation that affects the WP GDPR entities. Including,

1. When the regulation applies

Firstly, applies when a company with an establishment in the EU provides travel services to customers. Based in the Baltic countries and in that context processes personal data of natural persons.

2. When the regulation doesn’t apply

Secondly, applies when an individual uses their own private address book to invite friends. Either through email to a party that they are organizing (household exception). Learn more; About regulation and data protection.

GDPR Mandatory Consent and Compliance Forms

After four years of preparation and debate, the GDPR was finally approved by the EU Parliament on 14 April 2016. Whereby, it was enforced on 25 May 2018 – and organizations that are not compliant could now face heavy fines.

This blog article by jmexclusives is a resource to educate organizations about the main elements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). And equally, help them become GDPR compliant.

The guidance offered across this website will ensure that companies have effective data rights management strategies enforced.

In addition, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and is designed to:

  • Harmonize data privacy laws across Europe,
  • Protect and empower all EU citizens data privacy
  • Reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy.

WP GDPR and Google Rules Affecting Monetization

For a giant tech company like Google. The new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules might seem like a tough task to implement.

This digital giant believes the correct handling of consumer data is an “ecosystem challenge. Yet, advertisers are the ones facing the biggest hurdles while implementing the new rules.

This guide is helpful, If you own, manage, monetize, or promote online content via Google Search. By having a growing and thriving business.A webmaster of a dozen sites. The SEO specialist in a Web agency or a DIY SEO ninja is passionate about the mechanics of Search.

This is the right place for you. If you require to have a complete overview of the basics of SEO according to our best practices.

Below are the best practices that hopefully make it easier for search engines to crawl, index, and understand your content. Even though they don’t automatically rank your site.

Here: Learn more about Google New Rules on Website Monetization to know about.


GDPR reshapes the way in which sectors manage data, as well as redefines the roles for key leaders in businesses, from CIOs to CMOs.

Whereas CIOs must ensure that they have watertight consent management processes in place. Whilst CMOs require effective data rights management systems to ensure they don’t lose their most valuable asset – data.

As can be seen, from the above review, computer cookies, small text files contain very small amounts of data. And were originally designed to make life easier for Web searchers. Popular sites such as Amazon, Google, and Facebook use them to deliver highly customized, personal web pages that deliver targeted content to users.

Unfortunately, some websites and internet advertisers have found other uses for cookies. They can and do gather sensitive personal information that is of use to profile users with advertisements. That seems almost intrusive with how targeted they are.

Therefore, computer cookies do offer quite a few very useful benefits that make Web browsing very convenient. On the other hand, you might be concerned that your privacy has the potential to be violated.

However, this isn’t something that web users should necessarily be concerned about. Cookies are absolutely harmless. Cookies help us to provide, protect & improve our Products, Services & Solutions.

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