
Technology is the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way. The word technology can also mean the products resulting from such efforts, including both tangible tools such as utensils or machines, and intangible ones such as software.

Simfy Africa

Simfy Africa | Enjoy, Discover, Share & Download Free Music!

Simfy Africa is a fully-fledged music streaming service that stacks up incredibly well against rivals. Such as Spotify, Rhapsody, and Rdio. Furthermore, plenty of musical content is already available for streaming on platforms such as YouTube and Daily Motion. But, these platforms often don’t provide a comprehensive licensing environment like dedicated music streaming platforms.

Read MoreSimfy Africa | Enjoy, Discover, Share & Download Free Music!
What causes 5xx Server Errors?

5xx Server Errors | How To Fix Them In A Simple Steps Guide

It’s pretty challenging to detect and fix 5xx server errors each occurrence of these error codes. But search engines don’t like them, especially 500 and 503 errors. Search engines can remove your site from their index after getting such a response repeatedly. Use SEO tools to audit your site and detect 5xx mistakes in time to prevent deindexing.

Read More5xx Server Errors | How To Fix Them In A Simple Steps Guide
Online Ordering

Online Ordering | 10 Best On-demand Food Delivery Apps

An online ordering system generally consists of 2 main components. Firstly, there's a website or mobile app for the end-user to place orders. And secondly, there's an admin management interface for the business to receive and manage the customer's orders. An online food ordering system can be defined as software that allows restaurant businesses to accept and manage orders placed over the internet.

Read MoreOnline Ordering | 10 Best On-demand Food Delivery Apps
Display Ads

Display Ads | How To Increase Your Website Ads Revenue

Display Ads often fall under an advertising method of attracting the audience of a website, social media platform, or other digital mediums to take a specific action. These are often made up of text-based context, images, or even video advertisements. With the main aim being encouraging the user to click-through to a landing page and take action (e.g. make a purchase).

Read MoreDisplay Ads | How To Increase Your Website Ads Revenue