Dietary Fiber

Dietary Fiber | The Top 7 Health Benefits You Should Know

Dietary Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by our bodies' enzymes. It is found in edible plant foods such as cereals, fruits, vegetables, dried peas, nuts, lentils, and grains. Not forgetting, fiber is grouped by its physical properties and is called soluble, insoluble or resistant starch. Whereby, all these three types of fiber have important roles to play.

Read MoreDietary Fiber | The Top 7 Health Benefits You Should Know
Facebook Likes

Facebook Likes | Cost Per Like & How To Increase Likes

Simply put, Facebook Likes are the number of followers a certain Page on Facebook has in regards to the set 'Terms and Conditions' of using the Like Button. Uniquely, the Like Button is one of the social plug-ins, in which the button can be placed on third-party websites. Its use centers around the form of an advertising network. In which it gathers information about which users visit what websites. 

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