Artificial Intelligence Marketing Technology Tools Plus Best Steps

The future of Artificial Intelligence Marketing Technology holds quite a lot of untapped potential. For sure, it has been dominating not only in the information communication sector but also in other fields. One among them is online marketing. The unending possibilities and scope of programming languages for Artificial Intelligence are used by marketing experts to enhance their efforts.

A little about Artificial Intelligence is that  MC Carthy coined the term at the Dartmouth conference. It is tough to define artificial intelligence as it is evolving and subjective. For decades, Intelligence has been a characteristic of human beings. The advent of artificial intelligence made it possible for machines and systems to have some kind of intelligence.

Whereby, they are behaving in a very rational manner. The discipline has got roots in many other disciplines and the future of marketing uses the wide possibilities of artificial intelligence. We assume AI systems adapt to situations based on predefined iterations. Perse, Google doesn’t reward your ability to just create quality content on a one keyword basis.

But, instead, it focuses on how well that content fits into the context of your site. The reason why Google is expected to reward depth of expertise has to emphasize the E-A-T and YMYL guidelines. Fortunately, frameworks such as Bayesian Learning and Forgetting can help marketers gain a clearer understanding of how receptive a customer is to a specific marketing effort.

What Artificial Intelligence Marketing Is All About

Technically, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Marketing uses AI technologies to make automated decisions based on data collection, data analysis, and additional observations of audience or economic trends that may impact marketing efforts. AI is often used in marketing efforts where speed is essential. Its tools use data and customer profiles to learn an array of specific things.

Such specific things can include how to best communicate with customers — then serve them tailored messages at the right time. All this without intervention from marketing team members, while ensuring maximum efficiency. For many of today’s content marketers, it’s used to augment marketing teams. Or to perform more tactical tasks that require less human nuance.

Suffice to say, that the emergence of digital media has brought on an influx of big data, which has provided opportunities for marketers to understand their efforts and accurately attribute value across channels. This has also led to an over-saturation of data. Whereby, many marketers still struggle to determine which data sets are worth collecting.

Artificial Intelligence Marketing Examples:

Clearly, Artificial Intelligence Technology holds a vital role in helping marketers connect with consumers. And, there are various components of AI marketing that makeup today’s leading solutions. Eventually, while helping to bridge the gap between the expansive amounts of customer data being collected, And also, the actionable next steps that can be of future campaigns use.

The Marketing AI Components:
  • Big Data, and Machine Learning
  • Data Management, and Analytics
  • Predictive Marketing Analytics
  • Dynamic Pricing, and AI Platforms
  • Chatbots, and Conversational Experiences
  • Granular Personalization

On one hand, machine learning is driven by artificial intelligence, and it involves computer algorithms that can analyze information and improve automatically through experience. Devices that leverage machine learning analyzes new information in the context of relevant historical data that can inform decisions based on what has or hasn’t worked in the past.

On the other hand, effective AI-powered solutions provide marketers with a central platform for managing the expansive amounts of data being collected. These platforms have the ability to derive insightful marketing intelligence into your target audience so you can make data-driven decisions about how to best reach them.

The 5Ps In Artificial Intelligence Marketing By Paul Roetzer

As per The 5Ps of Marketing Artificial Intelligence, by plunging into AI technology, Online Marketing Experts are capable of getting inside customers’ heads. AI technology allows them to understand customers better which would have been impossible 50 years ago. As an example, you can see how Google is trying to go in this direction with E-A-T.

E-A-T (Expertise-Authoritativeness-Trustworthiness) is all about websites that fall into verticals that cover topics within Your-Money-Your-Life (YMYL – health, finances, state of mind). Though it’s not a direct ranking factor there are secondary signals that Google’s algorithm is able to qualify. Whilst, helping with determining how information aligns with E-A-T.

While AI is still largely new to the marketing space, it promises to only grow in popularity. Realistically, as per Gartner, there are a few AI trends marketers will see over the next few years and should begin to adapt to:

Gartner Predicts That AI Is Growing Per Marketing Trends: 
  • Gartner has predicted that by 2022, AI will replace about 33% of data analysts in marketing
  • Thus, most tech giants have already realized the benefits and potential of AI
  • In 2016 alone, most tech giants were already spending on average between $20-$30 billion
  • 90% of the budget by the tech giants was put into focus on both deployment and research
  • Additionally, in 2020 Gartner predicted that more than 40% of data science tasks will be automated

That aside, the insights gained from research by Paul Roetzer and his team led to the creation of a new framework — the 5Ps of Marketing AI. In general, to help visualize and organize the marketing AI technology landscape. First presented during my Content Marketing World 2017 session on Machine-Assisted Narrative, it’s definitely a beta framework (learn more).

These 5 Ps Are:
  • Planning
  • Production
  • Personalization
  • Promotion
  • Performance

Remarkably, the 5Ps beta framework will evolve as the market shifts and as we develop a deeper understanding of AI and its implications on the industry. Most marketers use Artificial Intelligence (AI) technological tools to look for data and analyze it to deliver conclusions. In this way, they can effectively find out the weak points of the target.

And then, use them in their next marketing plan strategies. As a result, the campaigns, newsletters, blogs, and influencer marketing will yield desired results. Such as more authority in your industry, increased brand awareness, and so on. Basically, content marketing in 2021 was characterized by swift changes in strategy and how quickly brands could adapt.

In 2022, that adaptability could prove to be just as relevant. Content drives brand awareness, demand, and revenue when it’s done right. How well do you know your subjects?

Artificial Intelligence Marketing Technology Future Trends 

First of all, in terms of futuristic marketing, AI uses various Artificial Intelligence Marketing  Technology Toolkits to automate ambiguous decisions. More so, based on data collection, data analysis, and additional observations of audience or economic trends to impact marketing efforts. It’s often used in marketing efforts with inadequate resources plus speed is essential.

Secondly, marketing (whether digital, online, internet, or rather, general web) itself is evolving so fast. In particular, with the advent and availability of internet-enabled solutions. Though traditional marketing forms exist, online marketing is conquering every business. Business owners are voracious about reaching out to their products and services.

Along with overall brand reputation outreach and presence awareness. For this reason, some of them hire a digital marketing strategist to analyze data to find out what is on their customer’s minds. Data analysts, marketers, consumer insights specialists, and digital marketing specialists have been working together to discover what works and why.

Similarly, with the help of Artificial Intelligence Marketing Technology from the likes of Brainfuel — for the solutions they offer them — the advertising industry, especially, online digital marketing is changing at an alarming rate. The trove of data can be analyzed using chatbots and thus marketers can provide fail-proof campaigns and branding strategies.

Some Artificial Intelligence Marketing Technology Benefits:
  • Satisfying and improving the overall User Experience (UX) and customer interest
  • Increased opportunity to personalize your message
  • Automation of marketing activities
  • Create campaigns based on predictions and iterations.
  • Personalized, branding experience to end-users

Chatbots dramatically decrease the time to collect data for all business users, thereby accelerating the pace of business and streamlining the way analysts use their time.

“When marketers talk about authority, they talk about building backlinks. This is still the case, but as Google gets smarter about semantics, link relevancy will likely decrease over time. Organizations that cover a topic with the most depth will own the future traffic flow for related queries ”— Eduard Klein. There are some trends to obverse and use for success.

1. The Ever Rising AI Marketing Technology

To put it in a few words, marketers are trying to understand how AI can help in marketing. AI marketing will be a game-changer and the elements can be varied as per the specific goals and requirements of the organization. Rapidly, most companies — and the marketing teams that support them — are adopting Artificial Intelligence Technology solution plans.

For instance, in order to encourage operational efficiency while improving the customer experience. Through these platforms, marketers are able to gain more nuanced, solid data information. As well as a comprehensive understanding of their target audiences. Remarkably, all the data insights gathered through this process can then be used to drive conversions.

While, at the same time, easing the workload for marketing teams simultaneously. Marketing is all about creating, delivering, and communicating about products and services that provide value to end-users. Even Google will be placing more emphasis on depth of expertise compared to other factors such as link building. Backlinking was once the primary factor in use.

More so, when it came to building authority in the SEO landscape but now expertise is growing even more in importance. Start by issuing surveys and studies to your audience or experts to gain their insights into a problem — plus use some of the following tips. And, as a result, you’ll see how the use of Artificial Intelligence Technology in marketing can bring growth.

2. Topical Authority Will Replace Keyword Research

The first thing is to showcase how well you know a topic by publishing long-form content on your website. And not just by publishing content on a whim. Instead, build your content around pillar pages. These pillar pages can offer the foundation for expertise on specific weblog category topics. You can then augment the posts with other content pieces that build from that.

Also, try to collaborate with subject matter experts (such as SMEs) whenever producing content — have them weigh in on things. But, the value of an SME extends beyond the content they can help you create. Not to mention, they can also enable you to repurpose content into other formats and eventually build a community.

Moz’s long-long-form blog post on the machine learning revolution is a great example of extra-long content — it doesn’t bore the reader. They conveyed their expertise quite so well. Not only through words but through well-presented research and illustrations. As result, it helps readers know the limitations of machine learning algorithms at the time of writing.

3. Value-Driven Content Will Rise To The Top

Technically, almost all customers are bombarded with different types of content every day, from various web-based business angles. Meaning, that they will become pickier when choosing where their attention goes. Josh Spiker of Growth Content believes this can have a very huge impact. Particularly, in terms of how brands distribute content.

Hopefully, we’ll see the end of gated content for everything but the best and most original research. The cycle of giving away emails for bad ebooks and guides is over. Also, people will be unwilling to share their information in exchange for mediocre content. Therefore, brands need to showcase their value immediately. Brands should think about new ways of bringing value.

Especially, when it comes to their key target, lead clients, and potential consumers. That’s apart from the product itself, and content marketing serves the purpose perfectly. If you can change the underlying perception of a potential user, then you are all good to go. More so, towards your brand to a more value-driven one. In a monetary term, you’d have better high conversions.

4. Spell Out Your Web Business Content Clearly

Preferably, creating valuable content requires you to understand the needs of the customer and why they might want to interact with your brand in the first place. In this case, to spell out your mission right, try to offer practical suggestions in your content. Instead of simply showcasing what your product can do, showcase how it can help to solve their problems.

By the same token, if you’re a D2C Brand that sells fitness gear, you can produce content that highlights how using your product can help achieve more success in the gym. Or rather, how physical fitness exercises can produce benefits such as weight and stress reduction. Precisely, offer a more useful tool like a Chrome extension or a freemium product version.

That’s if your ultimate goal is to get sign-ups or subscriptions. Otherwise, lean heavily into education and brand awareness content. And then again, always think of the end-consumer when producing content. As well as how the content will benefit them in the long run — not just grow the reputation of your brand or help you meet specific quotas.

And now, as companies seek out ways to help their customers, they can reach out to them as well as established leaders in their industry to help create content. Though the budget may be bitting, the end results are worth it.

5. Research Popularity And Studies Originality Will Rise

Currently, the internet has become a sea of content (in terms of both creativity and consumption) and it’s also quite competitive too. This means, that it can be difficult for brands to stand out by producing content on their own. Even Jeremy Moser of uSERP explains the challenges which thought leadership has created and how original research can help.

“Original research/studies (much like this!). Content marketing is incredibly saturated with “thought leaders” and “influencers” however, they aren’t exactly helpful in determining what works and what doesn’t in an ever-evolving digital landscape. On the contrary, original research gives you deep insights into what industry professionals and startups alike are doing; good or bad.”

In reality, the goal of any research study is to discover more about a problem and crowdfund answers to either understand it better or come up with a solution. Usually, any given research starts by having some curiosity. Either to confirm or deny your suspicions about a certain hypothesis or to uncover what the market thinks about a specific issue.

Next, publish that research and share it with your audience or community. The great thing about research as Moser points out is that it can be repurposed in a number of ways. Including graphs, charts, and quotes — they can also become social posts, summaries can be put into video format, etc. Whatever the case, your main goal is to make sure that the ball is rolling.

6. More Engaging Plus (Hopefully) Fun Content Will Kick In 

Equally important, your content needs to catch your target user’s attention. Otherwise, they won’t consume it, and it won’t be beneficial for anyone. In this case, interactive content does that quite seamlessly. Don’t believe me, yet? Well, according to recent research, 96% of consumers who start BuzzFeed contests actually finish them. So, wow’s that for engaging?

Of course, we want to smile, laugh, and relish in aha moments when we’ve suddenly found the answer to a problem we’ve been having. In 2022 and beyond, this will be even more critical! Especially, as more and more B2-B eCommerce brands continue to adopt marketing practices typically reserved for the B2C space. There’s also The Hustle to consider herein too.

The Hustle, a vastly popular business trends email newsletter, is another example of fun and engaging content. The tone of their business-related content is already jovial, but throw in some GIFs and memes here and there, and you’ve got yourself a Hustle-level engaged audience.

7. Interactive Content Is Still The Future King In Marketing

Users relish it — quizzes, calculators, games, etc. — and brands enjoy the return it yields. Interactive content engages readers more than chunks of boring text. It keeps visitors on a web page for much longer. It generates more conversions and click-throughs. Also, it captures valuable customer data. The next interactive content statistics come from BuzzFeed so to say.

Proving that Internet users love taking online quizzes. On average, the website creates 7.8 quizzes a day — recent ones include “Can You Guess the ’90s Song Based on Its First Line?” and “Which Person From High School Will You Run Into?” — 96% of its users finish a quiz after starting one. “BuzzFeed quizzes” is one of the most popular search terms on Google, too.

The next interactive content statistics say that more than half of the marketers think online calculators are useful during the consideration stage of the buyer’s purchase journey. Generally, this is when a buyer identifies a need and researches the Internet for a solution. Other interactive content types such as eBooks, lookbooks, and white papers are also effective.

Well over three-quarters of marketers believe interactive content grabs the attention of website visitors, making it a powerful marketing technique. Moreover, 79% agree that interactive content enhances the reputation of a brand’s message. While 79%  think this content leads to repeat visitors and greater online exposure.

8. Users Are Still Showing Ignorance On Marketing Ads 

A phenomenon that is known as ‘banner blindness’ is where more than four-fifths of all digital ads — banner ads, pop-ups, pop-unders, and the like — are ignored by Internet users in. Moreover, 63% of millennials — a lucrative customer segment for many companies — use ad-blocking add-ons and extensions. Interactive content proves more effective for brands here.

Such as those who want to engage with leads who use certain software. Visual content — such as online quizzes with images or GIFs — is 40 times more likely to be shared on social networks, something that produces a snowball effect for brands. The more consumers share interactive content, the more people hear about a company’s products and services.

Visual content increases conversions by 86%, too. Companies that use interactive content are more likely to stand out from the crowd. A hefty 88% of marketers think this type of content separates their brand from industry rivals. In the same study, 93% of marketers said this interactive content was effective when it came to educating consumers.

It is essential to hire a Google Ads consultant if you intend to hire outside help to manage your ad campaign. An experienced Google Ads consultant can help you boost your ROI by increasing conversions via this advertising platform.

9. Better Customer Relationships With Real-Time Personalization

As you can see, there is a myriad of use cases for AI in marketing efforts. And each of them uses cases that yield different benefits. Such as risk reduction, increased speed, greater customer satisfaction, increased revenue, and more. Benefits may be quantifiable (number of sales) or not quantifiable (user satisfaction). There are a few other more overarching benefits, yes!

And, even though we may not mention all, some can be applied across AI use cases such as to increase your overall Campaign ROI while marketing your business. If leveraged correctly, marketers can use AI to transform their entire marketing program by extracting the most valuable insights from their datasets and acting on them in real-time.

AI platforms can make fast decisions on how to best allocate funds across media channels or analyze the most effective ad placements to more consistently engage customers, getting the most value out of campaigns. They can also help you deliver personalized messages to customers at appropriate points in the consumer lifecycle.

Marketing teams will be put under increased pressure to demonstrate marketing value and ROI to executive stakeholders. Such teams should leverage AI solutions to drive these targets. As well as to better allocate funds towards successful marketing campaigns. And then, in return, provide the marketing metrics that demonstrate the value of campaigns.

10. Faster Decisions By Enhancing Marketing Measurement

At all costs, AI-powered platforms can also help marketers identify at-risk customers and target them with information that will get them to re-engage with the brand. Talking about strategic marketing results measurement, many business organizations have trouble keeping pace with all of the data digital campaigns produce. Making it difficult to learn more.

Additionally, they fail to tie success back to specific campaigns. Dashboards that leverage AI allow for a more comprehensive view of what is working so that it can be replicated across channels and budgets allocated accordingly. When it comes to decisions making, AI is able to conduct tactical data analysis faster than its human counterparts.

And then, it can use machine learning to come to conclusions quite fast based on campaign and customer context. This gives team members time to focus on strategic initiatives that can then inform AI-enabled campaigns. With AI, marketers no longer have to wait until the end of a campaign to make decisions — use real-time analytics to make better media choices.

The Notable Challenges For AI Marketing Tools So Far

Modern marketing relies on an in-depth understanding of customer needs and preferences, and then the ability to act on that knowledge quickly and effectively. The ability to make real-time, data-driven decisions has brought AI to the forefront for marketing stakeholders. However, marketing teams must be discerning when deciding how to best integrate AI.

Especially, while integrating it into their campaigns and operations. They are used to generate receipts Online to make the workflow smoother and faster. The development and use of AI tools are still in the early stages. Therefore, there are a few challenges to be aware of when implementing AI in marketing.

A. Training Time and Data Quality

AI tools do not automatically know which actions to take to achieve marketing goals. They require time and training to learn organizational goals, customer preferences, and historical trends, understand overall context and establish expertise.

Not only does this require time, but it also requires data quality assurances. If the AI tools are not trained with high-quality data that is accurate, timely, and representative, the tool will make less than optimal decisions that do not reflect consumer desires, thereby reducing the value of the tool.

B. Security & User Information Privacy

Consumers and regulating bodies alike are cracking down on how organizations use their data. Marketing teams need to ensure they are using consumer data ethically and in compliance with standards such as CCPA & GDPR among others.

Or risk heavy penalties and reputation damage. This is a challenge where AI is concerned. Unless the tools are specifically programmed to observe specific legal guidelines, they may overstep what is considered acceptable in terms of using consumer data for personalization.

C. Content Marketers Getting Buy-In

It can be difficult for marketing teams to demonstrate the value of AI investments to business stakeholders. While KPIs such as ROI and efficiency are easily quantifiable, showing how AI has improved customer experience.

Or rather, the overall brand reputation tracking which is also less obvious. With this in mind, marketing teams need to ensure they have the measurement abilities to attribute these qualitative gains to AI investments.

D. AI Deployment Changes Slow Adaptation

Because AI is a newer tool in marketing, definitive best practices have not been established to guide marketing teams’ initial deployments. And also, with the emergence of AI comes a disruption in the day-to-day marketing operations.

Marketers must evaluate which jobs will be replaced and which jobs will be created. One study suggested that nearly 6 out of every 10 current marketing specialist and analyst jobs will be replaced with marketing technology.

Artificial Intelligence Marketing Technology Best Steps

Selecting the right platform or platforms is a crucial step in getting an AI marketing program off the ground. Marketers should be discerning in identifying the gaps that the platform is trying to fill and select solutions based on monitorteknologi.

This will revolve around the goal marketers are trying to achieve – for example, speed, and productivity goals will require different functionality. Rather than tools used to improve overall customer satisfaction with AI. One thing to keep in mind when selecting a tool is the level of visibility you will need regarding why an AI platform made a certain decision.

Depending on the algorithm in use, marketing teams may get a clear report on why a certain decision was made and which data influenced the decision. While algorithms working on a more advanced level with deep learning may not be able to give definitive reasoning. Before implementing any AI tool for marketing campaigns, there are a few other key factors to know:

1. Establish Your Goals

As with any marketing program, it is important that clear goals and marketing analytics are established from the outset. Start by identifying areas within campaigns or operations that AI could stand to improve, such as segmentation.

Then establish clear KPIs that will help illuminate how successful the AI-augmented campaign has been – this is, especially, important for qualitative goals such as “improve customer experience.”

2. Data Privacy Standards

At the outset of your AI program, be sure that your AI platform will not cross the line of acceptable data use in the name of personalization. Be sure privacy standards are established and programmed into platforms as needed.

More so, in order to maintain compliance and consumer trust.

3. Quantity Data Sources

In order to get started with AI marketing, marketers need to have a vast amount of data at their disposal. This is what will train the AI tool in customer preferences, external trends, and other factors that will impact the success of AI-enabled campaigns.

This data can be taken from the organization’s own CRM, marketing campaigns, and website data. Additionally, marketers may supplement this with second and third-party data. This can include location data, weather data, and other external factors that may contribute to a purchasing decision.

4. Acquire Data Scientists

Many marketing teams lack employees with the necessary data science and AI expertise, making it difficult to work with vast amounts of data and deliver insights. To get programs off the ground, organizations should work with third parties.

As well as other solid organizations that can assist in the collection and analysis of data to train AI programs and facilitate ongoing maintenance.

5. Maintain Data Quality

As machine learning programs consume more data, the program will learn how to make accurate, effective decisions. However, if the data is not in standard form and free of errors, the insights will not be useful.

Actually, it can cause AI programs to make decisions that hinder marketing programs. Prior to implementing AI marketing, marketing teams must coordinate with data management teams. As well as other lines of business to establish processes for data cleansing and data maintenance. When doing so, consider the seven essential data dimensions.

    • Timeliness
    • Completeness
    • Consistency
    • Relevance
    • Transparency
    • Accuracy
    • Representativeness

In nutshell, with Artificial Intelligence Marketing Technology emergence comes a disruption in the day-to-day marketing operations. Marketers must evaluate which jobs AI will be replacing and which jobs it will be creating.

Marketers who don’t leverage AI will face very stiff competition! According to Gartner, marketing insights will no longer be as competitive in this changing marketing landscape. Already, the majority of those surveyed by Gartner employ AI solutions in their marketing strategy or are planning to. Only 13% do not see its use in the next 3 years.

Takeaway Thoughts:

In general, many companies — and the marketing teams that support them alike — are all rapidly adopting Artificial Intelligence technology solutions. In order to encourage operational efficiency while improving the customer experience. Through these platforms, marketers are able to gain a more nuanced, comprehensive understanding of their target audiences.

The insights we gain through this process can then be useful to drive conversions. While simultaneously easing the workload for marketing teams. Overall, the Artificial Intelligence Technology helps marketers bank on customers’ emotions on choosing a brand over others. Or rather, in terms of liking a particular product/service over others.

Once they receive immense information about their prospects thinking funnel and emotional state, they use it to tailor-make the best marketing strategies. Luckily, you now have a full guideline to start or rollover from where you are now. But, there’s even more to that! So, if you’ll need more help, you can always Consult Us and let us know how we can sort you out.

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