WordPress Site Backup

Why Hotlink Protection To Mitigate Website Hotlinking Matter

Hotlink Protection | How To Prevent Website From Hotlinking

Regarding cloud computing, Hotlink Protection is a security-based topology that prevents other websites from using your images. And as a result, this can significantly reduce the bandwidth consumed by your origin server. For instance, when Cloudflare receives an image request for your website, it will check to ensure the request did not originate from visitors on another website.
Read MoreHotlink Protection | How To Prevent Website From Hotlinking
A Strategic Membership Website Design To Help You Make Sales

A Membership Website Design Plan To Increase Revenue Streams

A Membership Website is one of the best ways to form a great web-based business. And then thereafter, make some money through your website subscribers. Sincerely speaking, we know you, too, have been afraid to monetize your website or blog without losing subscribers. You’re worried that if you do, you could drive them away and hugely reduce your website traffic.
Read MoreA Membership Website Design Plan To Increase Revenue Streams