Papaya Fruit | The Main Nutritional Benefits & Dietary Plans

In general, Papaya Fruit Nutrition value is thought to have a range of overall body health and fitness benefits. For instance, the papaya fruit may help protect against a number of health conditions. As an example, lutein and zeaxanthin (an antioxidant) found in papayas, helps filter out harmful blue light rays.

Important to realize, Papaya fruit grows in tropical climates and is also known as papaws or pawpaws. Not to mention, their sweet taste, vibrant color, and the wide variety of health benefits they provide make them a popular fruit.

And also, it’s loaded with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, fight disease and help keep you looking young. Papayas can be used in many different ways. They can be eaten as is, added to a fruit salad or to a host of different recipes.

Papaya Fruit Nutrition Supplementary Diet Plan

Sadly, aging is inevitable and having Anti Aging Fruits in our dietary plans among other variables to your lifestyle determines how long you’ll live. Notably, the human diet contains thousands of antioxidants and nutrients that help us do everything. From preventing wrinkles and even to kill off cancerous cells.

But, while many foods from chocolate to popcorn promise these health benefits, your best bet for a long, vibrant future begins with singular produce. Recently anti-aging Market at the global level analyzed the sale of cosmetics.

They also analyzed surgeries related to beauty treatment and the trend to look gorgeous has grown billion times than the past two decades. But, as fate would have it, none of the manufactured products beats the effectiveness of fruits and especially the Papaya fruit towards a vibrant body.

Understanding the Components of a Papaya Fruit

Deliciously sweet with musky undertones and a soft, butter-like consistency, it is no wonder the papaya was reputably called the “fruit of the angels” by Christopher Columbus. Once considered quite exotic, they can now be found in markets throughout the year.

Although there is a slight seasonal peak in early summer and fall, papaya trees produce fruit year-round. Papayas are an excellent source of vitamin C, and one single medium fruit provides 224 percent of recommended daily intake.

One Medium Papaya Has Approximately:
  • 120 calories
  • 30 grams of carbohydrate – including 5 grams of fiber and 18 grams of sugar
  • 2 grams of protein
Papayas are also a good source of:

They also have B vitamins, alpha and beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, vitamin K, and lycopene. No to mention, lycopene is the powerful antioxidant most commonly associated with tomatoes.

Below Are Key Elements in a Papaya Fruit

  • Papayas are spherical or pear-shaped fruits that can be as long as 20 inches.
  • The ones commonly found in the market usually average about 7 inches and weigh about one pound.
  • Their flesh is a rich orange color with either yellow or pink hues.
  • Inside the inner cavity of the fruit are black, round seeds encased in a gelatinous-like substance.
  • Papaya’s seeds are edible, although their peppery flavor is somewhat bitter.
  • The fruit, as well as the other parts of the papaya tree, contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins.
  • This enzyme is especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe.
  • Papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme dietary supplements and is also used as an ingredient in some chewing gums.

Before Purchasing a Papaya Fruit

If you want to eat them within a day of purchase, choose papayas that have reddish-orange skin and are slightly soft to the touch. Those that have patches of yellow color will take a few more days to ripen. As a matter of fact, Papayas that are totally green or overly hard should not be purchased. Unless you are planning on cooking them, or maybe you want to use green papayas in a cold dish.

Papaya Fruit Health Benefits

Like an Asian salad, as their flesh will not develop its characteristic sweet juicy flavor. While a few black spots on the surface will not affect the papaya’s taste, avoid those that are bruised or overly soft. Papayas are more available during the summer and fall; however, you can usually purchase them throughout the year.

Health Benefits of a Papaya Fruit

In the first place, the Papaya fruit offers not only the luscious taste and sunlit color of the tropics but are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients. Such as;

  • carotenes,
  • vitamin C and flavonoids,
  • the B vitamins,
  • folate, and
  • pantothenic acid,
  • and the minerals, potassium, copper, and magnesium; and fiber.

Together, these nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system and also provide protection against colon cancer. In addition, papaya contains the digestive enzyme, papain, which is used like bromelain, (a similar enzyme found in pineapple). For example, to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma, and allergies.

Below are more supporting benefits.

1. Potential Protection Against Heart Disease

Papayas may be very helpful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. Equally, Papayas are an excellent source of the powerful antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin A(through their concentration of pro-vitamin A carotenoid phytonutrients).

2. These Nutrients help prevent the Oxidation of Cholesterol

Only when cholesterol becomes oxidized is it able to stick to and build up in blood vessel walls. In that case, forming dangerous plaques that which can eventually cause heart attacks or strokes. One way in which dietary vitamin E and vitamin C may exert this effect is through their suggested association with a compound called paraoxonase. An enzyme that inhibits LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol oxidation.

3. A Good Source of Fiber

On the other hand, Papayas are also a good source of fiber, which has been shown to lower high cholesterol levels. The folic acid found in papayas is needed for the conversion of a substance called homocysteine into benign amino acids such as cysteine or methionine. If unconverted, homocysteine can directly damage blood vessel walls and, if levels get too high, is considered a significant risk factor for a heart attack or stroke.

4. Papayas Promote Digestive Health

Surprisingly, the nutrients in papaya have also been shown to be helpful in the prevention of colon cancer. For one thing, Papaya’s fiber is able to bind to cancer-causing toxins in the colon and keep them away from the healthy colon cells. In addition, papaya’s folate, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin E have each been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. These nutrients provide synergistic protection for colon cells from free radical damage to their DNA. Increasing your intake of these nutrients by enjoying papaya is an especially good idea for individuals at risk of colon cancer.

5. Anti-Inflammatory Effects of the Papaya Fruit

B the same token, Papaya fruit contains several unique protein-digesting enzymes including papain and chymopapain. These enzymes have been shown to help lower inflammation and to improve healing from burns. In addition, the antioxidant nutrients found in papaya, including vitamin C and beta-carotene, are also very good at reducing inflammation. This may explain why people with diseases that are worsened by inflammation, such as asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, find that the severity of their condition is reduced when they get more of these nutrients.

6. Immune Support from a Papaya Fruit

Vitamin C and vitamin A, which is made in the body from the beta-carotene in papaya, are both needed for the proper function of a healthy immune system. Papaya fruit, therefore, is a healthy fruit choice for preventing such illnesses as recurrent ear infections, colds, and flu. The risk of developing asthma is lower in people who consume a high amount of certain nutrients. One of these nutrients is beta-carotene, contained in foods like papaya, apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, pumpkin, and carrots.

7. Potential Protection against Macular Degeneration

Your mother may have told you carrots would keep your eyes bright as a child, but as an adult, it looks like fruit is even more important for keeping your sight. Data reported in a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology indicates that eating 3 or more servings of fruit per day may lower your; risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD).

And also, the primary cause of vision loss in older adults, by 36%, compared to persons who consume less than 1.5 servings of fruit daily. In this study, which involved over 110,000 women and men, researchers evaluated the effect of study participants’ consumption of fruits; vegetables; the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E; and carotenoids.

On the development of early ARMD or neovascular ARMD, a more severe form of the illness associated with vision loss. While, surprisingly, intakes of vegetables, antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids were not strongly related to the incidence of either form of ARMD. Also, fruit intake was definitely protective against the severe form of this vision-destroying disease.

8. Papaya Fruit & Green Tea for Prostate Cancer Prevention

For our information, a combination of Papaya Fruit and Green Tea Team Up to Prevent Prostate Cancer. Choosing to regularly eat lycopene-rich fruits, such as papaya, and drink green tea may greatly reduce a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer. Also also, suggests research published the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Jian L, Lee AH, et al.)

In this case-control study involving 130 prostate cancer patients and 274 hospital controls was done. And whereby, men drinking the greenest tea were found to have an 86% reduced risk of prostate cancer. Of course, compared to those drinking the least. A similar inverse association was found between the men’s consumption of lycopene-rich fruits and vegetables. Such as,

  • tomatoes,
  • apricots,
  • pink grapefruit,
  • watermelon,
  • papaya fruit, and
  • he guava fruit.

Men who most frequently enjoyed these foods were 82% less likely to have prostate cancer. Compared to those consuming the least lycopene-rich foods. Regular consumption of both green tea and foods rich in lycopene resulted in a synergistic protective effect. In fact, stronger than the protection afforded by either, the researchers also noted.

9. Bone Marrow Health Supplement 

As can be seen, from the above illustrations, consuming the antioxidant beta-carotene, found in papayas, may reduce cancer risk. Especially, the notoriously associated with bone marrow. Low intakes of vitamin K have been associated with a higher risk of bone fracture. Adequate vitamin K consumption is important for good health, as it improves calcium absorption and may reduce urinary excretion of calcium. Meaning there is more calcium in the body to strengthen and rebuild bones.

10. Diabetes and Hair Health

Studies have shown that people with type 1 diabetes who consume high-fiber diets have lower blood glucose levels. And also, people with type 2 diabetes may have improved blood sugar, lipid, and insulin levels. One small papaya provides about 3 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to just 17 grams of carbohydrates.

Papaya is also great for hair because it contains vitamin A, a nutrient required for sebum production, which keeps hair moisturized. Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of all bodily tissues, including skin and hair. Adequate intake of vitamin C, which papaya can provide, is needed for the building and maintenance of collagen, which provides structure to the skin.

General Practical Tips:

Get in the habit of drinking green tea and eating lycopene-rich foods. Follow the guidelines below.

  • Take a quart of iced green tea to work and sip throughout the day or take it to the gym to provide prostate protection while replenishing fluids after your workout.
  • Pack a Ziploc bag of apricots and almonds in your briefcase or gym bag for a handy snack.
  • Start your breakfast with a half grapefruit or a glass of papaya or guava juice.
  • Add papaya to any smoothie or fruit salad or use as a delectable garnish for fish.
  • For a delicious summer lunch, cut a papaya in half, scoop out the seeds, sprinkle with lime juice and top with cottage cheese, a fresh mint leaf, and roasted almonds.
  • Begin lunch or dinner with some spicy tomato juice on the rocks with a twist of lime. Snack on tomato crostini: in the oven, toast whole wheat bread till crusty, then top with tomato sauce, herbs, a little grated cheese, and reheat until the cheese melts.
  • Top whole-wheat pasta with olive oil, pine nuts, feta cheese and a rich tomato sauce for lunch or dinner.

Methods of Preparing a Papaya Fruit

Methods of Preparing a Papaya Fruit

One of the easiest (and most delightful) ways to eat papaya is to eat it just like a melon.

My First Exclusive Recipe

  • After washing the fruit, cut it lengthwise, scoop out the seeds and then eat it with a spoon.
  • For a little extra zest, you can squeeze lemon or lime juice on top.
  • To cut papaya into smaller pieces for fruit salad or recipes, first, peel it with a paring knife and then cut into desired size and shape.
  • You can also use a melon baller to scoop out the fruit of a halved papaya.
  • If you are adding it to a fruit salad, you should do so just before serving as it tends to cause the other fruits to become very soft.

My Second Exclusive Recipe

Three servings of fruit may sound like a lot to eat each day. But, papaya can help you reach this goal.

  1. Add slices of fresh papaya to your morning cereal, lunchtime yogurt or green salads.
  2. Cut a papaya in half and fill with cottage cheese, crab, shrimp or tuna salad.
  3. For an elegant meal, place slices of fresh papaya over any broiled fish.

A Few Quick Serving Ideas

  • Mix diced papaya, cilantro, jalapeno peppers, and ginger together to make a unique salsa that goes great with shrimp, scallops, and halibut.
  • Sprinkle papaya with fresh lime juice and enjoy as is.
  • Slice a small papaya lengthwise and fill with fruit salad.
  • In a blender, combine papaya, strawberries, and yogurt for a cold soup treat.

If you’d like even more recipes and ways to prepare papaya the Nutrient-Rich Way, you may want to explore The World’s Healthiest Foods book.

Papayas and Latex-Fruit Syndrome

Latex-fruit syndrome is a health problem related to the possible reaction of our immune system to certain proteins found in natural rubber (from the tree Hevea brasiliensis). And also, highly similar proteins found in certain foods, such as papayas. Here is more on How to prepare papaya


Papayas that are partially yellow should be left at room temperature where they will ripen in a few days. However, if you want to speed this process, place them in a paper bag with a banana. Not forgetting, ripe papayas should be stored in the refrigerator. And be consumed within one or two days, so you can enjoy their maximum flavor.

While most people discard the big black seeds, they are actually edible and have a delightful peppery flavor. They can be chewed whole or blended into a creamy salad dressing, giving it a peppery flavor. Finally, we hope the above-revised post best suits your dietary and supplementary food plan as well as optional fruit drinks guide.

If you’ll have additional complements, suggestions or even questions, you can Contact Us or equally share them in the comments box below.

More useful and related topic links:
  1. What are the health benefits of papaya?
  2. Fruits Health Benefits » Knowledge Base
  3. Anti-Aging Fruits » Naturally Healthy For You

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