As we speak, according to Google AdSense, responsive display ads are replacing the traditional ads as the default ad type for the display network. Simply, because these ads include all the features of responsive ads.
Similarly, they also allow for multiple assets of each type, and more control over your ads. Meaning, if you’ve responsive ads running, you’ll be prompted to save them as responsive display ads. Or even edit your old responsive ads to auto-convert them into responsive display ads.
Remarketing, also known as retargeting, can dramatically increase your conversion rates and ROI. This is because past site visitors who are already familiar with your brand are much more likely to become customers or complete other valuable actions on your site.
What Are Responsive Display Ads?
For an easier way to show your ads across the Display Network, you’ll need to create responsive display ads. These asset-based ads, and automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces.
With the assets you enter, including logos, headlines, images, videos, and descriptions, Google automatically generates your ad as ad spaces in order to become available. And it uses the multiple assets you upload to optimize for the best performance.
Responsive display ads can show as almost any size text, image, or native format. They can be used in standard Display campaigns as well as Smart Display campaigns.
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To create a responsive display ad, you’ll need to upload your assets first. Such as images, headlines, logos, videos, and descriptions. And then, Google will automatically generate ads to be shown on the Google Display Network.
If you want to have more control over the creatives for your Display campaigns, you may also build and upload your own image ads. Uploaded image ads are created outside of Google Ads (in Google Web Designer, for example).
And can be uploaded as a .zip file into Google Ads. You can read and learn more about uploading your own image ads. When it comes to Google AdSense, the Responsive Display Ad contains various key elements.
These key elements include;
- short headline
- long headline
- description
- business name
- marketing image
- landscape logo and square marketing images
- call-to-action text (optional)
- logo (optional)
- promotion text (optional)
- price prefix (optional)
With that in mind, therefore, in this article, you can read and learn more about these fields. You can also read and learn more about the responsive behavior of display ad units in detail.
You can create responsive ads in two phases:
In the first place, you can upload the marketing image, optional logo, landscape logo, and square marketing images using the Media Service with the upload method. But, make sure that you keep track of the ID that comes back — you’ll need that later when adding your ad.
You can optionally upload a logo image the same way. Once an image is uploaded through the media service, it can be reused for multiple ads later on.
Secondly, you can create a Responsive Display Ad
using Ad Group Ad Service. For the marketing Image
, logo Image
, landscape Logo Image
, and square Marketing Image
. And by the same token, make sure to reference the media IDs that were returned in the first phase.
In short, the Responsive Ad for Display is an ad that automatically adjusts its size, appearance, and format. In order to fit available ad spaces on the Google Display Network. Some of the benefits include:
1. Ads Optimization
When you create a responsive display ad by uploading different assets into Google Ads, Google uses a machine learning model. And as a result, this helps to determine the optimal combination of assets for each ad slot. Based on predictions built from your performance history.
In addition, Google ad retargeting is a powerful online marketing technique because it allows you to stay connected with your target audience, even after they leave your site.
By presenting your display remarketing banner ads to visitors even as they browse other parts of the web, you are gaining brand exposure. By becoming more recognizable to your target audience. As well as raising trust and making them more likely to purchase from you.
2. Broader Outreach
Multiple assets can be uploaded per asset type (for example, multiple headlines, logos, videos, and images). The ads that Google assembles automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit just about any available ad space.
For example, a responsive display ad might show as a native banner ad on one site and a dynamic text ad on another. Add videos to your responsive display ads to help maximize your reach on the Display Network.
Your videos will be shown instead of images whenever Google Ads determine videos could drive better performance for you. Remarketing ads have much higher click-through rates and conversion rates than typical display ads too.
3. They Save Time
Using responsive display ads, you can greatly reduce your overhead for managing ad portfolios within ad groups and campaigns. As you dedicate more time to performance improvement.
For more instructions, you can jump to this guide on how to create a responsive display ad. Eventually, you can create different Google remarketing lists for super-targeted remarketing campaigns.
For example, you can choose to show users who have already purchased from your site different ads from non-buyers. Such as an offer for 30% off your second purchase.
4. Dynamic Remarketing
You can make your responsive display ads support dynamic remarketing by attaching a feed to your campaigns. Responsive ads show personalized content to customers from a feed you control and add to your campaign.
If you add a feed to your campaign, your ads will show in both dynamic and static formats. You can read and learn more about how to create feeds for responsive display ads in this article by Google.
How does Google Remarketing work?
As a web publisher, and if you run ads on your site, you can use dynamic remarketing to show ads tailored to your site visitors. On a clear note, remarketing allows you to show ads to people who have previously visited your website. Or those that used your mobile app.
Google Ads remarketing is a form of online advertising that enables sites to show targeted ads to users who have already visited their site. Past visitors will see these ads while they are browsing the web, watching YouTube videos, or reading news sites, for example.
All this helps in keeping your brand at the top-of-mind and enticing visitors to come back for more. But, dynamic remarketing takes this even a step further.
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By letting you show your previous visitors ads that contain products and services they viewed on your site. And with a message tailored to your audience, dynamic remarketing helps you build more leads and sales.
They do so by bringing previous visitors back to your site to complete what they started. There are even more reasons to use dynamic remarketing. So, with that in mind, let’s have a look at more examples below:
First, these are ads that scale with your products or services. And by that I mean, they easily pair your feed of products or services with dynamic ads. While scaling your ads to cover your entire inventory.
Secondly, they are so simple, yet powerful feeds. Helping you to create a basic .csv, .tsv, .xls, or .xlsx feed. In that case, the Google Ads product recommendation engine will easily pull products and services from your feed.
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And by so doing, it also determines the best mix of products for each ad. Based on popularity and what the visitor viewed on your site. Then again, the ads often come with high-performance layouts too.
As a result, Google Ads predicts which dynamic ad layout is likely to perform best. Whether it’s for the visitor, ad placement, and ad platform where the ads will show. And then lastly, there’s real-time bid optimization as well.
In this case, with real-time bid optimization, it comes packed with enhanced CPC and conversion optimizer. Where the Google Ads algorithm calculates the optimal bid for each impression.
How to start dynamic remarketing
As I said earlier, remarketing allows you to show ads to people who have previously visited your website or used your mobile app. Dynamic remarketing takes this a step further, letting you show previous visitors ads that contain products and services they viewed on your site.
With messages tailored to your audience, dynamic remarketing helps you build leads and sales by bringing previous visitors back to your site to complete what they started. Here is how to use dynamic remarketing to show ads tailored to your site visitors:
Product or service feed
Create a feed that includes all of your products or services, along with details about each item (unique ID, price, image, and more). These details are then pulled from your feed into your dynamic ads.
You’ll upload your feed to the Business data section of your Shared library unless you’re a retailer. If you’re a retailer, you’ll upload your product feed to the Google Merchant Center.
Tag with custom parameters
In this case, you can add the dynamic remarketing tag with custom parameters to all pages of your website. The tag adds your website visitors to remarketing lists and associates them with the unique IDs of the feed items they viewed.
You’ll find your tag in the Audiences section of your Shared library. Responsive display ads are asset-based, and automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces. Learn more about asset best practices for dynamic remarketing and prospecting.
Dynamic prospecting and dynamic remarketing
In general, dynamic prospecting brings user information and product information together. In order to show your best product at the right time to the users who would be the most interested.
Unlike dynamic remarketing, which is focused on getting the most value out of your existing customers, dynamic prospecting is used to acquire new users. This difference makes dynamic prospecting the preferable method if you’re a new advertiser.
Or if you’re targeting an audience different from your own first-party data (including your remarketing lists). Dynamic prospecting uses machine learning to get an idea of what potential buyers are looking for.
Once the system knows what the user is after, it combines that possible intent with demographics-based information such as age, gender, and household income to match the user with a product in your feed.
The products in your feed are evaluated based on performance, relevance, and other factors to determine which ones are most likely to catch the user’s attention and lead to conversions.
Adding dynamic prospecting to a dynamic remarketing campaign
- Sign in to Google Ads and navigate to your campaign’s settings.
- Click on Additional settings.
- Click on the drop-down under “Dynamic ads.”
- This drop-down will select “No data feed” by default.
- Click the checkbox next to “use a data feed for personalized ads”.
- Select the relevant Data Feed from the drop-down menu.
- Click Save.
Note: To add targeting to a campaign, refer to the Dynamic remarketing for web setup guide.
If you already advertise on Google, all you need to do is add a piece of Google remarketing code, also known as a tag or pixel, to your website so that visitors can get added to your remarketing audiences through browser cookies.
You can customize the code for different pages to correspond to more defined categories. For example, let’s say you operate an e-commerce business that sells kitchen supplies. You might create a “toaster” remarketing audience based on people who visit the pages of your site where you sell toasters.
That way, you can show these specific visitors highly targeted display ads that market your toasters. You already know they are in-market for toasters, and now you can draw them back, perhaps with a special offer like “free shipping.”
Other Resource References:
Using remarketing, you can show Google ads to your previous site visitors while they browse the vast number of Google partner sites in the Google Display Network. Google recommends that when you are starting your first remarketing campaign, you begin by targeting everyone who viewed your homepage.
Just remember, that will increase your Google remarketing costs since your ads are being retargeted to more individuals. And you won’t be able to create ads that are quite as targeted. By targeting more narrowly, you can therefore increase ad relevancy and lower your cost per click.
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