Facebook Pixel Code | How To Create Lead Campaigns

Once I had Facebook Pixel Code conversion tracking in place and started using Custom Audiences, I saw a huge uplift in lead visitors. In that case, the Facebook Pixel through the Facebook Ads Manager became ROI-positive for jmexclusives from day one!

Basically, the Facebook Pixel Code helps you measure the effectiveness of your advertising. Especially, by understanding the actions that people take on your website. And as a result of your Facebook ads. Once you have added the Facebook pixel code base and event code to your website, you can see your pixel event data on the Pixel page.

Equally important, on the Data sources tab, you can measure and optimize your ad campaigns. In particular, those that are leveraging your pixel event data. Whereby, if you have more than one Facebook pixel code, you’ll select the pixel that you’d like to view.

What is a Facebook Pixel Code?

To enumerate, the Facebook Pixel Code is powered by a Javascript library that needs to be added to every page of your site in order to track page views. In addition to collecting page views.

By all means, which is the ability to collect the actions that people take on your site and also, details about those actions. Therefore, this is what makes a Facebook Pixel Code so valuable.

Facebook Pixel Code

Additionally, it has a standard set of events, mostly Ecommerce events like product views, adds to cart, and purchases. Those events allow you to create more targeted ads for users based on their behavior. Down to showing them ads about specific products based on what products they’ve seen or added to their cart.

Basically, each unique event you want to track will require custom code to be added to your site that can also populate dynamic data. Like product SKU, name, and price from your site database.

Which are the Facebook Pixel Code benefits?

As can be seen from the explanation above, the Facebook pixel code is an analytics tool.

Whereby, the pixel gathers the actions – which are called events. Sending them to your Facebook pixel page in Events Manager. In that case, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions that people take on your website.

You can use a Facebook pixel code to:
  • Make sure that your ads are shown to the right people. Find new customers or people who have visited a specific page or taken a desired action on your website.
  • Drive more sales. Set up automatic bidding to reach people who are more likely to take any action that you care about, such as making a purchase.
  • Measure the results of your ads. Better understand the impact of your ads by measuring what happened as a direct result.

Once you’ve set up the Facebook pixel, the pixel will fire when someone takes an action on your website. Examples of actions include adding an item to their shopping basket or making a purchase.

How does Facebook Pixel Code operate?

When someone visits your website and takes an action (for example, buying something), the Facebook Pixel Code is triggered, reporting this action. This way, you’ll know when a customer took an action after seeing your Facebook ad.

Read Also: Facebook Page Creation | With Step-by-step Promo Guides

In addition, you’ll also be able to reach this customer again by using a Custom Audience. And when more and more conversions happen on your website, Facebook gets even better. Particularly, at delivering your ads to people who are more likely to take certain actions.

In other words, this is called conversion optimization.

How do you Setup the Facebook pixel code?

If you have access to your website’s code, you can add the Facebook pixel yourself. Simply place the Facebook pixel base code (what you see when you create your pixel) on all pages of your website.

Then add standard events to the pixel code on the special pages of your website, such as your add-to-basket page or your purchase page. For full step-by-step instructions on adding the Facebook pixel to your site, visit the Help Centre.

Many people need the help of a developer to complete this step. If that’s the case, simply email your Facebook pixel code to them and they can easily add it to your site.

How does Facebook Pixel benefit Businesses?

The Facebook Pixel with more accurate information will ensure your ads are being shown to the right people. And also build specific audience groups that fit the demographics of your ideal customer.

An effective Facebook advertising strategy is remarketing, which will show a product that the user just looked at. Especially on your site to trigger them to re-visit the page and make a purchase. This is commonly used for retail or any e-commerce site.

In recent years, Facebook Pixel has become a useful tool for businesses to access and utilize data. In general, about user behavior, and this latest update has only made the feature even more effective.

Not sure if you have the right tracking set up on your website or Facebook account, or would you like to get started with Facebook advertising?

High-level event metrics

On the Data sources tab, you can measure and optimize your ad campaigns that are leveraging your pixel event data. If you have more than one pixel, select the pixel that you’d like to view.

See basic information about your pixels, such as its status and last activity. You can look at these sections to understand:

  • Events received: The total number of events received by your pixel.
  • Top events: This is how effectively your data has been matched to people on Facebook.
  • Activity: This graph shows the number of events measured per day for each of the last seven days that could be attributed to people who saw your ads.

This helps you to understand the recent behavior of people who have recently visited your site.

And quickly identify if there’s an issue with how any of your events have been set up on your website.

Get more out of Facebook Pixel with Segment

When you use Segment there’s no need to write custom code or to use Facebook’s Javascript library in order to start using Facebook Pixel.

Segment page views and events are automatically translated into corresponding Facebook Pixel events in the background.

The standard set of Ecommerce events in the Segment Spec gets mapped to the standard set of Facebook Pixel Ecommerce events without any additional Facebook Pixel Code.

How do I create a Facebook Pixel Code?

For example, you can also use the event mapping settings in the Segment’s Facebook Pixel integration to trigger other standard Facebook events.

Like Lead and CompleteRegistration, based on your existing Segment events.

To create a Facebook Pixel Code;
  1. Go to your Pixels tab in Events Manager.
  2. Click Create a pixel.
  3. To finish creating your pixel, click Create in the box that appears.

How to Create a Facebook Pixel Code

Once you’ve created your pixel, you’re ready to put the Facebook pixel code on your website. Choose the statement below that best fits how you make updates to your website’s code for instructions.

In the first place, Locate the header code for your website. Go to your website’s code and find the header of your website.

Website Pixel Code

Next, copy the entire code and paste it in the header of your website. Then again, paste the code at the bottom of the header section, just above the closing head tag.

Check that your code’s working correctly

Click Send Test Traffic after placing the code on your website to make sure your pixel’s working properly. If your status says “Active”, your base code has been installed correctly. This can take several minutes to update.

Set up events on your website

After you’ve placed the pixel on your website, add events to track specific actions that people take on your website.

Events are actions that happen on your website (like when someone makes a purchase).

How to Install

To track an event, you’ll need to place a piece of code on your website.

In that case, to help Facebook understand that someone has taken an action.

To create Website Events;
  1. Go to the Pixels tab in Events Manager.
  2. Then click Set up a Facebook pixel.
  3. Click Manually install the code yourself.

Finally, select Track Event on Page Load or Track Event on Inline Action.

In that case, the main difference between the two Facebook pixel events tracking being;

  1. Track event on page load: Choose this option if the action you care about can be tracked when someone lands on a certain page, such as a confirmation page after completing a purchase.
  2. Track event on inline action: Choose this option if the action you want to track requires someone to click something (such as an add to basket or purchase button).

Further, add event parameters, such as Conversion Value or Currency, to measure additional information about your event (Recommended).

Install and uninstall the Facebook Pixel Helper

If you’d like your Facebook pixel to fire on specific button clicks, you’ll have to update the code to tie an event to an action. Learn more on Facebook developer’s site, under the Track in-Page events section.

You’ve now finished setting up an event on your website. Repeat these steps for any other event listed that you’d also like to track.

Can’t see the event you want to track?

If you want to track events not listed here, then see how to use custom events.

But, if you’d like your Facebook pixel to fire on specific button clicks, you’ll have to update the code to tie an event to an action.

Learn more on Facebook developer’s site, under the Track in-Page events section.

The Facebook Pixel Helper is a troubleshooting tool that helps you find out if your pixel is working correctly.

It’s a Chrome plugin you can use to see if there’s a Facebook pixel installed on a website, check for errors and understand the data that’s coming from a pixel.

Check that your pixel is working;

  1. After you’ve installed the pixel Helper, click the Pixel Helper icon in the address bar.
  2. Check the popup to see any pixels found on that page, and whether they’ve been set up successfully.

If the Pixel Helper finds a pixel on your site and there are no errors, then you’re ready to start creating Facebook ads with your pixel.

If you see a notification that no pixels were found on your site or that there’s an error, then have a look at the troubleshooting section below for more help.

How do you do Facebook Pixel Settings?

Once you have selected your pixel, select Settings to understand to see your Facebook pixel’s associated custom audiences and custom conversions, and how they’re performing.

You’ll be able to see a list of all your custom audiences and custom conversions by volume and create a new custom audience or custom conversion.

When you set up an audience or a conversion with your desired characteristics, it will continually refresh as you upload data.

Ads Manager Activity

Once you have selected your pixel, select Activity to see a list of all the types of actions that people took on your website that has been recently measured by your pixel.

Troubleshoot your Facebook pixel for Errors

The Facebook Pixel Helper reports common errors that can happen when you install a pixel on your website. These errors mean that the person who manages your website will need to fix something for your pixel to start working correctly.

Once you’ve successfully set up your pixel, start running ads on Facebook using conversion optimization and tracking. For more help on working and installing the Facebook pixel, please Consult with Us.

Summing Up,

The Facebook Pixel is a foundational piece of any successful advertising campaign on Facebook. Above all, to accurately track results and users. Along with optimizing ads and building audience segments for smarter marketing in the future.

It’s common to almost all modern marketing technology. And it’s incredibly powerful if you’re actively advertising with Facebook. But, not using their pixel, you’re missing a lot of opportunities and wasting a lot of advertising money.

In reality, online digital marketing can become impersonal, due to the virtual nature of the message and content delivery to the desired audience. In that case, marketers must attend to their strategy for online marketing with a strong understanding of their customer’s needs and preferences.

Eventually, techniques like surveys, user testing, and in-person conversations can be used for this purpose. Whereby, Online Marketing is undergoing crowd siege and is highly competitive.

Although the opportunities to provide goods and services in both local and far-reaching markets are empowering, the competition can be significant. Whereas, companies investing in Facebook Promotion Campaign may find visitors’ attention difficult to capture.

Read more about How is the Facebook Promotion Campaign useful?

Due to, either the number of businesses also marketing their products or services online as well. Marketers must, therefore, develop a balance of building a unique value proposition. And also, a profound brand voice as they test and build marketing campaigns on various channels.


I hope you’ve enjoyed reading and have understood some of the main benefits of utilizing your Facebook Business Manager.

Besides, if you’ll have additional contributions, suggestions or even questions, please feel free to Contact Us. By the same token, you can share your thoughts with other readers in the comments box below this article.

Finally, below are more useful links related to the topic above.

  1. What is Inbound Marketing?
  2. Search Engine Marketing Definition
  3. What is Marketing Leads conversion?
  4. Optimizing For Rankings & Search Visibility
  5. What’s the Meaning of Affiliate Marketing?

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