Brand Profiling | How Do You Create A Strong Personality?

Brand profiling and positioning is the process used to influence customer choice. It’s the system used to make your brand highly visible, different, memorable and much loved by your ideal target customer. A strong brand makes it clear to both you and your customer what you have to offer and why that matters to them.

Including, improving your brand and products online search results, reputation awareness as well as online presence representation. On the other hand, leveraging your online brand profiling and product review creates a general outlook of online business presence awareness. Your brand is much more than mere product or service related features and benefits, or a logo.

Brands are an experience—the relationship between your business and your customers. In the words “People don’t buy what you do, they buy ‘why’ you do it and what you do simply proves what you believe.”

Of course, people buy what your brand stands for, something that has meaning – which is both personal and important to them. And in order to create an exceptional customer experience, underpinned with strong meaning, your brand must have an irresistible personality.

What Is Brand Profiling?

To enumerate, brand profiling and product reviews fall under a schematics part of your general website rankings. For instance, if your brand is still new to online marketing and lead campaign analytics.

And as an example, an external audit party ingenious create your professional profile and products review online. Particularly, for online brand profiling whereas the party points the relevant information to you.

Why Is Brand Profiling Important?

Typically, customers choose one brand over another because they’ve made an emotional connection with that particular brand. Simply, because it means something important to them and they trust that brand. While that connection may sometimes be the brand with the lowest price, more often than not it’s due to the distinctive personality.

Not forgetting, characteristics, values, and behaviors of a brand – the emotional experience and meaning that association with that brand gives them.

Why Is Brand Profiling Important?

In reality, it is extremely important to be open about your profiling practice. This will help you avoid any suspicion of impropriety, while also clearly explaining your profiling policy to your customers. And of course, by so doing, your customers feel safe shopping from you and giving out their personal information on your website.

Many companies include a link on their Web site to their privacy policies. The most compelling evidence is that the policies spell out exactly what will and will not be done with the accumulated information.

Inasmuch as Online Business Branding and Management is concerned, the reputation and awareness it creates are equally important. Especially to its targeted audience and visitors who heavily rely on Search Engine Results for answers to their Online FAQs.

According to Jeff Bezos, the founding father of Amazon Company, “your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Whereas, for small business owners and entrepreneurs with limited budgets, there is no luxury of spending millions of cash.

Particularly in online advertisements and marketing campaign budgets. Fortunately and thanks to a fundamental shift in the way that businesses are being conducted nowadays.

Read Also: What is Online Business Branding Consultancy?

Remarkably, as a business owner and or online business branding and or even as the brand consultant management agency, there are things you can do. For instance, in order to help improve the business presence, brand reputation, and product awareness online.

Not to mention, breaking the bank would be the last thing to think of in times when your business online is less delivering, failing or undermined.

For many companies, online business branding has not proved important yet. But generally speaking, the jmexclusives team amplifies all your online business branding and management services and solutions support.

In particular, by conducting thorough research and analysis on the basis of your business, brand and product operations online. After this, you’re provided with tangible answers and results best suitable for drawing a long-lasting work plan.

Not only in order to facilitate your online business branding solutions but also visualizing your high end all-inclusive online presence.

What Is Online Brand Profiling?

Online brand profiling is the process of collecting information about Internet users and their online behavior. Including the creation of a profile of their tastes, interests, and purchasing habits.

As a matter of fact, it is a more sophisticated, efficient, and powerful version of traditional demographic segmentation. Not to mention that it is one of the key studies done by marketers. With online profiles, your firm can learn to anticipate individuals’ likely tastes and potential spending desires.

Identically, allowing your marketing and web presence strategies to capitalize on them. And indeed, the majority of online visitors and product consumers have to compare your content quality with your competitors before making final decisions.

Therefore, it is always important to give your visitors, potential customers, and clients a good feeling of your business undertakings.

Which Is The Best Process For Brand Profiling?

As can be seen, online brand profiling is catalyzed by several design, development and publishing stages. Which helps you to build an effective brand and customer profile. With this in mind, the first thing you need to do is design a database.

Particularly one that can put the information gathered on your customers to profitable use. Such a database will organize the data you gather and help you draw conclusions about your customers’ behavior and interests.

On the other hand, the design stage involves creating categories of information pertaining to your customers. In the hope that you’ll be able to identify how those categories relate to each other.

By all means, these categories will allow you to quickly manipulate and aggregate data in your analysis. And in the end, you want to systematize the data so you can make reasonable predictions about customers’ tastes and needs.

Below are more tangible elements during your online brand profiling.

1. Online Brand Profiling Data Collection

In detail, you can use either reactive or nonreactive methods to collect Internet data on your customers. Reactive means that the customer is aware the data is being collected, allowing him or her to react in some way.

On the other hand, nonreactive data collection proceeds without customer knowledge. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to each approach.

2. Collecting Data with Customers’ Knowledge

Markedly, by collecting customer data with their knowledge, you build a relationship of trust with your clients. Surprisingly, this can perhaps develop a more cooperative and comprehensive interaction with them over time.

Significantly, the knowledge that data is being collected may cause customers to curtail their natural surfing habits or avoid online shopping.

3. Collecting Data without Customers’ Knowledge

Nonreactive data collection, meanwhile, has the advantage of appearing less intrusive. Which means that customers have no impetus to change their behavior.

However, collecting and using customer information in secret poses ethical and potential public-relations difficulties. As a result, it can damage your firm’s reputation and make customers wary of your site.

Data Collection Methods During Brand Profiling

Simply put, your brand is your promise to your customers. It tells them what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates your offering from your competitors’.

Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be. The foundation of your brand is your logo. Your website, packaging and promotional materials–all of which should integrate your logo–communicate your brand.

Brand Profiling

Are you the next innovative maverick for your industry category? Or the experienced, reliable one for that matter? Is your product the high-cost, high-quality option, or the low-cost, high-value option? You can’t be both, and you can’t be all things to all people.

Who you are should be based to some extent on who your target customers want and need you to be. Below are the basics of your Online Business Branding and Management Plan.

1. Your website key files

During online brand profiling, you can collect non-reactive customer information in a variety of ways. Many firms maintain Web log files, the records of all requests for pages or files on your site.

Additionally, you can also find information using a common gateway interface (CGI) files. The common gateway interface is based on a protocol designed to communicate with Web forms. Recording the kinds of services and products requested by the user.

2. Use of Custom or Tailor-made software

One of the more elaborate methods is to use software applications designed specifically for online profiling such as cookies. To point out, web cookies gets placed on the users’ computer whenever they execute a task.

The files can help you identify which pages a person visits and how often. From these practices, you can reach some general assumptions about customers’ online behavior. Frequently tailoring your marketing schemes accordingly.

The Reactive Data Collection Method

During your online brand profiling process, you can utilize the use of reactive data-collection methods.

The reactive data collection method involves you requesting information from the user. Including,

  • e-mail address,
  • location address
  • and other personal related details.

In addition, you can ask descriptive questions to obtain information on shopping habits, income, sex, education, occupation, and other sociographic data.

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2000 issued a report on general online profiling.

Generally speaking, a call for the best-informed practice based on five “core fair information practice principles.“Including, notice, choice, access, security, and enforcement.

According to the report;

  • Web sites need to disclose their profiling practices.
  • Consumers should have the chance to opt-out of the practice or have a say in how the information is used.
  • The user gets access to their profiles after providing the required information.
  • It is recommended for the user profiles to be secured from unauthorized access.
  • Enforcement mechanisms should be in place to ensure that Web sites meet their own requirements regarding their profiling practices.

What are the Concerns you Should know?

Clearly, inasmuch as online brand profiling is concerned, customer profiling does come with various pitfalls. As with many activities related to the Internet, customers and other web users are often worried by businesses that engage in online profiling.

By all means, they see such practices as a violation of their privacy. Furthermore, privacy policy concerns are among the chief factors limiting e-commerce. Whereby, customers refrain from making purchases online lest the transmission of personal or financial data is taken out of their control.

So to say, imaginary and potentially falling into unwelcome hands. This, in turn, can tarnish your company’s reputation and diminish your customers’ trust.

What are the Best Brand Profiling tools?

When creating and developing the profiles for our clients’ brands we use our bespoke Personality Profile Performer™, a systematic approach that underpins the commercial, rational, and holistic aspects of successful brand profile building.

The following six key elements are representative of some of the core ingredients. Included within this branding process to create and deploy a compelling personality for your brand.

1. Define Your Brand Personality

In addition to evaluating your market, you must also develop the parameters of your brand in the context of what is relevant to your primary target audience.

This means determining a brand personality that will be authentic and believable for the customer, accurately reflect your brand values and brand promise, and is consistently represented across your entire brand platform, and throughout all your brand collateral.

Remember, your brand personality is a set of emotions and characteristics, rather like a real person, it’s a humanized entity that underpins your total brand experience. Brand personalities are often reflective of the target market—for example, brands aimed at Millennials may be fresh, energetic, innovative, or “fast.”

As a basic start to determining your brand personality, consider which of the Big Five Personality Traits your brand falls under. Originally categorized as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, in relation to brands they are: sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness.

While brands focusing on an older demographic base may embrace characteristics like tradition, nostalgia, and reliability.

2. Create Distinction for Your Brand Profile

Once you have an overview of your brands’ personality, you need to refine your brand profile in order to differentiate from the competition.

Take certain aspects of your brands’ character traits and amplify them to create increased distinction and memorability. There are many ways to accomplish brand differentiation, ranging from subtle yet continually reinforced messaging to truly stand-out separation.

Regardless of the level of your brand differentiation strategy, it all begins with the essentials of your brand profile. As an example of subtle distinction, major U.S. based department store brands Walmart, K-Mart, and Target share very similar operations and strategies.

Yet the Target brand distinguishes itself by focusing on different elements of the brand experience compared to its competitors. Whereby, Walmart and K-Mart typically focus on more affordable pricing. While on the other hand, Target infuses its brand collateral and customer-facing content with style, design, and lifestyle choices.

The fact that they are competitively priced and offering ‘value’ (which is not just price related) is assumed.

3. Know Your Market

Market research is crucial for any successful brand. You need to be absolutely clear on who your target market is in terms of things like their needs, wants, loves, dislikes and aspirations.

Where they live, their life stage, what they do in their leisure time and work life, what matters to them, their interests, education, holiday preferences, what other brands they like, buy or aspire to own, etc.

Essentially you need to develop a ‘pen portrait’ or ‘buyer persona’ of who your ideal customer is. So that you can create a compelling brand that meets their needs emotionally and rationally. And you need all this information as the basis on which to develop your brands’ profile or personality.

As part of your knowing your market, you also need to research your competition. Where are they most successful and why, where do the untapped opportunities lie and what simply doesn’t or hasn’t worked in your market sector and so forth.

You also need to find out and evaluate your existing or potential new customers to think about your competitors together with their perceptions.

Remember 60% of branding is about perception and only 40% about the product or service.

4. Develop or Refine Your Brand Story

Brand storytelling is another powerful strategy and an important part of your brand profile. A great brand story should fully incorporate and reflect your brand personality with compelling, memorable elements that help reaffirm it.

Explain and exemplify what it stands for, its brand values and brand promise. And as well as how it sees the world, its humor type, tone of voice, what it likes and doesn’t like and so forth.

There are several methods for approaching brand story creation. Ranging from actual brand origin stories that are emotional, compelling, interesting or engaging, to brand stories that restate your brand values in creative ways. And eventually, to brand stories that revolve around a symbol such as a brand mascot.

Think the Keebler Elves, the Pillsbury Doughboy, or Tony the Tiger.

5. Develop a Strategic Direction

In order to use brand profiling effectively in your brand communications plans, you must have a well-planned strategic direction. For infusing the personality and characteristics of your brand into your all brand collateral and various touchpoints.

It’s essential to find creative and engaging ways to communicate your brands’ personalities congruently to your customers across multiple platforms. Including physical presentation in retail stores, online media, and marketing channels, and internal branding with your employees and leadership team.

Online channels like your company website and social media channels can provide excellent opportunities to reinforce your brand personality. Use things like your company’s “About Us” page to creatively reflect the main characteristics of your brand profile.

Then again, replace stiff images and droning corporate copy with carefully selected content and brand image collateral that conveys the personality you want to communicate.

Engage your customers on social media with posts that reflect your brand’s chosen qualities and characteristics.

6. Maintain Brand Consistency

Consistency is critically important in every aspect of your brand strategy, and this applies to your brand’s personality as well. The more consistently your brand’s personality is reflected across every platform, every customer touchpoint, and every piece of brand collateral, the stronger and more established your brand becomes.

Everything from your logo and corporate colors to your packaging, to your employees’ attitudes and customer experiences and engagement strategies.

With a compelling brand personality, applied consistently, you can establish a strong brand profile that increases your market share—and ultimately your profits.

Brand consistency must apply to both the tangible and intangible aspects of your brand.


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