WP Content Copy Protection Tools To Fight Website Plagiarism

Before learning about how WP Content Copy Protection Tools and Plugins can help you, let’s first consider what we often call content theft, right? Or in that case, Plagiarism in content writing. So, what is content copy theft? To enumerate, content copy protection applies to most kinds of digital content — whether in the form of written text, images, or even videos.

In that case, it mostly occurs to those content that is not available for public use. The most common form of content theft is plagiarism. As an example, if you’re a webmaster or a website business owner and spend a lot of your time creating a nice-looking and interesting website for Internet users, it’s consequential to want to keep your unique content protected.

Recently, one of our readers asked us how they can prevent text selection and copy/paste in WordPress. Perse, it’s worth mentioning that many publishers who want to stop people from stealing their content may want to learn and know how they can apply this feature as well. Basically, this just makes it a bit harder for people to copy text from your website.

What WP Content Copy Protection Tools From Plagiarism Entails

Today, piracy has become a constant issue in educational institutions as students create many assignments using a large amount of research in a small amount of time. Many schools/institutions like Duke University, have bodies like the Office of Judicial Affairs. That will go through every case of plagiarism and settle a punishment.

Small infractions might result in receiving a zero on that specific assignment, while significant infringement can even result in expulsion or suspension. Either way, plagiarism is embarrassing for the student, and will have his future assignments scrutinized. More closely than all other students. Hence, confirming at least once from free plagiarism checker is safe.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines plagiarism act as; “to steal and pass off ideas or words of another as one’s own”. Simply put, plagiarism is the process of taking other people’s words and/or ideas and pretending that they are your own.

Why Prevent Text Selection And Copy/Paste On Your WordPress Website

For example, copying the ideas on this post and pasting them on your blog site, all lead to plagiarism. Suffice it to say, you’ll have already accomplished the act of Plagiarism (content theft). Therefore, Plagiarism can simply be put as the act of copying and pasting content from one website to another. In that sense, without permission or proper sourcing.

Today, in the realm of business blogging, even a majority of professional bloggers such as ourselves often find that their content has been stolen by someone else and then used straight from the boat without permission. Eventually, this can happen through automated content scraping as such, or if someone manually copies part or all of your content.

One way to make this more difficult is to prevent people from copying and pasting your text. You can do this by making it harder for them to select the text on your website. Unfortunately, this is not the same case for tech-savvy users for they can still view the source code or use the inspect tool to copy anything they want even with strict measures in place.

As a matter of fact, in addition to that these techniques will also not stop people who are using auto-blogging tools to fetch the content using the likes of an RSS Feed. So, which are the other most common types of Plagiarism today? Well, in the first place, there are different types of plagiarism. Not to mention, all are serious violations of academic honesty:

1. Direct Plagiarism 

As a matter of fact, direct plagiarism is the word-for-word transcription of a section of someone else’s work. Not to mention, without attribution and without quotation marks. In reality, the deliberate plagiarism of someone else’s work is;

  • unethical,
  • academically dishonest,
  • and grounds for disciplinary actions,
  • including expulsion. [See examples.]

2. Self Plagiarism

Secondly, self-plagiarism occurs when a student submits his or her own previous work. Or even mixes parts of previous works, without permission from all professors involved. For example, it would be unacceptable to incorporate part of a term paper you wrote in high school into a paper assigned in a college course.

Further, self-plagiarism also applies to submitting the same piece of work for assignments. Not forgetting, in different classes without previous permission from both professors.

3. Mosaic Plagiarism

Generally speaking, mosaic plagiarism (or patchwriting) occurs when a student borrows phrases from a source without using quotation marks. In addition to finding synonyms for the author’s language. While at the same time keeping to the same general structure and meaning of the original.

Sometimes called “patchwriting,” this kind of paraphrasing, whether intentional or not, is academically dishonest and punishable. In that case, even if you footnote your source!

4. Accidental Plagiarism

Finally, accidental plagiarism occurs when a person neglects to cite their sources. Or even misquotes their sources, or unintentionally paraphrases a source by using similar words, groups of words, and/or sentence structure without attribution. (See example for mosaic plagiarism.)

As an example, students must learn how to cite their sources. And for that matter, to take careful and accurate notes when doing research. (See the Note-Taking section on the Avoiding Plagiarism page.)

Factors That Contribute To Content Plagiarism By Academic Scholars + Bloggers

According to kappanonline, plagiarism is mostly realistic in learning and academic institutions where a majority of students may plagiarize content for many reasons. Ranging from laziness to sloppiness to a lack of understanding about the reason for citations. But, teachers can use steps to prevent such problems while also teaching good scholarly practices.

While every teacher has entertaining stories about students who hand in papers that still have other students’ names on them, these cases are relatively rare. Most students do not plagiarize intentionally. However, for students who are looking for the easy way out of your assignment, the best way to keep them from plagiarizing is to make doing so too much work. 

For one thing, the lack of intent does not absolve the student of responsibility for plagiarism. In most cases, offense reports related to accidental plagiarism are taken as seriously as any other plagiarism. Whereas, they are subject to the same range of consequences as other types of plagiarism. Most people do not deliberately commit plagiarism. Usually, it results from:

A. Panic + Procrastination

Some students will deliberately plagiarize when they feel backed into a corner in a high-pressure situation with a low risk of being caught. Often, this behavior is a result of poor time management and organization skills. It frequently happens when they are new to the kind of work they have at hand because they are less likely to know how well to organize.

Or rather, they may have unrealistic expectations about what they can do, and are less invested in the process. As a result, you might expect this behavior not only in incoming students but also when students are first asked to step up to a new level of work such as their first extended research project. Always remember, that it’s important to set aside adequate time.

As a learner, have enough time for yourself prior to completing your assignment. If you are a teacher, help your students learn how to pace themselves and organize their work. Especially, if the task you have given them is complex, and they are novices. This can be done by warning them of common process problems at the start, assigning intermediate steps, etc.

As well as conducting an ongoing discussion of their process (online discussion groups are good for this and do not take class time), and modeling your process. Explicitly, discuss with students why the assignment is important in the context of the class and of their learning. Tell them what transferable skills and knowledge they will gain from doing this assignment.

On the same note, whether you are a learner or a blogger, when using sources, you should get in the habit of citing them in full as you write. For instance, filling in page numbers, making footnotes, or even making a work cited page or bibliography (in particular, after you have finished writing often leads to inadvertent miscitations or omissions).

B. Confidence + Understanding 

Above all, avoid using any source with which you are not completely comfortable. As a general rule, if you cannot restate the main idea of a passage in your own words, then you should not use this source for your own work. In that case, without referring to the original source. For instance, the jmexclusives research blog and category archives.

A lack of confidence can also result in Citation Errors too.  Common errors that lead to accidental plagiarism include using words or passages from the original source. Notably, without using quotation marks and/or without citing the source. Whereby, using different citation formats within the same assignment. Or rather using a citation format incorrectly.

Some may also have Poor Note-Taking either knowingly or unknowingly. May this as it may be, inexperienced students often forget to put quotation marks around notes taken directly from the text. Whereas, finding that their notes are disorganized. As a result, they cannot tell which notes came from which source when they are in the stages of writing up their assignment.

Is It A Good Idea To Prevent Text Selection In Your WordPress Website?

We all love to read content that is great, quality, original, resourceful, verifiable, and the like, right? But, truth be told: A lot of effort is required in order for such content to come to final fruition. Even in our own case, our team of Web Tech Experts Taskforce often spend their quality time buried behind their desk trying to figure out how the content should be.

In particular, so that they can interact with their target readers with content that they will read and enjoy — come back for more — all for free! All this sound quite like a supernova movie, but that’s the reality of things. Now imagine this: After all their tireless and endless content creation journey, BOOM, out of nowhere, someone else steals their content head-on.

It’s the most pathetic and unbelievable act of humankind ever as far as digital online content creation and publishing are concerned. Of course, we are double sure that some of you (like-minded bloggers) will agree with us on this one. And now, it’s for such and many other reasons that most webmasters and website owners would opt to protect their content.

Resource Reference: Why Plagiarism-Free Content Matters In SEO | 5 Basic Tips

So now, the big question is this one: Is it a good idea to prevent text selection on your WordPress website? Or rather, would you want things to just lay low as they are instead? Well, while many new website-based business owners want to stop people from copying and pasting content from their websites, these techniques do not really prevent content theft.

And, just as we aforementioned, any slightly tech-savvy user can easily open your website code source to copy any content that they want. Also, not everyone copying your text will be a content thief. For instance, some people may want to easily and quickly copy the title to share your post on social media or even offer you a citation to someplace elsewhere.

They may even want to paraphrase a little bit of your content to add some juice to theirs, and then, give you a free backlink in return — as a professional way for bloggers to spell out the words THANK YOU in capital letters if you may. Therefore, this means, that applying for strategic content protection against your website content text selection is limiting.

Meaning, you may lose a great deal of potential innocent readers and like-minded bloggers who are just there for the above-mentioned reasons. This is why it’s not best practice to prevent text selection. We recommend you only use this method if you feel it’s truly needed for your site.

Academic Students & Researchers

In summary, students who plagiarize or otherwise engage in academic dishonesty face serious consequences.  Whereby, sanctions may include but are not limited to;

  1. failure on an assignment,
  2. grade reduction or course failure,
  3. suspension,
  4. and possibly dismissal.

Faculty members should consult with their Judicial Board Advisor in the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. In particular, to determine if a formal complaint should be filed.  Whereas, the Advisor will guide the faculty member through the process of bringing a formal complaint. As well as, guide the student through the process of a Judicial Board hearing.

Webmasters And Website Owners

All original content created on your website is secured by copyright law. This includes creative works such as photographs, designs, written articles, and more. … While your original work is copyrighted by default, it’s easier to get compensation and protect your content with a registered copyright.

Always remember, if someone copied your site content, contact the offending site first. To begin with, send a polite email informing the owner of the theft and request that the stolen content or images be removed within a certain time frame.

Even though you’re going to be upset and angry at what has happened, try to stay calm. As a matter of fact, you can fight this on your own. In that case, without the need for an expensive lawyer, by following the steps below.

Keeping this in mind, let’s take a look at a few ways to prevent text selection and copying in WordPress by notorious bloggers so that you can at least safeguard your website by about 70%.

Some of the basic methods include: 
  1. Install WP Content Copy Protector
  2. Use Other Content Copy Protection Plugins
  3. DCMI Intellectual Property Notice And Legal Disclaimers
  4. Preventing Text Selection Using CSS

Moving on, it is always recommended that in order to avoid being victims of Plagiarism we do cite credible resource references such as:

  • ”By the jmexclusives team,”
  • ”According to so and so,”
  • ”As per…,” ‘
  • ‘In regards to,”
  • ” The original source is by,”
  • and the like.

Especially within, along with, and below every content we create without our own material content.

Step #1: Install The WP Content Copy Protection Plugin 

On the contrary, if you’re a site owner and spend a lot of your time creating a nice-looking and interesting website for Internet users. Such as the jmexclusives Blogging site, it’s consequential to want to keep your unique content protected. So, for this method, we will be using a WordPress plugin that disables text selection and right-clicking.

This would also protect images from being downloaded and reused. Luckily, it can be easily done within your WordPress admin panel which includes plugins such as follows:

  1. Zeus WordPress Admin
  2. Titan Framework
  3. Dashboard Editor
  4. Qwerty Admin Panel Theme
  5. CMS admin area

This means that there’s no need to make a lot of effort in keeping your data secure. Just follow the simple steps below.

How The WP Content Copy Protection Plugin Works

First, you’ll need to download the WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click plugin from the official WordPress plugins repository. In order to do this just press the ( – Plugin Download Button ) to arrive at the download page.

However, it is important to realize that, the above-mentioned plugin is available both in free and premium plugins version. Moreover, below are the general attributes of the WordPress Content Copy Protector Plugin that will come in handy. Watch the tutorial video below to learn how to install WP Content Copy Protector in simple steps from start to finish.

Upon activation, the plugin will work straight out of the box. Users will no longer be able to copy and paste text from your site. They also will not be able to right-click or print your content. If you want to change the plugin’s settings, it’s easy to do so. Simply go to the Copy Protection page in your WordPress admin.

Herein, you can choose to enable or disable protection for specific types of content. Just make sure you click the Save Settings button after making any changes. Not forgetting, you can also change the message that will appear if someone tries to print your content. The message will display like this in the print preview and on the printout itself.

Equally important, the plugin will keep your posts and home page protected by multiple techniques. Such as JavaScript + CSS. Surprisingly, these techniques aren’t found in other WordPress plugins and you will own it for free with this plugin. Read the installation steps to find out that; this plugin does not require any coding knowledge or theme editing.

Free Features:

  • Protect your content from selection and copy. this plugin makes protecting
    your posts are extremely simple without yelling at your readers
  • No one can save images from your site.
  • No right-click or context menu.
  • Show alert message, Image Ad or HTML Ad on save images or right-click.
  • Disable the following keys  CTRL+A, CTRL+C, CTRL+X, CTRL+S or CTRL+V.
  • Advanced and easy-to-use control panel.
  • No one can right-click images on your site if you want

Pro Features:

  • Watermarking
  • Using htaccess rules
  • Support jquery overlay protection
  • Get full control of Right-click or context menu
  • Show alert messages, when the user made right-clicks on images, text boxes, links, plain text.. etc
  • Admin can exclude Home page Or Single posts from being copy protected
  • Admin can disable copy protection for admin users.
  • 3 protection layers (JavaScript protection, Right-click protection, CSS protection)
  • Aggressive image protection (it’s nearly impossible for expert users to steal your images !!)
  • compatible with all major theme frameworks
  • compatible with all major browsers
  • Tested in IE9, IE10, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera
  • It disables the image drag and drops functionality
  • Works on smartphones and iPhones – solved since 2-10-2015 & updated at 13-11-2015
  • Ability to set varying levels of protection per page or post.

As can be seen, this wp plugin protect-the-posts content from being copied. In that case, by any other website author. For that matter, you’d not want your content to spread without your permission! Before we move on, if you are looking for a quick alternative WP Content Copy Protector Plugin, we have some recommendations for you.

Step #2: Using Other Plugins As Alternative Content Copy Protection Tools 

Technically, you may want to explore more options besides the basic WP Content Copy Protector Plugin in your strategy, right? Specifically, the next option is to consider a variety of other plugins listing containing toolkits associated with Content Copy Protection usages. We have curated this list to help you choose the most suitable alternative plugins.

As well as those that will equally help you with support for Content Copy Protection, Disable Right Click, Secure Copy Content, No Right Click On Images, Disable Copy-Paste on your WordPress website, and the like. Furthermore, you can use a WordPress activity log plugin to keep track of your users’ activities on your site.

Rather than employing a password protection plugin to monitor your site’s private information. That said, WPShield Content Protector is the first on our list of WordPress content protector alternative plugins. This content protector has 15 built-in content protectors that protect all types of content, including text, video, audio, and source codes.

What’s more, there are 15 protectors in this plugin, so it protects all formats of content. As a result, you do not have to use multiple plugins to secure your site. It works quickly and is compatible with any theme and plugin for WordPress. There is an option to disable the right-click menu in this plugin, just as with any content protector.

But, there is also an option to limit the right-click menu items, which is a unique and exclusive feature. Although the right click is not disabled, items such as save as, view source code and inspect element are disabled.

The other alternatives are:
  1. Opt-In Content Locker Plugin
  2. WPShield Content Protector Plugin
  3. Secure Copy Content Protection Plugin
  4. WP Smart Content Protector Plugin
  5. WordPress Passster Plugin
  6. New Copyright Proof Plugin

There you have it! The other best alternative plugins that you can consider in your content protection strategy.

Step #3: Prevent Your Website Text Selection Using CSS

This method is simpler, and you’ll just need to add some custom CSS code to your WordPress theme. If you haven’t done this before, then take a look at our guide on adding custom CSS to your site before you begin. First, you need to visit the Appearance » Customize page in the WordPress admin area to launch the theme customizer and get started.

Opening the theme customizer to add custom CSS

In the theme customizer, you need to click on the Custom CSS tab from the left column. Now, you will see a box to add custom CSS to your WordPress theme. Simply copy and paste the following CSS code into that box.

* {
  -webkit-touch-callout: none; /* iOS Safari */
  -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */
  -khtml-user-select: none; /* Konqueror HTML */
  -moz-user-select: none; /* Old versions of Firefox */
  -ms-user-select: none; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */
   user-select: none; /* Non-prefixed version, currently supported by Chrome, Opera and Firefox */

(see code source)

This is how the code will look when added.

Adding the CSS code to prevent text selection and copy/paste

Now, go ahead and try to select some of the text on your page in the live customizer. You will find that you cannot select it. Don’t forget to click the ‘Publish’ button at the top of the screen to put your changes live for everyone.

Step #4: DCMI Intellectual Property Notice And Legal Disclaimers

In most cases, it’s better to look for an alternative way to prevent content theft. On one hand, if a certain given website is re-publishing your content/intellectual property without your permission, then you could find out who is hosting the website and send a DMCA takedown notice. The aim of the intellectual property policies of the DCMI is twofold.

Consider the following:
  1. To encourage the widespread dissemination of DCMI work.
  2. To preserve the integrity of DCMI work by eliminating confusion about its source and status.

On the other hand, as for content copy protection tools, the best blogging practices suggests that it’s good to indicate below your content that your material is copyrighted. For instance, you may consider a statement such as this one:

”The Web Tech Experts™ website pages may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must be observed and followed. Specific notices do exist for DCMI documents and software. Please see our Intellectual Property FAQ for common questions about using materials from our website.”

DCMI is a project of the Association for Information Science and Technology, a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, and all rights and limitations set out below pertain to ASIS&T as well as DCMI.

Summary Notes:

The simplest technique to prevent plagiarism in your post is to paraphrase it. It protects you from accusations of plagiarism and helps your material stand out on the web. A paraphrasing tool (see resource link below) can rewrite text without altering the meaning. These aids can be used to make your writing seem more epic or to help you write more words.

In addition, you can also have a look at some of the topmost best online tools for essays and content-based writing (see resource link down below). Eventually, useful tools to help you pass various writing hardships — some you may face while creating your perfect paper. So, don’t hesitate to try some of them out, and then let us know what you think later on.

Other Related Resource References:
  1. When Is It OK To Disable Text Selection? | CSS-Tricks
  2. Website URL Redirection | 2 Steps To Monitor & Manage Errors
  3. The Best Paraphrasing Tools To Paraphrase Content Online Easily
  4. SwifDoo PDF | The No #1 All-In-One Free PDF Editing Software
  5. Online Tools For Essays Plus Content Writing | Topmost Free Picks

Hopefully, this article has gotten you excited to start using the right Content Copy Protection Tools for your overall WordPress website, right? Well, be that as it may, if you’ll have additional suggestions, opinions, recommendations, or even contribution questions (for FAQ Answers), especially, regarding this topic, please let us know in our comments section.

Or rather, feel free to Contact Us at any time if you’ll need more help/support. You are also welcome to Donate in order to support what we do as well as to motivate our team for their good work. Until the next one, thanks for your time!

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Notice: All content on this website including text, graphics, images, and other material is intended for general information only. Thus, this content does not apply to any specific context or condition. It is not a substitute for any licensed professional work. Be that as it may, please feel free to collaborate with us through blog posting or link placement partnership to showcase brand, business, or product.


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