Vitamins | 5 Essentials For Your Body To Stay Healthy

Generally speaking, the modern era has become a fast-paced lifestyle forgetting all about Vitamins. Whereby, the tasks we do every day make it seem like the time given to us is not enough to complete it all.

For instance, the majority of adults in the urban world take one or more dietary supplements either every day or occasionally. Because of this, we became swamped to the point of forgetting our health. That’s why food, nutritional, herbal, vitamins or even dietary supplements have been quite popular in the world for some years.

Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements are often packaged in tablets, pills, capsules or liquid forms, and they can be vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanical plants.

So, if you don’t eat a nutritious variety of foods, some vitamins, and dietary supplements might help you get adequate amounts of essential nutrients. However, supplements can’t take the place of a variety of foods that are important to a healthy diet.

What are Vitamins?

Vitamins are substances that your body needs to grow and develop normally. There are 13 vitamins your body needs. Including, Vitamin A. B, vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, and folate).

Do you intake Multivitamins to supplement your daily dietary intake? If you are eating a well-balanced diet there’s little to be gained by taking a multivitamin supplement.

However, there are some cases where a supplement can be beneficial. For example in a frail older person with a poor appetite or someone who has a limited diet due to food allergies. 

Vitamins & Food Supplements

There are also situations where taking specific vitamins or minerals is warranted. Such as vitamin D for someone who doesn’t get much sun exposure. And also vitamin B12 for those following a vegan diet and folate for women who are planning a pregnancy.

Before you proceed, you can read and learn more about the Benefits of Multivitamins & Food Supplements.

How are Vitamins and Multivitamins different? 

In the first place, vitamins are organic molecules that are essential micronutrients. In particular, an organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of its metabolism.

Technically, a multivitamin is a supplement that contains more than one vitamin; but in common parlance. To simply put, a multivitamin is a supplement that contains many vitamins and essential minerals. In that case, as a form of insurance against any potential deficiencies.

Watch and learn more facts from the Multivitamins video explainer below;

Although multivitamins can address multiple nutritional deficiencies, they don’t seem to help most people live longer. They may, however, benefit certain at-risk populations.

However, essential nutrients cannot be synthesized in the organism. Either at all or not in sufficient quantities, and therefore must be obtained through the diet. The term Vitamin does not include the three other groups of essential nutrientsmineralsessential fatty acids, and essential amino acids.

Vitamins & Multivitamins to Your Rescue!

Basically, multivitamins are preparations intended to serve as a dietary supplement. For example, with vitamins, dietary minerals, and other nutritional elements. Such preparations are available in the form of tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders, liquids, or injectable formulations.

Other than injectable formulations, which are only available and administered under medical supervision, as a category of food. In fact, multivitamins are recognized as food by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (the United Nations‘ authority on food standards).

Vitamins & Dietary Supplements

In reality, and not to add on your already full-plate of worries, but chronic stress and fatigue are generally on the rise.

And they have been shown to play a significant role in the development of various sicknesses.

Which 5 Essentials does your Body need?

For instance, due to the things on your plate, you can see the domino effect. Especially, if your life is hectic and you are feeling overwhelmed. But, have you asked yourself what you can possibly do to support your body? If so, then here are the supplements that your body might need to help combat stress and fatigue.

For your information, are you getting enough of the 13 essential vitamin elements your body needs to stay healthy? In addition to how to achieve the recommended daily intake through a healthy diet. And now that you have an idea of what Vitamins are, below are useful supplements to consider in your dietary plans;

1. Magnesium

A Magnesium supplement is your to-go-to stress supplement. Since no matter where you sit on the stress spectrum, most of us are not getting enough magnesium.

According to Dr. Passler, the highly stressed individuals utilize magnesium more compared to those who have calmer lifestyles. In addition to that, it helps alleviate stress’ symptoms making the muscles relax and support the cardiovascular function while controlling the cortisol levels.

Not only that, but magnesium is also asleep rest and recovery aid. So, if you are having a hard time sleeping, or combating tiredness and fatigue, your best bet would be Magnesium Bisglycinate. And which you can go for as a single magnesium supplement since it can be absorbed more efficiently by the body.

2. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is one of the oldest and most important medicinal herbs in Indian Ayurveda, which is an ancient Indian medical system. That is based on ancient writings and relies on a holistic and natural approach to physical and mental health.

It can be taken in as a supplement, this herb is thought to increase energy by enhancing your body’s resilience to mental and physical stress. Skeptical about it? No worries!

In one study, people given this supplement showed significant improvements in several measures of stress and anxiety. They also had 28 percent lower levels of cortisol which is a hormone that increases as a result of pressure.

The conducted study was by SUNY Upstate Medical University wherein the research has suggested that ashwagandha can alleviate fatigue associated with exercise. And it can improve stress and mental fatigue.

What’s more, is that the study also finds that ashwagandha supplements have a low risk of side effects and is safe to the body.

3. Tryptophan

It’s one of the eight essential amino acids (this is a type of amino acid that needs to be acquired through one’s diet or supplements). Tryptophan is known as an excellent supplement for boosting mood, recovery, and sleep.

So, how does tryptophan do this? Well, this is a precursor of niacin/ vitamin b3, melatonin, and serotonin (which is the happy hormone). Wherein, all of the stated elements help us recover from any lifestyle stressors.

Thus, supplementing with Tryptophan is a great way to get a better quality of sleep and mood support, making you recover from fatigue and stress.

4. B Vitamin Complex

Vitamin B makes a healthy body withstand periods of fatigue and stress. There are various B-vitamins and taking each one of them could be tedious.

Thus, the B-Vitamin Complex is to the rescue, which is a complete combination of everything that you need in one dose.

The Vitamin B complex includes Vitamins;

  •     B1. Supports mood and mental wellbeing
  •     B2. Reduces Oxidative Stress (the reason for fatigue)
  •     B3. Supports brain functions
  •     B5. Supports important neurotransmitters
  •     B6. Reduces fatigue and strengthens immunity
  •     B8. Helps nerve signals to communicate

5. Iron Supplement  

Iron Supplement mineral is the most recommended solution for combating low energy, especially in women. While it is true that females are commonly deficient in iron, men are not an exemption since there are various factors.

Like lifestyle stress, training, and dieting that contributes to iron deficiency regardless of age or gender. Iron supplementation helps reduce tiredness and can stop you from feeling overwhelmed and can make you feel less fatigued.

Not only that, but iron helps to those anyone suffering from anemia and is an ideal vitamin for women. You can see the complete list of 13 Essential Vitamins Your Body Needs to Stay Healthy.


Oftentimes, many people overlook the importance of having proper rest and sleep, resulting in fatigue and chronic stress. Knowing more is never a loss, which is why to take good care of your health better, you need to learn more.

Especially through reading books or visiting websites like PharmaQuotes to widen your knowledge of supplements. In these guides, we’ve matched resources to your exercise needs — at every fitness level. Bearing in mind, there is some truth about Traditional Chinese Medicine you might as well consider it too.

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