
Technology is the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way. The word technology can also mean the products resulting from such efforts, including both tangible tools such as utensils or machines, and intangible ones such as software.

Unlock Micromax Mobile Phone – If You Forgot Password or Pattern Lock

Steps To Unlock A Micromax Mobile Phone (Password & Pattern)

Micromax Mobile Phone is a superb brand of modern-based mobile technology phones that is based in India. This is a well-known brand of mobile telephone that comes with a wide range of features and customization options. Generally, there are some situations when you may forget your password or obtain it blocked simply by the phone's protection settings.

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The Python Programming Language Abilities Vital For The Future

Python Programming Language Abilities That Are Vital In Coding

Python Programming Language is a high-level computer programming language that has dynamic semantics. It is used for programming computers. It is a highly interpreted and object-oriented language with built-in data structures, paired with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, which makes it particularly interesting for Rapid Application Development.

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What The Supply Chain Management Process Entails In Business

What The Supply Chain Management Process Entails In Business

Realistically, in marketing, the supply chain management process is the active management of all business supply chain activities. In order to maximize their customer value and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. It represents a conscious effort by the supply chain firms to develop and run supply chains in the most effective & efficient ways possible.

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How to Install and Configure FileZilla

FileZilla | How The No #1 Free FTP Files Transfer Software Works

FileZilla is a free software, cross-platform FTP application, consisting of FileZilla Client and FileZilla Server. Its client binaries are available only for Windows, Linux, and macOS. While its server binaries are available for Windows only. But, generally, it's a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS, and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface.

Read MoreFileZilla | How The No #1 Free FTP Files Transfer Software Works
The Best Payment Processes For Digital Assets

Payment Processes For Digital Assets That All Investors Need

Realistically, payment processes for digital assets are a relatively new kind of investment that's been gaining popularity in recent years. For your information, these digital assets include cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. In addition, it also includes other investments that use blockchain technology to create secure transactions.

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Simple Steps For Growing Your Business With B2B Marketing In Kenya

Steps For Growing Your Business With B2B Marketing In Kenya

Competing with global brands and other local counterparts can take time and effort. The good news is that Kenya has a booming market worth reaching out to. The bad news is that it will take a lot of work to stand out among the competition. B2B marketing is an excellent way for small businesses and startups to market their products or services to other businesses.

Read MoreSteps For Growing Your Business With B2B Marketing In Kenya
Which Internet Connection Is Good For You

Which Internet Connection Is Good For You? See A Few Ideas

From dial-up to 4G, we have seen the evolution of the internet throughout the years and soon we will witness a new world of networks with the emergence of 5G technology. Nowadays, the most common type of internet connection is a Wi-Fi network. What about other networks? Are they also as beneficial as a Wi-Fi network? Do they offer competitive speeds?

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The Most Successful Trending Social Media Strategies

Trending Social Media Strategies To Grow Your Business Online

When promoting your business or service online, you must acknowledge that you can use social media as the most powerful marketing platform. It's the minor static of all the practices as one of the critical elements in digital marketing. Though social media strategies keep evolving, new platforms are coming into their presence, and customer preferences keep changing.

Read MoreTrending Social Media Strategies To Grow Your Business Online
What The New Google Algorithm Changes Really Entails

The New Google Algorithm Changes Plus Key Tips For Webmaster

Google Algorithm Changes are not quite new to many professional webmasters. They are a complex system used to retrieve data from its search index and instantly deliver the best possible results for a query. The search engine market uses a combination of algorithms and numerous ranking factors to deliver webpages ranked on its Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) by relevance.

Read MoreThe New Google Algorithm Changes Plus Key Tips For Webmaster