What Catchers Of Tears Really Entails | Debunking The Mystery Myth

What are catchers of tears? When Severus Snape died in the movie “Deathly Hallows Part Two,” Hermione whipped out a long thin glass bottle for Harry Potter to catch his tears. There is no doubt that the importance of that bottle delights some merchandisers who envision pushing a revival of the ‘tear catcher’ tradition. Potter fans’ tears will no doubt be saved by antique dealers.

More so, those who are ecstatic about the prospect. There has been a long history of tear catchers, also known as lachrymatory or tear bottles. The Bible refers to them. There are references to the Romans and examples from the Egyptians. Based on the association of the bottles with wealth, it seems likely that those with extra denarii would have been able to use them for storing tears.

All classes used tear catchers after the Victorians reintroduced them. The tears of mourners were collected in special bottles when loved ones passed away. Tears were allowed to evaporate through a tiny hole in the stoppers of the bottles. It was a sign that the mourning period had ended when a found dry bottle.

Understanding The Real Catchers Of Tears Meaning

According to TearBottle.com, soldiers used to give tear bottles to their new wives before they left for duty during the American Civil War. Their wives would, distraught over their departure, capture their tears in glass cylinders, adding more tears as the bereavement continued.

When a returning soldier finds the bottle full, he knows his wife has been grieving during his absence. Soldiers’ wives would pour tears on their husbands’ graves to mark the end of their first year of mourning. A lot of tears were shed by Aspen’s women during the mining era.

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These people’s lives were complex, and death was common at an early age.

Learn More: Tear Bottle History – Tear Catcher Gifts

The number of women who died during childbirth was high, and the number of children who didn’t live beyond infancy also increased. The life of a widow was fraught with financial challenges because hard-working husbands lived short lives.

Four undertakers were needed to keep up with the demand when death struck Aspenites so often. In the summertime, a store on Cooper Avenue that did most of the business was E. Turley. The 1890s saw Allen and Wilson on South Mill facing off against one another.

During his career as coroner, J.

C. Johnsen served for many years.

The Events That Followed

At the end of the century, Belden and Beall bought his business on Main and Mill across from the Jerome Hotel. Collins Block Building was home to Belden and Beall, which had a prominent location.

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Like all Aspen’s undertakers/embalmers, they were also involved in the furniture business.

Furniture makers’ building caskets naturally led to the combination of the furniture business and funerals. Funeral homes today sell funeral accessories like auto dealers sell extras for their vehicles. However, Victorian undertakers could not take advantage of the fad at the time, leaving jewelers and perfume manufacturers to benefit from the fad.

How many times have you marveled at the motion of a Dolphin, Seal, or Shark? They seem to move with ease. For many millions of years, they have developed the speed and maneuverability necessary to succeed as marine predators. Increasing speed requires an increase in propulsion power many times greater than an increase in rate.

Partially, due to water’s density of 800 times that of air. Streamlining is essential to reducing drag to move through the water efficiently.


Divers are generally referred to as being in trim if facing forward towards the surface. An efficient way to move through the water requires an excellent horizontal trim. An effective trim depends on the placement of your weight, the weight of your BCD, and the positioning of gas in your dry suit.

Correct horizontal trim is a hallmark of a competent side mount diver, though good vertical trim can also be achieved when diving back mount. That is primarily due to the pro-trim effect of having your cylinders on the sides of your body, allowing them to be more closely aligned with your centers of gravity and buoyancy.

BALANCE – 3rd Reason

If you mount your cylinders sideways, they will be on either side of your torso. It does not matter how you position yourself. Your centers of gravity and buoyancy are always close to the center of your body. Whether upright or upside down, you are balanced, whether inverted or upright.

On the other hand, Rackmount is the mounting of your cylinders on your back. You will create a significant moment or force when you turn to your side, causing you to back down. Although it can control body tension, it can be disconcerting and interferes with feeling balanced while diving in any direction. Decompression stop of a side mount diver.

STABILITY – 4th Reason

The control of trim, balance, and buoyancy is essential for stability. Stability means being almost entirely relaxed and staying small and balanced. You are in trim when your buoyancy completely balances your force of gravity. In addition to being weightless, you are now a stable platform and can complete tasks or skills while remaining in the water column.

When diving overhead environments, such as caves or wrecks, where silt caused by contact with the shelter or wreck floor can reduce visibility, it is essential to keep this in mind. Decompression diving also requires performing tasks such as gas switches while maintaining specific depths.

REDUNDANCY – 5th Reason

As well as carrying more gas, redundancy is another critical reason to dive with two or more cylinders. If an equipment failure occurs or if a diver makes a mistake, redundancy provides additional safety. The cylinders and regulators of multi-cylinder configurations are both redundant.

Side mounting provides two independent gas supplies instead of an isolation valve. While this aspect has pros and cons, it is a distinctive feature.

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