Blog Monetization | A Beginner Webmaster Useful Guidelines

Getting started with blog monetization has never been easier than it is today. Not too long ago, creating a website would’ve cost you thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars to set up and maintain. Monetizing a website was just as difficult. PayPal was in its infancy, Stripe didn’t exist and email marketing was nowhere near as flexible as it is now.

Today however you can start, maintain, and monetize a blog on WordPress with just a few hundred dollars (this can vary based on what you need to do). But just because it’s easier to make money with your blog today, doesn’t mean that most bloggers do. According to ConvertKit’s 2017 state of blogging report, pro bloggers reported an average profit of $138,064 the past year.

While amateur bloggers (who made up 86% of those surveyed) made only $9,497. This is terrible, especially when you consider that most bloggers start a blog so they can be their own boss and quit their dull 8-to-5 job.

So how do you go from being an amateur blogger to one of the pros hitting six figures every year? Well, you need a solid marketing plan, this includes content, a profitable niche, and a great monetization strategy.

You also need to need to do some quick math.

What Is Blog Monetization?

Website Monetization and or Blog Monetization allows you to earn through providing set space for online advertisers marketing alongside your content.

For example, if your content is well optimized for AMP and SEO query you would match adverts alongside or within your blog posts. Additionally, for the adverts to appear on your blog, there are several steps to take in accordance with your Web Monetizing Network.

A good example of a top-rated website and blog monetization network includes Google AdSense Programs. There are affiliate networks that allow you to promote other people’s products and services.

In the first place, your website and blog monetization is both an effort asking and timed capacity related process. Furthermore, unless you have an internal set of a team working on your general website design and development, achieving blog monetization would almost be impossible.

However, if you have a good financial capacity, the implementation, authorization, integration, and analytics process becomes so simple. And as a matter of fact, for some blog site publishers, it has taken them a lot of their time until they gave up.

How do You Monetize a Blog?

In reality, there is a whole pot of blog monetization programs and platforms you’ll find useful online for your website. But, if you are neither a designer nor a developer, it important to ask for help and support online from an elevated team such as jmexclusives.

By the same token, having an external team support your implementation process is not only a futuristic ROI (Ratio On Investment) useful but also, it saves you time and energy. Unlike when you are all alone trying to source for everything online and trying to do it all by yourself.

And also, not to mention, even if you get a well-elaborated guide and research article online, this does not make you a successful designer. Especially, in that case, if you have little or no information in relation to the topic.

Hiring a Blog Monetization Webmasters

For instance, jmexclusives Agency offers you unlimited online help and support guides on Site Monetization. Especially, in regards to implementing your blog monetization codes.

Our online advertisement and monetization team provides you with a fine-tuned and detailed alignment of your every code. In addition, creating custom groups, custom URL channels as well as perfectly placing the ad codes in alignment with any of your website formation layout.

You’ll also be provided with detailed online support and help on how to Monetize YouTube Content. Below is an illustration of the main blog monetization best practices.

1. Optimizing your Blog Monetization Channels

Equally important, the jmexclusives team provides your brand and product website with all-inclusive online services and solutions support.

Making your blog site as responsive as possible and dominate all devices. Also, the jmexclusives team helps you achieve an AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) blog site.

Whereas, you’ll be provided with technical schematics and market reach oriented standards. This means that; even though you would want the ads to show on your blog site, not all would be relevant to your audience and traffic.

In reality, customizing your ad codes through the blog monetization network allows you to show adverts that relate to your content.

For instance, if your website business relates to cloud computing, only shortlisted information, communication, and technology adverts will appear on your website.

2. Gathering the Required Blog Monetization Facts

Before monetizing your website and or your blog to start generating an income, there are various considerations you’ll be required to make.

Especially, those that relate to your blog website internal and external appearance and layout. Including,

  • meeting all the set rules by the online monitoring law,
  • rules,
  • regulations,
  • user-end output,
  • design layout,
  • blog site optimization,
  • AMP responsiveness,
  • and basic search results from integrations.

You can read and learn more about Google-friendly Sites Beginners Guide.

3. Understanding your General Market Outreach

For example, you’ll realize that the website and blog monetization is often used in recent times. Especially through blog and article writing in affiliation to the related parties who live and breathe content for a living.

Moreover, there are those who have become successful blog techpreneurs each day making a handsome living. If one of the driving factors for starting a blog was to make money online, then this guide is for you.

Which are the Primary ways of Blog Monetization?

For those who work full-time jobs, earning money from your blog is an excellent way to generate side income. Secondly, for those who plan on making a living by blogging, it’s possible to achieve and make it a regular source of revenue.

Some people argue that you can make money without a lot of traffic. And as a matter of fact, that is quite true in some circumstances.

Having said that, however, you will generally need a lot of website traffic to start earning from a blog and that takes a while. Below are the general ways of blog monetization.

1. Advertising

This is definitely the most old-school way of blog monetization. It’s also starting to become the least common way.

You can sell advertising spots directly on your site or you can sign up with a company like Google AdSense or

Either way, you won’t see a whole lot of money from ads. This is until your views are well into the thousands each day.

2. Affiliates

There are many affiliate networks, such as FlexOffers and CJ Affiliate that allow you to promote other people’s products and services. You simply put a link or a banner on your page.

Then you get a percentage if someone clicks through and buys the product/service. You’ll want to select products that specifically win your blog’s category.

This is an effective way of blog monetization once you have the traffic coming to your blog.

3. Membership Signup

Many people have created a paid membership area on their blog. This is typically for exclusive content that you can only access in the member’s area.

If you have a really great idea of what to include, this can be a great idea.  You’ll have to create something that can’t easily be accessed around the web.

4. Affiliate Products

You can create your own product, such as an ebook or computer software. Then again, you would use your blog as a promotion tool to get people to buy your product.

As long as you create a legitimate product with a whole lot of value. You should be able to get some buyers. However, like everything else with a blog, you’ll need the traffic to get sales.

5. Referral Services

You can offer a paid service, such as life coaching, blog coaching, goal setting, or financial planning. Just be sure to investigate all the legal implications.

Also, make sure you’re not claiming to be a professional if you’re not one. With a service like this, you’re basically using your blog to sell yourself.

After all, you’ll need to convince people that you’re worth buying. Then, be able to back up your claims once they purchase your service.

6. Sponsored And Paid Posts

Many blogs publish sponsored and paid posts. Sponsored posts are basically just posts about a specific brand, product, or service.

A company will pay you to publish an article about it. It’s similar to other paid posts as well. You are basically selling the spot for the article on your site.

In the end, if you decide to take this route, you’ll want to build your traffic before you will get many offers.

7. Subscription Forms

If you think of something valuable (newsletter, online magazine, etc.) that you can consistently offer on a certain basis (weekly, monthly, etc.), you may want to offer a subscription service.

This could be a fee charged each time your product is sent out or on a monthly basis. Either way, this has to be something that your customers can only get by subscribing to your website.

8. Tutorials And Videos

This could be an entire section of its own. Many people have made money by creating YouTube videos.

As an example, Evan of EvanTube is a kid and he has made millions by creating reviews of products that other kids his age would use.

It’s not easy to get views into the millions, but once you do, you’ll start seeing some cash come in. Many bloggers have completely turned to videos to get their point across by starting a video blog.

With this in mind, it is equally important for you to consider a program such as Google AdSense.

What is the Google AdSense Program?

By definition, Google AdSense is a program run by Google LLC.

In addition, the program allows publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements. Particularly those that are targeted to site content and audience.

However, these advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by the Google Company. In addition to Google AdSense, please read more about other Advertising Networks for Your Website Monetization.

But, choosing the right Google AdSense Ads for your website could get tricky. However, the jmexclusives team will take you through a guided Step-by-step Google AdSense Ads implementation.

You can read and learn more about Google AdSense Ads Implementation

Summing Up,

In conclusion, if you’re truly interested in becoming a blogger, start by looking through the archives of ProBloggerCopyblogger, and Boost Blog Traffic.

Then go read through all the free guides over at various websites like Quick Sprout and The Shopify Blogs just but to mention a few.

Especially, the one written by Braveen Kumar about the 7 Low-Investment Business Ideas You Can Start Online.

 It may take you months to complete those tasks alone, but it will be worth it. You’ll practically have an MBA in blogging.

Our team is here to show ways you can generate income and traffic from the comfort of your home. Therefore, Submit your Proposal for a Free Online Quote!

Other Related Resource References:

  1. Why Collaborator Pro Is A Great App Tool For Bloggers To Earn
  2. Start A Personal Blog Today | Top #7 Reasons Why You Should

Now you know what it takes to successfully implement a blog monetization program on your webpages.

But, if you have additional information, contributions, or even suggestions, please Contact Us.

Finally, below are more additional useful and related to the topic links.

  1. How to Start a Blog in 12 Easy Steps
  2. Online Advertising and Marketing Guides
  3. 33 Ways to Monetize a Website (or a Blog)
  4. How to Monetize a Website in 2019
  5. Making Money Online in 15 Methods

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