Jiggy Clark

Jiggy Clark

The Art & Science Of Website Design | Novice Webmaster Guide

The Essential Art & Science Of Website Design Principles
To enumerate, it's worth mentioning that The Art & Science Of Website Design is a journey laden with a historical background of standard elements, technology features, and innovative trends. Yet the topics are timeless and core to sound website-based engineering, so it's space well spent. The mix of expert opinion and historical explanation creates a well-rounded reader experience.

Due Diligence (DD) Role In eCommerce, Retail & Manufacturing

Due Diligence (DD) Role In eCommerce, Retail & Manufacturing
One of the most important and lengthy processes in an M&A Deal is Due Diligence. The process of due diligence is something that the buyer conducts to confirm the accuracy of the seller’s claims. A potential M&A deal involves several types of due diligence. Due Diligence consists of examining a company's numbers, comparing them over time, and benchmarking them against competitors.