Water Management Long-Term Prospects Plus Top Best Practices

Realistically, water management is a critical issue that faces our planet today. With the population growing at an alarming rate, the demand for fresh aqua is increasing daily. Not only is it expanding, but the availability of new resources is decreasing due to climate change and pollution. Our global freshwater consumption reaches a staggering 4.3 trillion cubic meters each year.

As of the beginning of 2023, humanity has already consumed over 2.9 trillion cubic meters of this precious resource, which is used for human life, agriculture, and industry. The world’s resources are under pressure from population growth, climate change, and urbanization. And we should change our water habits at home, especially if we own pools or hot tubs that use a lot of water.

One solution is to use sustainable liquid or consider purchasing models requiring less space and resources, such as corner hot tubs just to begin withTechnically, this guideline material will discuss the long-term prospects and challenges of water management. In addition, we will also offer solutions to these problems to ensure that future generations can access clean, safe water.

Everyone is concerned about the potential water scarcity in the face of increasing, mainly population-driven, water demands, plus consequences on our energy demands and food production needs. Perse, the Global Risk Perception Survey is a great resource — conducted among 900 recognized experts by the World Economic Forum reports — that highlights the highest level of societal impact.

Why Water Management Matters For Our Environment Sake

In the first place, healthy rivers carry water to homes, farms, schools, and businesses, right? Along the way, they nourish entire ecosystems and provide important habitats for native plants and animals. Rivers, creeks, and wetlands are the lifeblood of NSW. They make towns more liveable and provide a place to relax, unwind and reconnect with nature.

By the same token, when it comes to the likes of Aboriginal people, healthy rivers are essential to spiritual, cultural, and physical well-being. The robust and productive river system benefits extend well beyond the river bank — other benefits are easy to see, while others are less so — some critical to the future of our river communities – plant, animal, and human.

According to an article by the environment task force, water for the environment helps to restore a more natural flow regime to rivers, creeks, and wetlands. The construction of dams and weirs has provided a more reliable source of water for people but disrupted the natural flow cycle needed for healthy rivers and wetlands. But, there’s more to what we can get!

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In nutshell, water management for our environment and ecosystem’s sake is an important tool to ensure these natural systems survive and thrive for the benefit of all. In other words, water helps to restore a more natural flow regime to rivers, creeks, and wetlands. Generally, water for the environment is used to target specific outcomes for plants or animals too.

Especially, by providing the right amount of water at the right time for them to feed, breed, and grow. This means, that it is a critical tool to support the health of rivers and wetlands and in doing so support the communities that rely on them. But, there are many ways that healthy rivers benefit people, plants, and animals such that we can’t list them all here (learn more).

How Water Is The Key Engine That Drives Our Ecosystem

By nature, water is one of those elements that distinguish our planet compared to all the others we know about. While the global supply of available freshwater is more than adequate to meet all current and foreseeable water demands, its spatial and temporal distributions are not. But, there are many regions where our freshwater resources are inadequate.

Particularly, to meet domestic, economic development, and environmental needs. In such regions, the lack of adequate clean water to meet human drinking and sanitation needs is indeed a constraint on human health and productivity and hence on economic development as well as on the maintenance of a clean environment and healthy ecosystems.

All those involved in research must find ways to remove water constraints. Bear in mind, we face multiple challenges in doing that, especially given a changing and uncertain future climate, and a rapidly growing population that is driving increased social and economic development, globalization, and urbanization. How best to meet these challenges requires research.

Especially, in all aspects of water management. Since 1965, the Water Resources Research Journal has played a very important role — in terms of reporting and disseminating current research related to managing water resource quantity/quality, and cost. The journal identifies the issues facing water management today and the needful future research methods.

What The Overall Water Management Process Really Entails

To enumerate, Water Management is the process of planning, developing, and administering water resources efficiently and effectively. It includes managing the water cycle, which includes everything from precipitation to runoff to groundwater recharge. And, as a result, to better inform those who strive to create a more sustainable and desirable future.

In layman’s language, a sufficient and effective water management strategy encompasses a variety of significant elements. Such as climate change management, irrigation/flood inventory control system, drinking supply, and wastewater treatment. In some cases, it also includes environmental restoration, such as wetlands creation and reforestation.

Water is a vital resource for all life on Earth. It is essential for human survival and for supporting ecosystem health. Water management is, therefore, critical to ensuring that this vital resource is used sustainably. In reality, the water sector is facing some challenges that must be addressed to ensure that these vital services can be delivered now and in the future.

Some key water management challenges include:
  • Insufficient water supply: Due to climate and weather change, some sources of water such as rivers, springs, and seas are drying up. As a result, there is little or no supply at all to fall into water reservoirs.
  • Breakdown along the beds: The growing demand for river water has also seen an overall reduction in the amount of water available to support these floodplain habitats. Some use pumps to water their plants in high volumes.
  • Aging supply infrastructure: Much of the water infrastructure is aging and needs repair or replacement. It includes pipes, pumps, treatment plants, and storage facilities.
  • Dwindling water quality: There are concerns about the quality of drinking aqua. There are also issues with wastewater discharge, such as sewage overflows, which can pollute waterways and impact public health. Marine life is also under threat due to oil spillage and other consumer waste that all drains into the water reserves. 
  • Running and maintenance cost: Water and wastewater services are expensive to provide. They require a significant investment in infrastructure and operation and maintenance costs.

Additionally, there are other impactful aspects such as industrialization and irrigation (where a few individuals have control of a margin of water sources, or rather, they tap too much water leaving the rest with no supply at all). At the same time, those living in urban areas always decry frequent shortages and are often faced with high water buying rates (under cartels).

In simple terms, we can clearly state that water scarcity is an increasingly pressing global issue. According to the United Nations [credible source], by 2050, 2 billion people will live in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world’s population could live under water-stressed conditions.

There are several reasons why water management is essential:

  • For one, water is a limited resource. More than 3 billion people daily rely on freshwater sources for drinking, cooking, washing, and irrigating crops. Climate change is already worsening liquid scarcity, and it is expected to continue in the coming years. As a result, water management must be an integral part of our efforts to combat these changes.
  • As the population grows and the demand for water increases, it’s becoming increasingly important to use it wisely. Management can help ensure enough aqua for everyone’s needs, now and in the future.
  • Water management is also essential for protecting its quality. Pollution from factories, farms, and sewage treatment plants can contaminate water supplies, making them unsafe to drink or swim in. By carefully managing these activities, we can help keep our water clean.
  • Last but not least, water management is critical for mitigating the effects of floods and droughts. The first can damage homes, all non-green businesses, and infrastructure. While the second can lead to crop failures and water shortages. By implementing effective water management practices, we can reduce the risks posed by these extreme events.

Simply put, long-term water management planning can help decision-makers at all levels to identify problems and opportunities related to their resources, set priorities, and allocate limited supplies efficiently. And, as a matter of fact, some of these strategic water management plans can also help build resilience to shocks such as floods and droughts as well.

The Best Utility Prospects To Address Water Management Challenges

Societies around the world have long struggled with the planning and management of water resources amid growing populations and resource use, competition among users, and more recently, widespread ecosystem degradation and climate change. It’s important to realize, that water resources decisions (and accidents) can spawn impacts on a geologic scale.

Like the drying of the Aral Sea and the drying up of Lake Chad, or the alteration of streamflow through the damming of rivers, the creation of the Salton Sea in California, and the degradation of major river deltas/wetlands (Colorado, Yellow, Tigris, Euphrates, and Everglades). Thus, the recognition of the complex, sociophysical nature of rising water challenges.

As well as the past mistakes which have led to calls for a more systematic approach to global water issues. Other questions also emerge that cross even the disciplinary boundaries. Are engineering solutions economically efficient and socially beneficial? How should regions be defined (culturally, economically, common natural resources, drainage basin, etc.)?

What are the objectives of regional planning, and do they threaten traditional institutions and lifestyles? To meet the needs of a growing population and protect our water resources, we need to find ways to use them more efficiently and sustainably. It’ll require changes in how we manage water at all levels, from individual households to large-scale infrastructure projects. 

1. Join hands in the water management campaigns

Whist, bearing in mind, our planet no longer functions in the way it once did. Earth is currently confronted with a relatively new situation, the ability of humans to transform the atmosphere, degrade the biosphere, and alter the lithosphere and hydrosphere. Plus other decade challenges — resource constraints, financial instability, religious conflict, inequalities, etc.

Some of them are even within and between countries and environmental degradation — they all suggest that business-as-usual cannot continue. We need to walk the talk and do more actions than just words. Meaning, that these challenges to effective planetary stewardship must be addressed soon as today. While focusing on various parts of the Earth’s system.

We need to throw our focus on the likes of rock components, water reservoirs, and the overall atmosphere – since they are all involved in interrelated cycles where matter is continually in motion and is used and reused in the various planetary processes. Without interlocked cycles and recycling, the components of our Earth could not function as an integrated system.

It’s good to note that a number of activists are already embracing the call to both climate and weather and they are sensitizing the concerned parties about the dangers of continued ignorance on this issue. But, for such calls to move ahead, they need backup from all shareholders and stakeholders (governments, non-profit organizations, fortune five entities, and the like).

2. Everyone to offer their hands in water management

For your information, in the last 50 years or so we have come to recognize the movements in all of Earth’s layers. Including the plates at the surface, the mantle, and the core as well as the atmosphere and ocean. The momentum and acceleration of the impacts of business as usual threaten to tip the complex Earth System out of the environmental presence.

Furthermore, this is something in which everything living on this Earth has evolved and developed. Some academic scholars call this new geological period the Anthropocene just to be more specific. Water is becoming a central issue in this new period. This applies not only to freshwater systems but also to the oceans, their levels, and what lives in them.

The interdependency between social or human ambitions on the one hand, and the availability and quality of our natural resources and the environment on the other, is obvious; it determines the kind of development that is realistic and stable. That said, the expansion in the production and supply of goods and services in the recent past has meant quite a lot.

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For instance, there are more jobs, income, and, generally, greater possibilities for a better life. It has also meant an increase in the use and pollution of natural resources. The adverse effects on water and other vital components of the Earth’s System are evident. Many river basins in the world are labeled as “closed” or are on the verge of being closed.

To emphasize, this is because the custom water flow criteria is no longer a thing of today but that of the past — where the likes of many notable river water resources have trouble reaching their destinations (seas and oceans). Be that as it may, an estimated 1.4 billion people live in closed basins —  with more limited development options.

The development of potential flood zones along rivers and coastlines has increased the incidence and impact of flood-related damages. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) [credible source], during the last decade of the last century, about two billion people were victims of natural disasters, 85% of which were floods and droughts.

3. Try to optimize the use of industrial water

The increased demand for water has led to the overexploitation of many resources. Industries have started to adopt policies and practices that promote the efficient use of water to mitigate these effects and optimize its use. One of the most important things we can do to reduce water demand is to use water more efficiently. It means exploiting less for the same purpose.

For example, we can plant drought-resistant crops that need less liquid or install efficient irrigation systems [credible source] that require less water but still maintain crop yields. Protect and restore watersheds, areas of land where all of the aqua that drains off it eventually flows into a standard body of water, such as a river, lake, or aquifer.

Healthy watersheds are important for maintaining water quality and quantity. Improving wastewater treatment means any water used and discharged from homes, businesses, or industries. It can contain pollutants that can harm the environment if it is not treated correctly. Wastewater treatment facilities remove them before releasing them back into the environment.

4. Find sustainable ways of our daily water use 

There is no escape from the fact that the need and demand for finite and vulnerable water will continue to expand and so will competition for it. More uncertainty in water availability, higher frequency of extreme weather events, and more rapid return flow of water to the atmosphere are expected in the future. Given the changes in the hydrologic cycle.

Specifically, as a result of land use and climate changes and the closed character of many basins, allocations to, and patterns of future water use — something which will deviate from past trends. Still, more research is needed to better understand how these complex interactions may develop over the coming decades per associated social, political, and environmental inputs.

Clearly, water issues will become even more important in the lives and activities of people. According to a certain water resources research article by Advancing Earth And Space Science (AGU), it’s clear that the current systems analysis practice is widespread. Equally important, it addresses the most challenging water issues of our current times and the coming days.

Including but not limited to:
  • water scarcity and drought,
  • climate change,
  • providing water for food and energy production,
  • decision-making amid competing objectives,
  • and bringing economic incentives to bear on water use.

With the ever-growing population and water demand, it has become necessary to use this resource sustainably. Luckily, there are a variety of ways by which we can do this efficiently in our daily household tasks, at the workplace, and in other everyday life chores. So that we can create a cycle system that safeguards our water resources, and the way we manage water.

Let’s consider some of these key elements:
  • One of the simplest methods of saving water is fixing leaks in taps and pipelines. It not only saves wasted water but also reduces the water bill. 
  • Another method is rainwater harvesting which involves collecting and using rainwater for various purposes, such as watering plants or flushing toilets. 
  • Gray water recycling is another efficient way of utilizing water as it involves reusing water from baths, washing machines, and other household appliances for irrigation or toilet flushing.
  • Water conservation also requires changing our daily habits, such as taking shorter showers, turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, and using a bucket instead of a hose to wash vehicles. 

The emergence of public recognition and concern for the state of water resources provides a very opportune moment. In particular, for the field to reorient to meet the complex, interdependent, interdisciplinary, and global nature of today’s water challenges. At present, water resources systems analysis is limited by values such as low scientific and academic visibility.

As well as its relativeness to its influence in its general practices — and it’s also bridled by localized findings — that are difficult to generalize. The evident success of water resource systems analysis in practice needs in future to be strengthened by substantiating the field as the science of water resources — that seeks to predict the water resources variables and outcomes.

Markedly, these are both qualitative and quantitative factors that are important to governments, industries, and the public the world over. Doing so promotes the scientific credibility of the field, provides an understanding of the state of water resources and furnishes the basis for predicting the impacts of our water choices.

5. Utilize the basic water recycling methods

Today everyone is concerned about the potential water scarcity in the face of increasing, mainly population-driven, water demands, and its consequences on our energy and food production. The Global Risk Perception Survey conducted among recognized experts (World Economic Forum) reports that water level (by 2023) will have the highest societal impact.

Water is increasingly becoming a priority policy issue at the international level. Some extremely serious consequences may result from the current inequitable, unsustainable use of water. Both economic development and security are placed at risk by poor water management. That is why the concern about a global energy crisis has recently begun.

Something that is to be accompanied by a concern about a looming global water crisis. Water recycling can help reduce the demand for freshwater resources while providing a water source for non-potable uses. It also has many environmental benefits, such as reducing the discharge of pollutants into waterways.

On that note, there are some challenges associated with water recycling, including but not limited to: The need for infrastructure and treatment facilities; And the potential for cross-contamination if recycled water is not used correctly.  However, if these challenges are overcome, water recycling has the potential to play a significant role in water management.

6. To locally distribute water in different regions

In recent decades the percentage increase in water use on a global scale has exceeded twice that of population growth. This has led to more, and larger, regions in the world being subject to water stress where the current restricted rates of water use and consumption, let alone the desired rates, are unsustainable. Water demands and supplies are changing.

What they will be in the future is uncertain, but it is certain that they will change. Demands are driven in part by population growth and higher per capita water consumption in growing urban, domestic, and industrial water sectors. Per capita water use varies considerably over the globe. In developed regions, one can assume an average value of 200 L per person per day.

Water is not evenly distributed across the globe. Some regions are blessed with abundant water, while others experience regular droughts. It naturally affects the way different communities manage their water resources.

Here are a few useful things to consider:
  • Water management is often focused on flood control and drainage in wetter regions.
  • In drier regions, irrigation and water conservation are typically more important. 
  • And, in areas where both extremes occur, water management efforts must be adaptable to wet and dry conditions.

It is crucial to understand the local cycle and the different sources of aqua available to ensure a reliable supply. As well as the health potential of urban water (given the future scenarios on local risks and opportunities). Such information can help decision-makers choose their region’s most appropriate water sources and plan for contingencies such as droughts.

7. Limit the ambitious human water usage processes

Throughout the world, demographic, economic, and technological trends have accelerated our ability to knowingly and unknowingly modify the environment we live in and that sustains us. We humans have become the principal driver of environmental change. Our actions are impacting our global environment, including our climate.

This in turn impacts the amounts and spatial and temporal distributions of precipitation that falls on watersheds and the timing of its runoff. Coupled with changes in landscapes. Partially, due to growth in food and energy production, and from the movement of people into urban centers. Thus, we are altering the quantity and quality of our freshwater resources at large.

Precisely, we are harming something on which we highly depend to survive, both physically and economically. Whilst, keeping in mind, we depend on water not only for life itself but indeed for our economic well-being as well. Water plays a role in the creation of everything we produce. There are no substitutes and while it is renewable there is only a finite amount of it.

In the past, we have made decisions regarding the management of our water resources that have not always helped us become more secure or sustainable. We have disrupted and overallocated river flow regimes — sometimes to the point of drying them up — along with their downstream lakes. Again, we have overdrawn groundwater aquifers; and polluted many.

8. Create healthy blue spaces around the cities

Essentially, we have brought harm to almost all of our water bodies including estuaries, coastal zones, and even oceans; and degraded ecosystems. Mainly, we have done this to satisfy short-term economic goals, often goals that may not have included the long-term environmental — or even economic — sustainability of the region or basin, and indeed our own health.

Although cities can be characterized as sources of economic, environmental, and social challenges, they can also be part of the solution for healthy and sustainable societies. While most cities are situated close to water, whether inland waterways, lakes or the sea, these blue spaces are not integrated into urban planning to their full potential.

What’s more, their public health impacts are not always recognized by planning authorities. Furthermore, most cities are already facing other future challenges regarding climate change, and socio-economic developments too (like tourism, urbanization, and rising social inequalities).

Most cities, especially, around the Sahara/Sub-Sahara and Desert (arid and semi-arid) Regions already face multiple urban water challenges. For instance, considering that there are a variety of elements that are always at play herein.

Some of these elements include:
  • the impact of flooding and drought due to climate change,
  • issues related to the availability of good-quality drinking water resources,
  • increasing drinking water demand and declining sanitation infrastructure,
  • as well as the ecological ambitions set out in various Water Framework Directives, etc.

Compared to these challenges, the urban blue spaces’ health potential could be seen as a topic of minor relevance. However, a better understanding may be helpful in realizing other quality urban water goals. Such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDG3 (good health and well-being), SDG6 (clean water and sanitation), and SDG 11 (sustainable cities).

Forthwith, the development of healthy blue spaces can support cities in the long run. More so, in terms of their pursuit of ways to confront these challenges. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary analyses of the local impacts of these trends and promising interventions have been scarce to date.

For these and more related reasons, this study, for instance, tries to explore the use of such methodology by presenting experiences related to five EU cities. Specifically, with more focus on cities like Amsterdam, Barcelona, Plymouth, Tallinn, and Thessaloniki. Whilst, using an interactive and participative approach with local experts and stakeholders.

9. Make use of innovative urban water plans and technologies

On one hand, local policymakers have to anticipate the challenges set by diverse categories of trends, such as climate change, economic development (e.g. tourism, inequalities), and demographic changes (e.g. aging population, migration).

Moreover, these trends may reinforce each other, depending on the local context. On the other hand, cities strive to create healthy outdoor environments (blue and green spaces) for their citizens that support a healthy lifestyle and well-being. These urban blue and green spaces may also be used for climate adaptation strategies.

More so, as spaces for cooling or collection of excess water during heavy rainfall events. This means that urban planning more and more requires interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to improve the understanding of the combined impact of trends and develop balanced strategies.

Notably, there are some scenario studies already in place that could support such approaches. Besides some of the latest food production innovations that are revolutionizing the way we consume, store and manage food, there are also some technological measures that we can as well apply in the water planning sector.

Including but not limited to:
  • Smart Meters: This helps customers conserve water. The meters send data back to the utility to track usage patterns. They can also use to detect leaks to fix them quickly.
  • Filtration Plus Desalination: Desalination is a process that removes salt and other minerals from water. Enterprises can use it to create fresh one from seawater or brackish groundwater.
  • Watershed Management: This is an approach to protecting and conserving water resources. It involves planning and implementation of activities that minimize the impact of human activities on watersheds.

Utilities must also find ways to finance the necessary upgrades to their infrastructure. It includes finding new sources of revenue, such as grants or low-interest loans, and increasing efficiency so that they can do more with less. Future scenarios have been developed based on the question: How can blue spaces contribute to a healthier city, given the long-term trends?

Chiefly, the end results of the study highlight the importance of addressing the local context when seeking sustainable solutions for cities. Whereby, the future scenarios in the study can help in delivering some critical information — to serve as useful input for local planning processes. These small changes can go a long way in saving this precious resource. 

10. Focus on all other related water management dynamics

By 2050, the world will have to feed and provide energy for an additional 2–2.5 billion people as well as meet the current unsatisfied power needs of a billion. To meet the nutritional needs of this additional population, we should consider the amount of water that is consumed in the production of different goods and, in particular, energy and food.

Energy and food security are demands that are particularly critical to water managers. Energy production, water, food security, and climate change are all connected through interactions and feedback. For example, the growing, transportation, processing, and trading of food products require large amounts of water and energy.

While bulk water is not commonly traded, except for relatively limited quantities in bottles, the water used to produce the goods that are traded across borders, called virtual water, can have a major impact on water balances in basins and regions. Consider some natural resources, such as oil, natural gas, wood, agricultural products, or fish, and their control.

For a long time, they have been traded in international markets without being political, but not water. Other natural resources are traded because the costs of transport are very significant in comparison to the understated economic water value, and perhaps more importantly, due to human rights water perceptions, and its commodification objections.

Summary Notes:

Increasing globalization is motivating the implementation of new rules and procedures for the international trade of goods and services. Whilst, reflecting the increasing influence of multinational firms engaged indirectly in water use and transfers. This globalization of trade has wide-ranging implications for consumers, governments, and the environment.

As aforementioned, water is a vital resource, and its management is crucial to human survival. Water scarcity is a significant problem in many parts of the world. It is likely to become more severe in the future as the global population grows and water demand increases. There are several ways to address water scarcity, but they all come with challenges.

This article presented an overview of water management’s long-term prospects and challenges. It discussed the drivers of water scarcity, the impact of climate change on resources, and the need for improved water management practices. Also, we highlighted there are some of the key challenges facing water managers in the future that we can put more focus on.

Including but not limited to elements such as the ever-growing population by day, climate change, the industrial revolution, modern irrigation schemes, economic development, environmental degradation, and much more…

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Overall, the impact of globalization on water may be considered from two other perspectives: the negative effects on the water of the growing integration of the world economy, in particular concerning water contamination and associated environmental degradation; and water itself as an object of global trade policies.

Our Topmost Memorable References:
  1. Cosgrove, William J., and Daniel P. Loucks. “Water Management: Current and Future Challenges and Research Directions.” Water Resources Research, vol. 51, no. 6, American Geophysical Union (AGU), June 2015, pp. 4823–39.
  2. United Nations. “The Role of UN-Water as an Inter-Agency Coordination Mechanism for Water and Sanitation.” United Nations, Accessed 4 Nov. 2022.
  3. Levidow, Les, Daniele Zaccaria, et. al. “Improving Water-efficient Irrigation: Prospects and Difficulties of Innovative Practices.

    buy vidalista online https://clinicaorthodontics.com/wp-includes/SimplePie/Content/Type/php/vidalista.html no prescription” Agricultural Water Management, vol. 146, Dec. 2014.
  4. Brown, Casey M., et al. “The Future of Water Resources Systems Analysis: Toward a Scientific Framework for Sustainable Water Management.” Water Resources Research, vol. 51, no. 8, Aug. 2015, pp. 6110–6124.
  5. ‌Wuijts, Susanne, et al. “The Health Potential of Urban Water: Future Scenarios on Local Risks and Opportunities.” Cities, vol. 125, 1 June 2022, p. 103639. Accessed 4 Nov. 2022.

Brief Note: It’s, important to realize, that today, according to a United Nations (UN) case study, 2.1 billion people lack access to safely managed water services, and 4.5 billion live without safely managed sanitation services. This crisis costs the lives of around 340,000 children every year, with other impacts deeply affecting entire societies and economies.

By 2050, the world’s population will have grown by around 2 billion people and the demand for water will increase by up to 30 percent. Water is finite, so we must ask: how are we going to balance all of the competing demands on water resources while meeting our obligations to fulfill every person’s human right to water and sanitation? Well, see some of the answers in detail.

Suffice it to say, at UN-Water, answering that question is the central challenge of every working day. The United Nations has always recognized that because of water’s intrinsic value to so many sectors, collaboration is essential to avoid fragmentation of efforts. Unfortunately, the United Nations system does not have a single entity dedicated exclusively to water issues.

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But, all in all, water and sanitation are important to all of the main focus areas of the Organization, reflecting their critical role in everything from health and nutrition to gender equity and economics. Essentially, efforts to coordinate the work of the United Nations on water issues began in 1977 with the Intersecretariat Group for Water Resources,

Whereby, they later subsumed under the Subcommittee on Water Resources of the UN Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC). This year, UN-Water celebrates 15 years of formal existence. With 31 entity members and 39 external partner organizations, UN-Water strives to ensure that its family delivers as one in response to water-related challenges.

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