The Topmost Powerful YouTube Trends Plus Tips For Marketers

For YouTube Trends, we analyzed the content and creators that broke through in 2022 to uncover the global insights and themes we believe will help define consumer trends in 2023. Based on what we found, we’ve identified ways marketers can take inspiration from successful creators — to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with their audiences.

According to an Ipsos survey, 65% of Gen Z agree that content that’s personally relevant to them is more important than the content that lots of other people talk about. For instance, have a look at the Source information: Culture and Trends Report 2021, and then let us know: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of these user-based statements?

Over the past 12 months… Some say that they have used YouTube to help them feel connected with others over the past 12 months [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]. On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted an online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Egypt. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

Over the past 12 months… ”I have used YouTube to help feel connected with others over the past 12 months [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]” That said, let’s have a look at some of the topmost YouTube trends of 2022 that marketers can learn from. So, that they can emulate them and create better to make more money from YouTube…

What Marketers Can Learn From The Most Powerful YouTube Trends 

According to the latest Sprout Social Index™, more than half of consumers anticipate using YouTube in the coming year, trailing only Facebook. It’s also the second-most visited website globally, behind it’s brother website — Google (search engine platform). There are many compelling reasons for marketers to incorporate YouTube into their strategies.

And one of them is that a huge number of people spend a great deal of time there. In the US alone, 62% of YouTube users access the platform on a daily basis — they spend an average of nearly half an hour consuming content. So, with that in mind, what’s hot on this particular platform for marketers to emulate from — YouTube trends at the end of this year?

Well, to answer that question, in the next few minutes of this blog, we’ll seek to offer insights into the topmost current and emerging YouTube trends you need to know. So that you can easily and quickly start to fuel your video marketing strategy — better late than never, right? Of course, YES, YouTube is a jewel in any marketer’s crown, if it were to be crowned.

But, like on all social networks, trends on YouTube come and go — the challenge lies in keeping track of which are on the rise, which are currently making waves, and which are already on their way out. Fortunately, this list will help you in a very great way as a YouTuber or any other digital content marketer. Please, don’t forget to thank us later if it works out!

The Topmost Powerful YouTube Trends For More Marketing Success

To begin with, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you are probably aware that vertical short-form video is king in the content world. If you yourself are not binging the TikTok App to consume its array of videos daily, then you likely know a Gen Zer or even someone else who is. Or maybe Instagram Reels are more your speed?

Not forgetting, Facebook Watch is also yet another preferred joint.  And this movement isn’t a fluke. In fact, consumers prefer short-form video 2.5x more than long-form. With the popularity of TikTok and Instagram, YouTube is now getting in on the action with its newly released feature, YouTube Shorts, which is already garnering 15 billion daily views.

To increase user engagement, even fortune-five brands such as Spotify uses YouTube trends as their source. Especially, using Shorts to promote events and promote or repurpose podcast content. The brand published a series of Shorts (to promote its booth at VidCon 2022) detailing the environment and the experience for those who could not attend in person.

This new mobile-first feature allows the platform to capitalize on the fact that — according to some recently done data result statistics in this case– 70% of its viewership comes from mobile devices. For brands, this current YouTube trend provides a great way to get in front of new users and increase your following. But, there are more ways to up your game.

1. Leverage the power of the YouTube communities

One of the most successful YouTube Trends in regard to marketing show an understanding of what motivates an audience to engage. That’s why it’s important to value online communities and understand how they can amplify and strengthen your messages — many creators are excelling at this. The top YouTube content of 2022 demonstrates this as well.

In particular, it showcases how well creators can inspire active engagement in their communities through moments that capture public attention. In the U.K., for example, British YouTubers @Sidemen brought together audiences from many top creators to raise over $1 million during their charity football match in regard to YouTube trends in time.

Meanwhile, in the U.S., American creator @MrBeast made YouTube’s 2022 year-end list of top 10 creators with a Willy Wonka-themed challenge video, featuring contestants from his fan base. And in Germany, the continued success of collaboration duo 7 vs. Wild can be partly attributed to their viewers, who share their takes in scores of reaction videos.

Key Note: 55% of Gen Z agree that they watch content that no one they know personally is interested in.

Across moments and geographies, viewers are forging connections with communities online that they may not interact with elsewhere. Indeed, 55% of Gen Z agree that they watch content that no one they know personally is interested in.

The takeaway for marketers here is to find ways to encourage participation from online groups who have specific personal interests and lean into them. By doing so, you can create brand moments with greater impact and meaning.

2. Utilize more live videos + creator-led content

Most consumers rank live video as the third-most engaging content type, according to the Sprout Social Index™. Plus, in an era of social distancing, these real-time videos can help take the place of live events. In 2020, 70% of people watched an event live on YouTube. Viewers also stick with live videos a whopping 10-20x longer than pre-recorded content.

That gives you a lot more time to make an impression. And brands also have the ability to interact with their audiences in real-time, building community by asking and answering questions.

Key Note: Consumers are never going to trust brand-created content as much as they will creator-led content.

Perse, creators humanize brands — they offer their own real-world perspectives, which come off as less promotional and more engaging. Good creators understand and connect with their audiences — it makes those viewers trust them. It’s no surprise that YouTube audiences are 17% more loyal to top influencers than they are to media companies.

That’s why the creator economy is such a buzzword in the industry today. Brands that want to optimize their social strategies are pouring money into partnerships with key influencers. In fact, a YouTube video posted by a creator could cost brands anywhere from $200 to $425. In 2022, the Coachella music festival live-streamed both events on weekends.

This not only brought the energy of the in-person event to people around the world but also gave at-home viewers access to exclusive promotions and artist interviews.

3. Try to meet the target audiences on their turf

In 2022, audience interest spanned multiple formats and content categories, and their preferences often changed based on their mindset and the moment. While this trend may seem like an obstacle, it presents a great opportunity for marketers to follow the lead of creators who successfully reach new audiences by meeting them where they are.

In the past year, creators who told stories across multiple formats had the fastest-growing audiences. For instance, Indonesian swimmer Timotius Mulyadi, whose long-form videos usually clock in at over eight minutes long, experimented with 60-second swimming tutorials, which made him one of his country’s breakout creators last year.

Key Note: Engaging audiences successfully in one format often means they’ll follow you from screen to screen.

The fact is, engaging audiences successfully in one format often means that viewers will follow you from screen to screen. Our research shows that 59% of Gen Z agree that they use short-form video apps to discover things that they then watch longer versions of. Even Shakira successfully capitalized on this behavior when she promoted her new release.

Specifically, the release of her latest song with Rauw Alejandro, “Te Felecito.” Instead of simply launching the music video, she used a series of Shorts to excite fans and encourage them to watch the full video experience. First, she sparked curiosity by inserting teasers from her new video into the YouTube thumbnails of her all-time classic videos.

Then she released a preview of her new video on YouTube Shorts too. Finally, she launched a group of Shorts that taught viewers how to do the video’s choreography, which sparked a new dance challenge. This creative use of multiformat content helped her music video become the sixth most-watched in Mexico in 2022 according to YouTube Music trends.

4. Respond to (and anticipate) YouTube trends and brand storytelling

If you’re serious about making YouTube a major part of your brand’s social media strategy, it’ll be important for you to stay up to date on the most current trends. It’ll defeat the purpose of carving out a presence on the network if you consistently post content that’s outdated or behind the times. However, there are some types of YouTube content that are fairly timeless.

In such a way that they can be folded into your strategy seamlessly. Likewise, when it comes to brand storytelling, consumers like stories. We are more likely to remember and respond to them than mere facts or declarative statements. Brands that use storytelling well connect with their audiences around shared values and experiences.

It helps to convey authenticity (another critical brand attribute). One of the best ways to make sure you hit the mark is by developing a brand based on voice-of-customer feedback. Using social listening tools to keep track of rapidly shifting consumer expectations and preferences (and deliver upon them) can help your brand stand out among similar businesses.

Meeting your audience where they also mean speaking their language, sometimes quite literally. MrBeast showed up on top creator lists in Brazil and France by using dubbed language channels. Meanwhile, Brazilian creator @Jooj Natu’s English-language channel helped him extend his reach into the U.S. and Canada.

While marketers can take inspiration from the multiformat success of these creators, they can also engage with new audiences in a very simple and attainable way. According to a Google study, adding a vertical creative asset to a video action campaign delivered 10% to 20% more conversions per dollar on YouTube Shorts than using landscape assets alone.

5. Relaxing or comforting content + YouTube for the TV

Let’s be honest, over the last few years, many of us have leaned hard into comfort content to take our minds off the negative news cycle. Bridgerton, anyone? This phenomenon is true on YouTube, too. People are turning to the network for videos that can help them relax or feel comforted. The vast majority (83%) of Gen Z have used YouTube videos to relax.

While 69% say they return to content or creators that feel comfortable with them. Whether this means you’re following along with Yoga with Adriene, watching waves roll in on a beach in Bora Bora, or just hanging out with some online friends, YouTube communities can go a long way toward helping us all decompress from the stress of daily life.

Similarly, the YouTube app has been available on televisions for quite some time, basically since the advent of Roku. Not to be confused with YouTube TV, which allows subscribers to watch live TV from more than 85 channels, the TV app seeks to replicate the functionality of a desktop or mobile YouTube, with both short- and long-form videos at your fingertips.

In December 2020, more than 120 million people watched YouTube on their TVs. And, as part of its 2022 roadmap, YouTube shared its plans to enhance that functionality, streamline the user interface and make it easier to sync the mobile and big-screen viewing experiences. Many YouTube users engage with videos on their mobile devices.

More so, while watching the same content on TV in that case. Brands can make the most of this trend by tapping into interactive YouTube features that keep viewers’ attention on your content, particularly long-form and live videos.

6. Gaming and community content + 360-degree video

In 2021, YouTube saw 800 billion gaming-related video views, 90 million hours of gaming livestreams, and more than 250 million gaming videos uploaded. Even if you’re not a gaming brand, there are lessons to be learned from the popularity of this type of content. People want to engage deeply and connect with others who share the same things they are.

While it might seem strange at first to consider watching someone else play a video game (instead of playing it yourself), a certain Google survey found that “reactions” and “commentary” from YouTube gamers are major reasons people tune in to watch this kind of content. With more than 1K subscribers on the app, you’ll have access to the Community tab.

Eventually, which allows you to carve out a dedicated forum for your audience. Think of it almost like a Facebook or Instagram feed within your YouTube channel. On the other side, you can also consider the 360-degree video features. Though introduced about seven years ago, 360-degree video is having a moment in 2022.

Key Note: Just imagine being invited to hang out with a famous musician and a small group of his closest friends on a private beach. Essentially, that’s the experience created with this video.

According to another survey, nine out of 10 Gen Zers say they watch YouTube videos to feel like they’re in a different place. What can brands take from this? Consumers are looking to immerse themselves in content that is transportive. If you’re new to 360-degree video, it works the same as a 360-degree image. Drag your mouse where you want the video to move.

In particular, with the ability to view it in any direction you choose. What elements of your brand would people want to dive feet-first into? Your answer to that question might provide insight into a perfect topic for a 360-degree YouTube video.

7. Take the time to create innovative, fun YouTube Shorts

In the past, viral short-form videos often resulted from accidental, random moments captured on camera. Today, YouTube Shorts are less off-the-cuff and more crafted and intentional. They attract the largest audiences and are designed to recreate the spontaneous feel of those older videos, with deliberate moments of surprise and delight.

For creative inspiration, marketers can look to circus acrobat Jake Hinga, who found the YouTube Shorts great success by capturing him and his friends undertaking elaborate trampoline challenges at large. To have an idea of how YouTube Shorts really works, you can have a look at the quick tutorial video guide below to learn more first.

Alternatively, they can see how Chris Ivan, the king of toilet plunger trick shots, reached 80 million views by collaborating with restaurant businesses, Dave & Busters, and the like. The best short-form videos embrace the format’s strength and encourage people to watch them again and again.  But, Shorts don’t need to seem spontaneous to be successful.

Last year, comedy creators attracted audiences with character-driven sketches and parodies. Take Germany’s Anna Strigl, who encouraged environmental activism, particularly, in one of the country’s most viewed Shorts of the year.  The most important takeaway for marketers is that the best short-form videos embrace the format’s strength.

It also encourages people to watch them again and again. What does this mean exactly? According to a list of top creator tips, one major thing marketers need to do is give their Shorts an immediate hook. Eventually, the first one to two seconds is the most important. That hook better is visually, audibly, and intellectually irresistible.

In Conclusion:

Leveraging communities, meeting audiences where they are, and creating innovative Shorts aren’t just YouTube strategies. Rather, they’re a reflection of the way audience expectations are evolving. Those who incorporate these actions will empower themselves to successfully connect with the right audiences at the right moments in 2023 and beyond.

Equally important, social commerce functionality has been a major focus for many of the top platforms over the last few years. It’s been predicted that social commerce will be a $1.2 trillion industry by 2025, and every network is vying for its piece of the pie. One research found that 68% of people have already made a purchase directly via social perse.

While, in the same fashion, a staggering 98% are expected to do so in 2023 and beyond. YouTube is no exception — the network continues to expand its capabilities in this new arena. In regard to eCommerce, back in July 2022, YouTube announced a partnership with Shopify that will make it easier for sellers to manage their products and stores.

Not forgetting, they have even introduced a new area in the Explore tab that will allow social shoppers to easily find relevant content. Another major YouTube video trend, live shopping is also an option for any brands or creators who want to tag their favorite products when they go live. So, what else do you think needs a space in our YouTube trends guide?

Kindly let us know in our comments section down below. But, don’t forget that our great team of Digital Online Web Experts is always ready to sort you out whenever a need arises. Just make sure that you Get In Touch With Us at any time to let us know how we can come in handy. We’ll be glad to see you succeed, especially, as a YouTuber in order to earn more.

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