5 Quick Tips On Reducing Anxiety With Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are among the most discussed topics in today’s world, where many people struggle with stress, anxiety, and depression. These practices help us become more aware of the present moment.   

Research shows that mindfulness and meditation have many other positive effects. These include better concentration and attention, less stress, better sleep, and more joy, which helps reduce negative emotions.   

If you are reading this article, there’s a good chance you could benefit from incorporating mindfulness into your life. Read on for five tips on how to reduce anxiety with mindfulness and meditation. 

  1. 1. Set Intentions

There are many types of anxiety disorders, which means everyone who suffers from anxiety should have their own goals. When you meditate, you should set an intention for why you’re doing it. This can be something like reducing your fear of public speaking or dealing with panic attacks. By setting goals, you can identify pain points and better connect with them. Your intention can be silent, or you can say it out loud.  


If you set an intention before you start meditating, you’ll be more likely to focus on what you want to accomplish and be more likely to reap the benefits of meditation. If you’ve trouble keeping your mind from wandering, try natural herbal supplements like CBD to help you focus better.   



The cannabinoids found in CBD oil may interact with receptors in our bodies and affect various physiological processes. Effects may include: 


  • Reducing anxiety and stress. 
  • Improving sleep quality. 
  • Boosting the immune system. 
  • Improving mood. 
  • Improving concentration and attention. 


CBD vape pens UK have made it easy for people to incorporate CBD into their daily lives for various wellness benefits. All you need to do is buy premium pens from a reputable brand.  

  1. 2. Practice Guided Meditation and Mindfulness

If you don’t have any experience with mindfulness and meditation, you might want to try a guided meditation. These are often available as audio or video files you can download to your phone or computer. Videos are especially beneficial if you’re new to meditation, as they can help you avoid falling asleep or becoming too restless while trying to meditate. They can be handy when dealing with anxiety or depression, as they can help you focus more easily on your breath and the present moment. 

  1. 3. Breathing Exercises


Breathing is an essential part of life; when we are anxious, we react by breathing faster and harder. Therefore, breathing is an integral part of your mindfulness and meditation practice. The exercise can be done while sitting or standing.  


The exercise can help you focus on the present moment and reduce feelings of anxiety. To do this, breathe slowly and deeply through your nose. The simplest breathing exercise is to count your breaths. First, count to five and hold each breath for a second or two. Then begin counting again. This will help you slow your breathing and calm down. 


Breathing exercises can help you focus on the present moment. Try focusing on your breath instead of the feelings of anxiety. This can help you stay in the moment and reduce feelings of anxiety. 

  1. 4. Create A Ritual

Meditation is more effective when you make it a habit. If you have difficulty making a habit of meditating, it can be helpful to establish a ritual around meditation.  


Choose a time to meditate and stick to it. For most people, the morning before the day begins with its distractions is suitable, but whether you do it at lunch, after work, or before bed, try to be consistent. 


Find a place to meditate each day. It’s not a must to sit in a lotus position or even on the floor; instead, find a comfortable position where you can sit upright and not be too distracted.   

A ritual can also be as simple as lighting a few candles before beginning meditation or burning incense. You can use a diffuser or scented candles to create a scent that you associate with calm. 


You can also try to set up your meditation space to create a special feeling.  

  1. 5. Take A Walk Outside


Mindful walking is another way to practice mindfulness and reduce anxiety, but many people don’t practice it enough. While it can walk indoors, most people are calmer and more relaxed outside. You can walk in your neighborhood or in a park.  


Walking outside can also be a great way to clear your mind, as it helps relieve stress and anxiety. While walking, try to notice everything around you. This includes your surroundings and the sounds around you. Try to focus on these things instead of letting your mind wander.  


Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools that can help you reduce anxiety and live a healthier, happier life. When you first start using these practices, it may take some time to master them. You may not see results immediately, but you’ll experience the benefits with practice. Try making meditation a part of your daily routine with the help of these tips, and you’ll likely start seeing the benefits much sooner. 

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