The Value Of Manga | Why Some People Love It And Some Don’t

Creativity is at the heart of every culture, and one of the most important ways that culture develops is through the development of new ways of using existing materials. For example, in some cultures, photography and literature are also important ways to develop creativity. In other cultures, such as Japan, manga is very much a part of everyday culture even it is also included in computer questions asked in Japan.

But why do some people love it and some don’t? Manga is a form of comic books that have been popular in Japan since the beginning of the 20th century and now many high graphics manga games are also developed to play on PCs with a powerful processor for gaming. In the West, this means that many of the people who like it are probably also into some form of animation. However, not all people love manga books. There are some that would love to watch anime series rather than reading manga books.

What kinds of people like manga?

There are two main types of people who like Manga PFP and Luffy PFP: those who like it for its ideas and those who like it for its readability. The ideas in a manga are what make it interesting and what makes it fun to read. Those who like it for its ideas usually enjoy it for the plot, the art, and the ideas behind the art. Those who like it for its readability usually enjoy it because they find the language easy to read and the writing style easy to understand.

If you answered yes to both of these questions, you might enjoy reading manga and find it easy to understand. But there is one type of person who does not like manga and find it easy to read. This is the person who controls the reading flow when reading a Manga and reads everything in one sitting. The first type of person are the most excited when they read and they are very interested in what they are reading.

They are also the most terrifying when they read because they get the idea and it is not very interesting. This person is usually the one who controls the reading flow. The other type of person is the strange. They do not like to follow any kind of pattern in their reading and they prefer to read what they want to read at the same time.

Why some people love it and some don’t

Manga is not hard to love after all. It is a great piece of literature that anyone coming from any ages can read, enjoy, relate to and such. Manga are Japanese comics that is now continuously getting known to the world. Manga are graphic novels heavily influenced by Japanese culture, tradition, language with a mix of modern daily problems. It often depicts morals that one can keep in mind and use later on while dealing with life.

If they are younger than the average age of readers, they might enjoy reading a strip that features a popular character from the popular series they are watching. On the other side, if they are a little older and they are interested in reading and geeking out, they might enjoy reading a strip that features a less popular character from the same series they are reading.

Some individuals may not love manga because it would require them to read at the same time use their imagination. Those that don’t like manga go to watch anime series as it has colors, actions, and voice which would only require them to read the subtitles.

Which kind of person might enjoy manga?

There are many different types of manga readers. The type of person who likes it for its ideas and readability, while interesting, is a different type of reader who likes to devour the comic in one sitting. These people usually aren’t interested in very many characters or plotlines, but rather in the language, the writing style, and the story.

These people usually prefer to read manga in one sitting. If they are reading a series that they usually read in one sitting, they might enjoy reading a manga as an addition to their reading list.

Those that love to read manga books would be one of those people that would like to read and use their imagination on the different scenarios in manga panels. Because often manga are in black and white, those that are fond of manga are those that like less color on their screen which will require them to imagine the scenes in their minds. Manga also has a complete set of details of the story which are often adapted to anime series.

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Ways that Manga can help you make sense of the world

  • Character design – Characters from manga series often reflect a real life person’s problems in real life. The characters in manga shows how this kind of individuals deal with life problems. The characters of manga makes us aware of point of views that we’ve never been through. They show how mental health stigma can affect a person and how serious it is to be dealt.
  • Linguistic diversity – Many readers enjoy reading manga in different languages. This might be because the author is from a different country and they want their readers to feel as though they are reading a story from their own language. Or they might just like to read a lot of different languages. Manga books that are originally made from Japan can also be translated to other languages. By reading manga through small japanese phrases one can be aware of some basic words they can use if they’re dealing with a person with different language.
  • Thematic continuity – Due to the demographics that manga has, one can read a book where they can see the different approaches of individuals coming from an opposite gender and a specific age range. It is a great way to learn this things to be able to learn to understand their point of view.


Manga is a form of art and literature in one piece that everyone can enjoy. It creates awareness to readers of subjects that are considered taboos in the society. It let readers see the perspective of others and how this type of events should be dealt. You can read manga on online manga sites such as Mangago, Mangafreak, Reading Manga, Mangakakalot, and Mangaowl if you want to try out reading manga. These sites are free and compatible to any device. Dive more deeper in the art of manga by reading manga series that suit your interest.



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