Google Lighthouse

Why Hotlink Protection To Mitigate Website Hotlinking Matter

Hotlink Protection | How To Prevent Website From Hotlinking

Regarding cloud computing, Hotlink Protection is a security-based topology that prevents other websites from using your images. And as a result, this can significantly reduce the bandwidth consumed by your origin server. For instance, when Cloudflare receives an image request for your website, it will check to ensure the request did not originate from visitors on another website.
Read MoreHotlink Protection | How To Prevent Website From Hotlinking
What WordPress SEO In Website Content Audit Entails

WordPress SEO | Full Guide To Optimize Your Website Content

WordPress SEO is an act of test in isolation on the CMS root system to increase and improve the overall ranking of its built-in website. WordPress is one of the best content management systems when it comes to SEO. But, even though it gets a lot right “out of the box,” there’s still so much more that you can do to improve your web performance.
Read MoreWordPress SEO | Full Guide To Optimize Your Website Content
Why Care About Speed Index (SI) For Web Performance

Using Speed Index (SI) To Optimize & Improve Web Performance

Technically, the Speed Index (SI) is a determinant factor when it comes to measuring the overall website performance — it is all about making websites fast, including making slow processes seem fast. Generally, web performance refers to how quickly website features, like its layout and content load and render in any web browser, such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and the like.
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How Google Lighthouse Calculates Website Performance Score

How Google Lighthouse Calculates Website Performance Score

Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the performance, quality, and correctness of your overall website and application platforms. When auditing a page, Lighthouse runs a barrage of tests against the page and then generates a report on how well the page did. From here you can use the failing tests as indicators of what you can do to improve your app.
Read MoreHow Google Lighthouse Calculates Website Performance Score